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No more XBOX 360, I broke up with my XBOX 360 today (XBOX 360 can go to hell)


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I own both. Don't mind paying less than a game to get on LIVE because PSN an LIVE are completely different. Give me LIVE on PSN an I'd probably just own a PS3 an Wii

True I'm a bit paranoid about my console breaking but I've been through the NES(blowing into cartridge eventually whole thing breaking down) an PS1(skipped like crazy, had to turn it at weird angles to get it to play). Even if there were better more reliable options at the time I stuck it out with them because I wanted to play the games that came out on them. At least MS is doing most repairs for free. Doesn't change the fact it breaks down more than the other 2 consoles but they're getting the main thing right an that's games. Who would've thought this gen would be anything like this.

LOL, you just brought memories of blowing into games, and turning my ps1 over just to get it to read, flooding back to my brain. Those were good times. The only way I could play Wizards and Warriors was if i blew into the game and jammed a capri-sun plastic wrapper/container in it to keep the tray down. Those were the bad old days that we couldn't get enough of.

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:hysterical: I kind of look back at it fondly. I always found it wierd how you're the only one that can get your NES to work an no one else. Everybody seemed to have some wierd way in doing it. I use to shake it for a couple seconds blow into the cartridge then dab it with a qtip before putting it in the console. Sadly that was the halfway point before I can even start to play.

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what is everyone's thoughts on LIVE vs. PSN? I like sports games (Madden, NHL) and was under the impression that 360 w/ live would be the best way to play friends remotely, and the games itself are better on XBOX. I have a blu-ray so that is irrelevant.

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what is everyone's thoughts on LIVE vs. PSN? I like sports games (Madden, NHL) and was under the impression that 360 w/ live would be the best way to play friends remotely, and the games itself are better on XBOX. I have a blu-ray so that is irrelevant.

I have both.

XBOX Live kills PSN and it's not even close.

The PS3 is an awesome system - but Live is so awesome that it carries the 360. (IMHO)

(Not to mention I think the 360 controller is by far the best controller made for any console ever)

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what is everyone's thoughts on LIVE vs. PSN? I like sports games (Madden, NHL) and was under the impression that 360 w/ live would be the best way to play friends remotely, and the games itself are better on XBOX. I have a blu-ray so that is irrelevant.

if you already have a blu ray player, go with xbox 360 as live pwns PSN

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(Not to mention I think the 360 controller is by far the best controller made for any console ever)

Obviously the controller preference is just that, a preference, but I would strongly disagree with you. The Playstation controller is ergonomically superior, and I'd bet a tab at Highlawn (JMU bar for those not familiar) that most people would agree with that statement.

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Obviously the controller preference is just that, a preference, but I would strongly disagree with you. The Playstation controller is ergonomically superior, and I'd bet a tab at Highlawn (JMU bar for those not familiar) that most people would agree with that statement.

I used to think so - but not anymore.

Of course it also comes down to what kind of games you play - I don't think there's any debate that the 360 controller is better for FPS.

I also enjoy it for sports games.

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ok cool.

what makes them quiter and put off less heat?

It consumes less power so it runs cooler. It's supposed to help increase hardware reliability and reduce the number of RROD's but that's what they said about the Falcon. My brother received a Jasper as a replacement for his last RROD and it was DOA so..........M$ still doesn't know how to fix the problem.

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I didn't read this whole thread, but thought I would chime in about my 360. I had one, after about 18 months, I had no picture/perfect sound...sent it in..and in the meantime bought an Arcade 360 for the HDMI support (first one didn't have it) and upgraded motherboard...got the 120 gb HDD for Christmas...last week I got one red light, turns out it's another video issue. My first 360 I had to send away to get fixed..the Arcade one i had gotten at Best Buyu and got the product replacement plan.

So I take the system (minus cords, HDD, etc) to Best Buy, and they apparently had to "refund" my money and then sell me another system..except I think they refunded me for a Core system instead of an Arcade system. I end up with a brand new Arcade system, with the newest chip/heat sink/motherboard as well as a new product replacement plan, and enough left over to buy The Bigs 2 (love this game). Best Buy rocks..

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