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No more XBOX 360, I broke up with my XBOX 360 today (XBOX 360 can go to hell)


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I've had two 360's get the RROD. One of them recently.

Sent it back and I'm going to give my brother the replacement. I marched down to Circuit City and got a 360 Elite. I haven't had any troubles out of it and I've been told the newer models don't **** up as bad.

I've had a PS3 before but it was basically being used as just a Blu-Ray player.

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I have both. PS3 is used mainly as a Blu-Ray player with the occasional exclusive - (MGS4 and MLB 08 were awesome)

I've had to send my XBOX in once in the past 3 years and haven't had a problem since - it can be a hassle but the 360 is such an awesome gaming machine and XBOX Live is so good I can't really imagine getting rid of it at this point.

The PS3 online community just doesn't do it for me.

However, when Killzone 2 drops later this month I'll probably be playing the PS3 quite a bit more.

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Live was over-rated, slow, and filled with advertisements, hardly an experience. My best friend has a PS3, and it so polished, refined, and reliable (you cant even hear the thing running). The year extra in development made a quality system.

You're going to miss LIVE and friends list. Personally I didn't want to buy a 360. Most of the games I've loved through the years have been mostly on Nintendo and Sony systems. No doubt about it the PS3 is the better built console and it's got a great blu ray player built in. But for someone like me that's not interested in the extras and care more about gaming, I couldn't deny that the console that caters to the gamer the Most is the 360.

Cross game chat, invites and almost everyone having MICS. Sony and Nintendo need to get around to fixing this and making mics standard like the LIVE experience. Cheaper and you can play roughly the same third party games like the competition. You're saying your console is loud you can download your games to the hard drive and the dvd tray stops spinning. I've found out it's quieter than my 60gb launch PS3 console when it's fans start kicking in.

I've got nearly 50 friends on PSN, including some Extremeskin posters and we hardly talk to each other. It's like a ghost town and if I was Sony I'd make sure the PSN experience was almost exactly like the LIVE experience by letting my friends have Cross game chat, and voice invites. Surely it can't be that hard can it.

I agree with the RROD. Piss poor move by MIcrosoft on that part. Was the biggest reason why I waited so long to get a 360 was because of that exact problem. In my perfect world the PS3 would have kept bringing the awesome like the PS2 the Wii would have been my Nintendo exclusive console and the 360 would have been the console that I joked where the Halo shooter nuts played but sadly it didn't turn out that way. RPGs seem to be more on the 360, Wii seems to be getting good third party support, and the most hyped PS3 game right now is a freaking SHOOTER.......................................wtf, this whole gen is strange.

Anway here's my opinion on the consoles and what they offer.

Xbox360 Pros- Cheapest entry point console, Best online experience imo, Mics are pretty much the standard, good 1st/2nd party games with XBLA, and great third party support.

Xbox360 Cons- Pay for LIVE, RROD(no excuses), and Loud dvd drive playing straight from DVD.

PS3 Pros- Overall best built system, Free online, Blu Ray, Great 1st/2nd party games with PSN store, and great third party support.

PS3 Cons- Most expensive console........really that's all I got. Pretty awesome console for the rich.:)

Wii Pros- Pointer rules over sticks, free online arguably best 1st/2nd party games with best variety of old school games with VC, subpar/average third party support but getting better imo.

Wii Cons- Underpowered console that can't do Hi def, Waggle is pretty crappy for the most part, third parties ignored the system mostly but it's slowly changing, by far the worst online experience of the three....FACT.

This gen is still up in the air for me for the console I like most but I'm glad the most expensive console didn't fly with consumers. This should ensure when next gen hits the big three won't put out a console that's out of reach for most gamers. I still say if the PS3 came out at $399 this gen would be waaaaaaaay different. It would probably be Wii>>.PS3.>360 in most consoles sold instead of Wii>>>>>360>>PS3 right now.

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seriously, can someone explain how people go through more 360s than toilet paper?

I really have no idea. I've had my since launch day. It did Red ring on me when the Halo 3 beta came out. I took it apart, replaced the xclamps on the heatsinks for the CPU and GPU with nuts and bolts and it's worked flawlessly ever since. Between the guys I work with we've fixed about 10 - 15 xboxs like this. All it took was 5 bucks worth of screws, nuts, and washers.

I'm also not the fanboy so it's funny watching everybody fight the xbox/ps3 fight.

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I really have no idea. I've had my since launch day. It did Red ring on me when the Halo 3 beta came out. I took it apart, replaced the xclamps on the heatsinks for the CPU and GPU with nuts and bolts and it's worked flawlessly ever since. Between the guys I work with we've fixed about 10 - 15 xboxs like this. All it took was 5 bucks worth of screws, nuts, and washers.

I'm also not the fanboy so it's funny watching everybody fight the xbox/ps3 fight.

