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Are you an American?


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Real Americans are born HERE, and they grow up here and develop an understanding of what America is all about. Real Americans walk around truly believing in American ELITISM and EXCELLENCE, and YES, that we really are NUMBER ONE......with NO APOLOGIES! Oh, and I'm not sorry at all if this is offensive to anybody.....I'm sick to death of all the BS political correctness that makes REAL AMERICANS want to vomit. No, if you just got off a boat or a plane a few years ago, and you just became an American citizen, I SEE YOU AS AN AMERICAN ONLY ON PAPER.......NOT IN REALITY.

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Real Americans are born HERE, and they grow up here and develop an understanding of what America is all about. Real Americans walk around truly believing in American ELITISM and EXCELLENCE, and YES, that we really are NUMBER ONE......with NO APOLOGIES! Oh, and I'm not sorry at all if this is offensive to anybody.....I'm sick to death of all the BS political correctness that makes REAL AMERICANS want to vomit. No, if you just got off a boat or a plane a few years ago, and you just became an American citizen, I SEE YOU AS AN AMERICAN ONLY ON PAPER.......NOT IN REALITY.
What if you walked across the border, is that okay?
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I live here and I like it here, and I'm sure its probably the best place to live for prosperity, but if being an American means that I have to be nationalistic, then I guess I'm not one.

I feel the same way.

I'm happy to be a U.S. citizen but I've never felt that I was inherently better than someone else merely because I was born here. :2cents:

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Real Americans are born HERE, and they grow up here and develop an understanding of what America is all about. Real Americans walk around truly believing in American ELITISM and EXCELLENCE, and YES, that we really are NUMBER ONE......with NO APOLOGIES! Oh, and I'm not sorry at all if this is offensive to anybody.....I'm sick to death of all the BS political correctness that makes REAL AMERICANS want to vomit. No, if you just got off a boat or a plane a few years ago, and you just became an American citizen, I SEE YOU AS AN AMERICAN ONLY ON PAPER.......NOT IN REALITY.

If Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter had a child, it would be named AAARedskins.

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She's not a man, man...either. :laugh:

Not that it matters, though her posts are usually well thought out and pleasant. Probably something up.

ahah, well apologies for that...I get that all the time too.

Here is my issue w/ HER posts in this thread. Why be a jerk? If you don't like something, then move on. It just makes you (her) look like an idiot. I guess if I am in the mood to look like an idiot, I'll just pop into a thread and say something jerk like, that bears nothing to the OP. Then people can call me out on it.

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Real Americans are born HERE, and they grow up here and develop an understanding of what America is all about. Real Americans walk around truly believing in American ELITISM and EXCELLENCE, and YES, that we really are NUMBER ONE......with NO APOLOGIES! Oh, and I'm not sorry at all if this is offensive to anybody.....I'm sick to death of all the BS political correctness that makes REAL AMERICANS want to vomit. No, if you just got off a boat or a plane a few years ago, and you just became an American citizen, I SEE YOU AS AN AMERICAN ONLY ON PAPER.......NOT IN REALITY.

I guess since its obvious from your comments that you missed the "boat" on "developing an understanding of what America is all about."

I guess you are also "AN AMERICAN ONLY ON PAPER.......NOT IN REALITY".

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so now this forum is where crappy email forwards go to die?

Actually it's not an email forward...what the hell is some people's deal today....did all your cats piss in your cherios or something.

There are all of these negative posts out there, you got R's and D's ****ing at each other, everyone pissed off. So here I am, a proud American and someone who was trying to make a postive post, and you have to come in here and be a total ******** for no reason.

So how about :stfu:

When you create a board, you can make the rules about what can be posted and what can't be posted. How about contributing to the post, rather than make yourself look like a stupid troll.

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I feel the same way.

I'm happy to be a U.S. citizen but I've never felt that I was inherently better than someone else merely because I was born here. :2cents:

And I hope that you don't take the essay as saying that. Maybe mr. AAA guy..but not the essay.

I got goosebumps when I first read that. I think that so many "American's" do nothign but ***** and moan about what is wrong here, about the glass being half empty...they have no friggin clue that we live in the best place in the world. We aren't perfect, but we are #1.

And to the jerk AAA, you don't need to be born here to be an American. Get over yourself.

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As I can't vote, and thus can't take part in our democracy, I guess I'm not an American anymore. That sucks. Cause I love my country.

did I miss something? did something in the post say that you aren't American if you can't vote?

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I'm an American and I think one of the great things about being an American is that I have the right to define myself as an American. Nothing against the essay, I just think every American can define for themselves what it is to be American and nobody is wrong. I think it's a shame that we have to compartmentalize ourselves into prefabbed notions of what a "true" or "real" American is.

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I'm an American and I think one of the great things about being an American is that I have the right to define myself as an American. Nothing against the essay, I just think every American can define for themselves what it is to be American and nobody is wrong. I think it's a shame that we have to compartmentalize ourselves into prefabbed notions of what a "true" or "real" American is.

