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Satire turns to Irony: 2001 Onion Article on Bush


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Bush: Our Long National Nightmare of Peace and Prosperity is Finally Over

January 17, 2001 | Issue 37•01

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The gist


When Satire becomes Ironic

In January 2001, mere days before Dubya took office for the first time, satire magazine The Onion published a then-funny piece about president-elect Bush giving a speech assuring the country that ‘Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over’. Bush pledged to end the Clinton era — “eight long years characterized by unprecedented economic expansion, a sharp decrease in crime, and sustained peace overseas. The time has come to put all of that behind us.”

According to The Onion, Bush promised to attack the environment, send the nation into massive debt, deregulate dangerous, greedy industries, start “at least one Gulf War-level armed conflict”, bring back economic stagnation, and heal the “terrible wedge President Clinton drove between church and state”. They satirically had Bush concluding:

We as a people must stand united, banding together to tear this nation in two. Much work lies ahead of us: The gap between the rich and the poor may be wide, be there’s much more widening left to do. We must squander our nation’s hard-won budget surplus on tax breaks for the wealthiest 15 percent. And, on the foreign front, we must find an enemy and defeat it.

The ironic thing is, their over-the-top predictions came true. Pity that.

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Except there was nothing "peaceful" about the Clinton presidency. The attacks on Cole and U.S. embassies were acts of war. Just because you choose to ignore doesn't make an era "peaceful."

Prosperity? By slashing the military and intelligence services?


Clinton rode the IT bubble that would've made Mao look like an economist. It popped late 2000 and people actually blamed Bush for it. Laughable.

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The CIA was a shell of itself by 1999 that it was just a decade earlier.

Part of it was due to the Aldrich Ames case in the mid 1990s. The other part was due to some major losers being DCI until Tenant came on board in 1997

That is a fact.

That's an opinion.

Show me some objective data. You know, things like budget numbers, that aren't just somebody's opinion.

Bill Clinton increased defense spending. (In constant dollars. Allowing for inflation, defense spending went down a bit less than 1% per year.) That's a fact.

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That's an opinion.

Show me some objective data. You know, things like budget numbers, that aren't just somebody's opinion.

Bill Clinton increased defense spending. (In constant dollars. Allowing for inflation, defense spending went down a bit less than 1% per year.) That's a fact.

Its actually not an opinion. Its based on several books I have read written by former spooks.

Guys like Bob Baer and "See No Evil". Bob Baer of course who was almost indicted for the attempted assasniation of Saddam Hussien by the FBI in 1995.

Steven Coll and "Ghost Wars"

Ron Kessler and "Inside the CIA"

Trying to find CIA budget numbers is like trying to find a Philadelphia Superbowl trophy

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Be fair, Mike. Clinton bashing was in vogue until at least 2005. You've still got a few good weeks, months, years left of Bush bashing. Relax though, it's a merry go round... your turn will be up soon enough and then the liberals will launch the same complaint.

The Onion does seem precient, doesn't it? I guess this is part of the answer between the line that divides comedy and tragedy.

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Be fair, Mike. Clinton bashing was in vogue until at least 2005. You've still got a few good weeks, months, years left of Bush bashing. Relax though, it's a merry go round... your turn will be up soon enough and then the liberals will launch the same complaint.

The Onion does seem precient, doesn't it? I guess this is part of the answer between the line that divides comedy and tragedy.

I feel ya and I didnt think the Clinton bashing was cool either.

But you're right, it is what happens. :cheers:

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To think that we should have maintained Cold War levels of military spending is crazy. Clinton should have made huge cuts, but he didn't because we are in the pockets of the military manufacturing companies. What's even crazier is thinking that defense spending cuts somehow cause terrorism or stop our ability to fight it. The gullibility of some people is astounding.

The CIA was a shell of itself by 1999 that it was just a decade earlier.

Part of it was due to the Aldrich Ames case in the mid 1990s. The other part was due to some major losers being DCI until Tenant came on board in 1997

That is a fact.

The assertion was the President Clinton was the cause

Your fact ignores that

The huge amounts of waste in military spending is one thing, the CIA is another. I'm not saying Clinton didn't do that, but that your fact hardly makes the argument logically valid.

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