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Tired of JLC, we need to force WP's hand!


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Im really sorry if I am beating a dead horse or if this poll has been asked before. I am getting really tired of JLC biased and bitter blog entries. As a WP consumer I believe that we have the right to voice our opinion and force them to replace this horrible reporter. His "insider page" is the only source outside of the Redskins organization that supplies news and stories quickly and consistently however his biased and bitter tone is making it very hard to deal with. My question is would you support an online poll or campaign asking the WP to replace JLC with someone that isnt so bitter, that actually informs the fan about their FAVORITE team instead of insulting people and spewing his bitterness?

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I can't stand the guy but he's giving the Post exactly what they want. Hits on the blog, discussions on here etc. I don't know if a "campaign" would work. It may just give him more fuel for the fire.

Exacta Mundo. Close thread,,nothing to see here, move along, Re-runs of Fletch is on TNT.

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if you want the WP to listen, stop reading their paper/website.

This is just free advertising.

Besides, wanting someone fired because you don't like his writing, is a little excessive to say the least.

I'm a big JLC critic, but I'd never wish anyone losing their job over it.

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Im really sorry if I am beating a dead horse or if this poll has been asked before. I am getting really tired of JLC biased and bitter blog entries. As a WP consumer I believe that we have the right to voice our opinion and force them to replace this horrible reporter. His "insider page" is the only source outside of the Redskins organization that supplies news and stories quickly and consistently however his biased and bitter tone is making it very hard to deal with. My question is would you support an online poll or campaign asking the WP to replace JLC with someone that isnt so bitter, that actually informs the fan about their FAVORITE team instead of insulting people and spewing his bitterness?

Is that you Vinny? Do us a favor and get some new linemen on the team.

Or, quit, and find a new team to screw up.

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I guess his article today about how many successful teams draft lineman and the Redskins in comparison haven't focused much on it, hit you guys the wrong way?

I don't always agree with JLC but on this point I don't get where he's off.


Some might be able to argue stats with a couple of the teams that he chose to use as examples, but what he had to say about us and how we approach each season was dead on.

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My problem is not with him personally . It is about his ability to do his job . He has an ax to grind with the team and leads its fans round by the nose raking over half remembered truths and rumors rather than do actual work . Who can really say they believe anything he writes and thats a problem .

Who here really believes we are about to ship off Rogers in the draft for a second round pick, while his contract is still reasonably cheap and he is playing at a high level ?

More to the point who here has actually heard this rumor ANYWHERE else except comming from JLC or from somewhere using JLC as a reference .

I know you shouldn't believe everything you read but when a guy is supposed to be an NFL beat reporter for the Washington Redskins and he posts on a blog called Redskins Insider and yet he can never come up with sources, never checks names and is right and i meen factually correct about 10% of the time, when was the last time he had a real scoop, without taking it from the news section from Redskins.com .

That is pretty poor for an investagative reporter . It is time to give someone else a shot . The Post has good writters, Jason Ried for example who don't see the need to make things up about the skins . Still JLC is keeping up the fine tradition as started by Nunyo ...

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i use to think JLC's work was inflamatory ...

but in the end he pretty much tells it like it is. Read his latest piece, "Marching Orders." How can you refute a word of what he reports.

The skins internally are a freaking nightmare.

The skins have not won more then 11 games in a year in 17 years.

The skins are step away from being as dysfunctional as the Bengals/Raiders

The skins are pretty much a freak show organizationally.

The skins brass is a laughing stock

You cannot polish the turd that is this teams Front Office anymore.

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JLC doesn't have sources anymore. PFT is more likely to get the real breaking news. I know PFT has a bad rap here, but they're ten times the source JLC is (even though they quote JLC articles in their one-liners all the time).

I don't know who JLC's main source was, but he either left with Gibbs, or was really angered by JLC before this season. I think the WP should replace him.

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I don't have now and have never had a problem with JLC. I read him and sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree. That doesn't make either one of us right or wrong.

I like the fact that the guy has a Blog and continues to write about the Redskins when nothing is going on.

Just because he doesn't think we're the greatest team in the world doesn't make him a bad guy. By the way, check out our track record over the past several years - there's a lot to complain about. If he towed the company line like Larry Michael, I could see wanting him replaced.



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One thing I'll say, on the off season he keeps the information flowing, which is cool for Redskin junkies like myself. If I don't agree with him, that's cool, but am interested anyway -- the off season is tough not a lot of stuff going on. He is actually pretty responsive if you don't agree or send him an email, which I've done, even argued some baseball with him. He seems nice enough. Yeah he doesn't respect Vinny but I don't have issues with him for it, for me that's between him and Vinny.

