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Satire turns to Irony: 2001 Onion Article on Bush


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I see one

Larry = Obfuscation

Said the guy who posted that drivel?

Edit: Drivel may be the wrong word.

I at least respect Cato, even when I don't agree with them. I assume that their piece will be well thought out and logical, at least.

What I don't see is any indication whatsoever that the piece has any relevence to the subject which your two word post supposedly contributes to:

The claim that Clinton "[slashed] the military and intelligence services".

See, since the portions of the piece which you chose to spend so much time editing, pasting, highlighting, and coloring, have absolutely nothing to do with that subject, I see no reason to assume that if I read the article, it will contain something relevant, that you decided not to include in your post.

(It's kind of the way I feel about movie trailers and commercials. I assume that the people who made the movie picked out the very best parts of the movie to put in the commercial. If I don't see anything in the commercial that I like, and the commercial contains what the producer thinks are the best parts, and I don't like the best parts, then why should I pay 10 bucks to see the rest of it.)

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Said the guy who posted that drivel?
says the guy that admits to not reading the link
So, I see two possibilities......

1) The link you provided contained actual, objective, information which actually had something to do with supporting your claim ......

2) The link you provided actually has nothing whatsoever to support your claim......

Talk about Drivel

Clinton GUTTED the CIA.........and it had nothing to do with its BUDGET

Get it now?

We did on 9/11

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Here is another example of Clinton Gutting the CIA......

Iraq and Saddam Hussein -- (House of Representatives - March 31, 2004)

Mr. HOEKSTRA. Madam Speaker, I love the analogy of play the ball where it lies because that is exactly what President Bush did after 9/11. He went back and took a look at what capabilities we had and the threats that were out there, but never went back to try to assess blame on something that happened 5 or 6 years ago or the Deutsch Doctrine that gutted our human intelligence. When we should have built intelligence up in the mid-1990s, it was gutted. That is exactly what happened when we get to 2001 and here we are in 2004 and we would like to have a human intelligence capability, we say, God, where did it go? We scrubbed it because we got rid of all the bad guys in 1995 and 1996 who spied for us. And one can say, well, when we are dealing with a terrorist organization, the only people that are in terrorist organizations are bad folks to begin with.


He used the word GUTTED also!

Thanks Bubba :doh:

And thank you President Bush for rebuilding a GUTTED CIA

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OK, haven't read all of the Cato link. (And I likely won't. The thing's long.) But I've read the summary and intro.


What the Cato link appears to say was that Clinton was focusing the CIA on a different task than what Cato thought it should be focusing on. (And, I'd say that, since Cato said we should be focusing on terrorism, that Cato called it correctly.)

OTOH, I'd also point out:

"Focusing on a different area" does not equal "gutted". (When W took over, he disbanded the CIA unit that was focused on Ossama bin Laden, and created units who's purpose was to look at Iraq, instead. Did W "gut" the CIA? Or did he chose to have a slight shifting of emphasis?)

And, the Cato article was written 4 years before Clinton left office. (And it says that Clinton was beginning to do what Cato wanted: focusing on terrorism.)

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