Totally agreed. And I did not intend for the essay to appear like I was saying, "you're only a real fan if you_____________(fillin the blank). I'm honestly surprised as the amount of negativity towards it (not necessarily you.)

It's more of a "hey, stop to remember where we live, what we stand for." type thing. Something to be proud of, to be postive.

The last line is the best..."what is an American? ~ He's fortunate."

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Totally agreed. And I did not intend for the essay to appear like I was saying, "you're only a real fan if you_____________(fillin the blank). I'm honestly surprised as the amount of negativity towards it (not necessarily you.)

It's more of a "hey, stop to remember where we live, what we stand for." type thing. Something to be proud of, to be postive.

The last line is the best..."what is an American? ~ He's fortunate."

I think it would have served you well to put this post in with the OP. I think the article did come across as 'You're a good American if ____'. Which, quite frankly, I feel we hear a lot of from those on the right. They seem to feel that there is some golden standard of their form of patriotism that everybody should live up to to be considered a 'real' American. So, naturally, when something like this is posted some people go on the defensive feeling they have to justify their own love of their country.

Me, I could give a **** either way. I was born here so I'm as much as any American ever, period. I don't have to do anything to prove my nationality - hell, doing nothing and still being a full fledged citizen is part of what makes this country so great.

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Rince...if that is the case, then people didn't really read it. And If people on here think I'm a republican, then they don't pay attention. I'm neither Dem or Repub. Just because I didn't vote for Obama, doesn't make me a right wing conservative....just sayin.

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Actually it's not an email forward...what the hell is some people's deal today....did all your cats piss in your cherios or something.

There are all of these negative posts out there, you got R's and D's ****ing at each other, everyone pissed off. So here I am, a proud American and someone who was trying to make a postive post, and you have to come in here and be a total ******** for no reason.

So how about :stfu:

When you create a board, you can make the rules about what can be posted and what can't be posted. How about contributing to the post, rather than make yourself look like a stupid troll.

Chill, please. There is nothing stupid or trollish about what he posted. But you are closer to trouble than anyone you're chastising. :) Let's keep you from that zone. :D For continuity's sake, I will note that I wrote what follows before you wrote this post quoted above, and the comments are general, not aimed at you specifically.

To me, there is absolutely nothing amiss in vinva entering the thread to say what she did. I don't even see it as her being grumpy, any more that I see the OP as automatically some kind of dipstick for posting a chain e-mail as a topic with no added commentray (something that would often get ravaged on this board in the past).

While the e-mail contains what is likely a worthy sentiment to most everyone (including vinva) it may also reasonably construed as simple-minded pablum, or may also be shorthanded as the forwarding of "another dumb e-mail" to someone else.

We have had a long-standing forum history of many members (and some staff) often berating chain e-mails with no added commentary as topics. Yet it is fine to post them until someone is told otherwise by a moderator.

However, mod-wise, caution should be used with calling a poster who does what vinva did a jerk or an idiot in this context, because that is actually closer to violating forum rules. :) There are no "special" threads that should be designated as "safe from castigation" unless a mod says so, i.e. Huly & Pez's "welcome home/send-ooff" threads in the stadium.

Personally, I see vinva's reactions as just fine, just as I see the OP's enjoyment and propogating of the sentiment as just fine. But that part is just my opinion. I think many of us take many good things for granted in our lives (to grossly generalize) but I would never tie that to some just reason for any "anti-criticism" stance. Fidning a balance of being aware of just how much there is in this country to appreciate, and acknowledging that, as well as how much needs to be addressed to make more just and more effective, and acknolwedging that, seems to be the tricky part for many folks.

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You don't have to be elitist but you can have pride in your country instead of picking and choosing when your proud. Sick of people in this area all of a sudden saying they love our country but didn't for 8 years. Our government doesn't represent what truly makes America America. I was proud to be a part of this country from 2000-2008 as much as I am now and that pride only went up after the election of Obama regardless of any political views.

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Jumbo, and the rest of you...THIS WAS NOT A CHAIN EMAIL.

thanks and have a nice day.

P.S. It was hand delivered to me this morning on REAL paper...from one of my employees who was born in Mexico, but is now a U.S citizen. He thought I would like it and gave me a copy.

Sorry,I guess I didn't realize that a piece of paper, made from an actual tree was considered an email.

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Jumbo, and the rest of you...THIS WAS NOT A CHAIN EMAIL.

thanks and have a nice day.

P.S. It was hand delivered to me this morning on REAL paper...from one of my employees who was born in Mexico, but is now a U.S citizen. He thought I would like it and gave me a copy.

Sorry,I guess I didn't realize that a piece of paper, made from an actual tree was considered an email.

It could have been sent via email but instead a tree was wasted....American or not, you oughta be ashamed of yourself.


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