EE Times reported that the problems may have started in the graphics chip. Microsoft designed the chip in-house to cut out the traditional ASIC vendor with the goal of hoping to save money in ASIC design costs. After the multiple product failures, Microsoft went back to an ASIC vendor and had the chip redesigned so it would dissipate less energy into heat[19][20].

One possible cause of the General Hardware Error is cold soldering. The added mass of the CSP chips (including the GPU and CPU) absorb the heat flow that allows proper soldering of the lead-free solders on the motherboard, so the solder therefore never has properly melted underneath these chips, which can lead to voids (air bubbles) and weak spots in the solders. Because of prolonged constant temperature changes inside the console, the voids cause cracking. Some people claim this issue does not exist, and claim it is caused by a confusion over this issue. They have suggested that the dull appearance only suggests that the joints are cold soldered, as lead-free solders, even when properly soldered, take on a dull appearance that non-professionals might mistake for a cold solder joint (as the older lead/tin solder solder-joints became dull when not heated sufficiently). This suggestion is, however, rejected by the majority of experts. Lead-free solders also require a greater amount of heat (213 degrees celsius) to solder properly when compared to older lead/tin solders (185 degrees celsius) which compounds the problem.[21]

Source: Wiki

I've seen that on you tube and apparently it does a good job, I wonder if Microsoft is doing that now?

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How exactly do you do this for us newbs? What menu do you need to be in?

Insert a disc. Go to the My Xbox section where you would launch the game. Hit Y. Then go to "install to hard drive".

Takes up quite a bit of space so I'd make sure you have a 60 GB or 120 GB hard drive.

You still have to have the disc in to play the game but it loads from the hard drive. It's quieter than a PS3 that way.:)

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Source: Wiki

I've seen that on you tube and apparently it does a good job, I wonder if Microsoft is doing that now?

I find it really hard to believe the cold solder theory, as someone who works in the SMT industry I can say that things definitely do get trickier when you get involved with lead free products but there's no way a product like that could make it out of any decent factory with cold solder joints. Now if they were built someplace really ****ty with bad quality controls then yeah, but cold solder is a pretty easy fix by tweaking reflow oven temperatures.

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Insert a disc. Go to the My Xbox section where you would launch the game. Hit Y. Then go to "install to hard drive".

Takes up quite a bit of space so I'd make sure you have a 60 GB or 120 GB hard drive.

You still have to have the disc in to play the game but it loads from the hard drive. It's quieter than a PS3 that way.:)

Sucks to be me and my 20GB drive I guess lol.

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I've had a 360 since July 07 (bought used, so manufactured April 06). I haven't had any problems with it. Maybe frozen up twice in all the time I owned it, but simple restart and then worked fine. I have 18 Xbox 360 games.

I got a PS3 in April 08 mainly for its Blu-ray ability. It's frozen up 5-6 times. Again, reboot and back to normal. I have 1 PS3 game, and 40+ Blu-rays

I've had my PS3 since January 07 and the only times its ever frozen up on me were playing Madden 07 and it always happened the exact same way. EA is not exactly renowned for its quality control, so I tend not to view it as a problem specific to the console itself.

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seriously, can someone explain how people go through more 360s than toilet paper?

Seriously, I still have the xbox 360 I got the day they released the damn thing and I beat the crap out of it and it still going like a champ.. I'm not sure maybe some of the guys are getting a little excited at the awesomness of it and are humping it or something

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I own both and I've had no issues with either of them. And, both need more venting, cause they are in a TV stand and it gets hot. I've had the Xbox since 2006 and the PS3 since 2007.

I win.

Game over.

End of thread.

That might be the difference why mine has lasted so long it's in a cool and well ventilated place

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Does it piss people off on XBOX Live Microsoft forces you to buy points, instead of just buying something outright? Why should I be forced to buy something I don't need? I bought several Map packs where I had points left over (its like Microsoft creating their own currency like a gambling casino). I heard many countries are getting screwed by the currency conversion. What about XBOX live not allowing you to cancel you credit card information on XBOX live? (that ticks me off just as much).

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Does it piss people off on XBOX Live, Microsoft forces you to buy points instead of just buying something outright? Why should I be forced to buy something I don't need? I bought several Map packs where I had points left over.

Wii does the samething tho. You have to buy points to buy the virtual console games.

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I have tons of friends who have both the PS3 and the 360. Almost all of them

use the 360 as their main gamming platform. I ask them why they have a

PS3 and they all say "Blue-Ray" player and a game or two. Honestly, what does

it say about a gamming console when the main selling point is not even

related to games?

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Really? The PS3 is just as risky? Yeah ok.

And you see guys? The new microchip in the 360 is money. You just need to buy a new 360 and you're good to go.

Lmao. Talk about being hustled.

I know 4 people who had ps3s died and Sony refuses to admit there is a problem. Have you ever wondered why the 40gig model dissappeared so fast.

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