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What Is Something That Everyone Should Experience At least Once?

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Well - as a person who is unemployed, completely broke, and not sure how they will be paying rent this month, I am glad that one day this will be a good experience. :)

I grew up with 2 pairs of jeans and ate plenty of government cheese I can tell you that now that I dont stress rent (but do other things) I am truly feel for those in your position.

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I actually have a hardcopy list of over 150 things I want to do before I die.

But yeah, Califan, I agree that everyone should suffer a broken heart from a relationship at least once in their lives.

I also think that everyone should experience failure at least once in their lives because it teaches you so much about your character and resiliance.

Also, I strongly believe that everyone should have a prolonged visit or live in a developing country at some point in their lives. Personally, I'd recommend somewhere in Africa. My priorities in life and well as my world outlook drastically changed after that visit and I wish everyone could have that experience.

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I also think that everyone should experience failure at least once in their lives because it teaches you so much about your character and resiliance.

VERY true :applause:

Also, I strongly believe that everyone should have a prolonged visit or live in a developing country at some point in their lives. Personally, I'd recommend somewhere in Africa. My priorities in life and well as my world outlook drastically changed after that visit and I wish everyone could have that experience.

Aren't you going to Santorini for your honeymoon or something? If so, the contrasts between there and the more underdeveloped areas of Africa will be stark.

I guess I should add onto your comment and another poster's comment about seeing/living in other parts of the world and say everyone should experience some ungodly beautiful part of the planet at least once. It's hard to truly fathom how amazing this earth is until you see parts of it that are beyond breathtaking.

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Though it sucks, I think it is necessary for everyone to go through. I think everyone needs to be crushed once in life. You don't really understand yourself until you are crushed one time really good. Me getting crushed at 21 turned out to be the best thing that has happened in my life 4 years later. I am much better at relationships, I understand what I want so much better and I understand who I am a lot more.

I couldn't agree with this more. It made me realize that I wasn't as strong as I thought I was. Now a year and half later I realize that I needed that to happen to me.

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A trip with close friends, doing whatever you want, wherever you go. A trip where you can sit back and just take in the event that is happening without a care in the world except for being right there.

(Canton, Ohio and my recent Ski Trip, for instance)

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A cross-country road trip. No real agenda, just drive and sight-see along the way.

A trip to Germany for Oktoberfest.

Oh and how could I forget. Everyone needs to at least once pay a hooker to knock your junk around.

Nice. Oktoberfest is definitely on my list. And I'd like to do the Route 66 thing too.

As for #3...... :paranoid:

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Going overseas on missions. I've done that twice. Both incredible experiences.

Seeing the National Symphony Orchestra. I don't know if there is a finer ensemble of musicians

Going to a Redskins game. I've only done this once, and yes, it was at FedEx; but the experience is one I will never ever forget.

Read Emerson's Self-Reliance. It will open your mind and it may change the way you view yourself.

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Agreed on living out of the country. Eye/mind opening in a very large way.

Be involved with your local government. Go to a council/commission meeting. Pay attention to who's trying to do what where. Serve on a board if you can. It'll make you a part of your community in a very meaningful and productive way. It'll also help alleviate some of the bang your head on the wall frustration we feel when thinking about federal government. :doh:

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Agreed on living out of the country. Eye/mind opening in a very large way.

Be involved with your local government. Go to a council/commission meeting. Pay attention to who's trying to do what where. Serve on a board if you can. It'll make you a part of your community in a very meaningful and productive way. It'll also help alleviate some of the bang your head on the wall frustration we feel when thinking about federal government. :doh:

That's a great one, too... :yes:

I'll add onto that: everyone should experiencing volunteering with the less fortunate for a year. Really puts things into perspective.

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Aren't you going to Santorini for your honeymoon or something? If so, the contrasts between there and the more underdeveloped areas of Africa will be stark.
We are going to Malta for our honeymoon actually. Although, in a couple weeks I'm touring through several Eastern European countries to watch some of his wrestling tournaments. Never been to any of these places, so it should be interesting. Although, I don't think anything will ever top the experience I had in southern Africa and the life lessons I came away with.

I would also agree that everyone should see a beautiful, exotic place before dying...it's so cool to see truly naturally beautiful places. :)

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Sit on mission beach (SD) at sunset with a drink and some good friends doing nothing but enjoying what God has set before you.

I know personally those were some of the best times I have ever had.

*thanks Mike.... def had a duh moment! Have no idea what the hell I was thinking when I typed that.

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