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i use to think JLC's work was inflamatory ...

but in the end he pretty much tells it like it is. Read his latest piece, "Marching Orders." How can you refute a word of what he reports.

The skins internally are a freaking nightmare.

The skins have not won more then 11 games in a year in 17 years.

The skins are step away from being as dysfunctional as the Bengals/Raiders

The skins are pretty much a freak show organizationally.

The skins brass is a laughing stock

You cannot polish the turd that is this teams Front Office anymore.

I disagree. Somewhere you have to start blaming the players. I mean, no FO is perfect. GM's will miss on players. I ask you this. The Skins lost to the Rams, Bengals, and 49ers. Was that Vinny's fault? Those 3 games cost the Skins. Players have to step up.

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I disagree. Somewhere you have to start blaming the players. I mean, no FO is perfect. GM's will miss on players. I ask you this. The Skins lost to the Rams, Bengals, and 49ers. Was that Vinny's fault? Those 3 games cost the Skins. Players have to step up.

Those were just bad losses this past season you mentioned. Whereas the article was focusing on how this front office tries to build their team as opposed to other front offices, who happen to do it more successfully.

You can't argue the facts, we haven't been able to build a year in and year out contender, we are always towing the line with the cap, and our backups and development players always stink cuz we don't utilize the draft.

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The fact that the Redskins FO and for that matter the coach to some degree seem sensitive to media criticsm concerns me some.

You get Zorn all hot and bothered a few times during the season when Czaben asked him some tough questions. You got Cerrato talking about JLC publicly, saying stuff that he doesn't want his mom to read the JLC blog stuff, I saw him on Comcast once responding to a JLC blog that just came out minutes earler. I am guessing he at least at times really pays attention to JLC.

And then you got Haniffan who does the radio show with Cerrato actually say multiple times when he was on other radio shows that Cerrato is not inclined to make certain moves if it will look like he's bowing to media sentiment, the example in play was making changes with the kicking game.

And I am not a Cerrato hater. I think he's OK. I think they can do better than him but I don't think he's been an utter disaster. Still IMO if he was so confident in whatever plan they were executing, you'd figure why be so sensitive to what others think, stick to your guns.

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I think the hypersensitive Front Office of the Skins is making a lot of fans "soft".

Last place in your division. Poor results from recent draft and trades. The process of hiring a coach was a mess.

Just because Larry Michael wants everybody to blame folks outside the org, doesn't mean people should be that stupid.

hate on whoever is covering the team locally or nationally. It doesn't matter. You should be focused on what the team itself is doing.

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Here is my question what went so well that he should report happiness. Ever NFL Executive who has every been asked about the Redskins says that we are a mess in our front office. I am not a JLC lover hes kind of a tool BUT I agree with alot of what he says. And his article today is dead on... I listened to Kevin Sheehan talk about this today and I have to agree for every good move this front office has made there have been 3 bad ones. That is unacceptable. JLC is correct how can we build through the draft when we trade our pics away? It's nonsense! It kills me right now and I mean KILLS me that I have to watch the Cards in the Superbowl....This is a team that we have beat 2x in the last 2 years...and I don't even remember the last time they beat us really I do not. The fact of the matter is Every person who looked at us going into this year said we would be a last place team and guess what they were right...Is that bc they hate us NO its because this organization is a JOKE and that does not make JLC or Todd Mcshay or Berman or Czaban or Mike and Mike or Riggins or anyone wrong.... Fact Vinny Sucks... take off your homer glasses and realise that Vinny is a part of this organization He is Killing this team and the Washington Post SI Fox sports and ESPN is not to blame for the negative reports. As far as our personel stratagies they are all correct. So go ahead get JLC fired good I would love someone new but you will just hate every insider that finds out what is really happening. If you want happy news from Ashburn then I recommend we find a way to fire Vinny and fix the real problem with this team!

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JLC is the leader of the cottage industry that hates on the Skins ... there is only one thing really wrong with our team ... it has a sucky QB ... change this and all the naysayers will drop under their own weight. Can anyone imagine if the Skins had picked up Drew Brees? They would be darlings of the media, etc.

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I can't stand him. Yes - Our front office is a mess, and I don't mind when Redskins fans say it. but when Raven fans say it, it KILLS me.

And I am SICK of him always holding up the Ravens as a Front office we should be like. Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't they 5-11 last year while WE went to the playoffs?

He tried to get Vinny in trouble with the league, he hates the skins, he has no sources and the skins don't talk to him anymore.... he can not do his job anymore.

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