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Tired of JLC, we need to force WP's hand!


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I think a big problem a lot of people here have with JLC is that he posts negative threads on the Redskins and people don't want to hear it -- no matter how valid his points are. Yes, a lot of his work has made me scratch my head, too. But, you have to look at it from the standpoint that Danny became incensed with the Post when it refused to bow to his will. In response, he stripped the paper of all those season tickets it had for 50 some-odd years. That's the source of the so-called "axe to grind." But, I still go back to the point where a lot of Redskins fans, sometimes, just don't want to hear the truth if it's bad.

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Im really sorry if I am beating a dead horse or if this poll has been asked before. I am getting really tired of JLC biased and bitter blog entries. As a WP consumer I believe that we have the right to voice our opinion and force them to replace this horrible reporter. His "insider page" is the only source outside of the Redskins organization that supplies news and stories quickly and consistently however his biased and bitter tone is making it very hard to deal with. My question is would you support an online poll or campaign asking the WP to replace JLC with someone that isnt so bitter, that actually informs the fan about their FAVORITE team instead of insulting people and spewing his bitterness?

no. while I pick and chose from what he writes/states...I'm equally fed up with the spoonfed BS that issues from "official" Redskin nitwits like Larry Michael....expletives deleted!

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I disagree. Somewhere you have to start blaming the players. I mean, no FO is perfect. GM's will miss on players. I ask you this. The Skins lost to the Rams, Bengals, and 49ers. Was that Vinny's fault? Those 3 games cost the Skins. Players have to step up.

I hear you man ...crap. that's 11-5 if we win those cupcake games....but I digress.

I'm fuming over the horrible disaster that our FO has been over the last 10 years.

What I am also pissed about is that this team is WITHOUT AN IDENTITY. Its with out a plan. Its without a vision.

I get that the FO is cannot be perfect - but hell, it is not even existent, and I mean that literally. IT TOOK DANNY 9 YEARS TO NAME A GM, AND THE F'ER IS NOT EVEN CALLED A GM.

JLC is really just calling it like he see's it, and brother it ain't pretty. He could be a little less harsh, and yes at times he seems almost like he has an ax to grind, but man, you can only put so much lipstick on a pig.

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I like how much he puts into his work, but JLC is getting sloppier with his facts and makes it seem as though all is a grand Snyder/Cerrato conspiracy. Cerrato didn't go out and trade picks for Lloyd, Duckett, Brunell, Thrash, etc...This was done under Gibbs's watch and as Cerrato wrote prior to the '08 season, this was Cerrato's first year as the guy her and in that year he was 8-8. Not great but bot bad. He invested a lot of picks in the draft and we're not showing any patience. His justification of the Eddie Royal comment is ridiculous. He is a smurf receiver playing with a much better QB. As I recall, JLC was pushing hard for Pollack, who couldn't beat out a 7th rounder for the backup center spot.

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I like JLC, but that's not to say that I buy everything he writes wholesale and that I even agree with him, but half the time.

I don't have to agree with someone to like them. For a beat writer he seems conscientious and fairly well-thought-out as it relates to the game. Most of the time he's wrong, but that's okay, I can sift through the story and glean from it the greater meaning.

At the end of the day, I just want content regarding my favorite team and he provides that. 'Nuff said...

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The Washington Post writers and the Redskins organization for many years have not always seen eye to eye even when Gibbs was there. I don't read a lot of his articles but the one he wrote today was interesting and he did talk to other NFL people to get some quotes. One year they assigned Christine Brennan as the Skins beat reporter and Gibbs did not always enjoy talking with her. Also he did not always agree with Tony Kornheiser either. I think the Post writers are told by their editors not to become "fans" but to stay "objective" in their coverage. Now I think the Skins would like more favorable coverage but they cannot control what the Post writers say.

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It's not what JLC writes but how he writes it.

It's the condescending attitude, the way he tries to paint everything a little worse than it really is, and his agenda against Vinny.

There are other post reporters who write negative articles, but do so even handedly, without the spin.

Still, he hasn't done anything worth firing

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I was going to leave this thread alone and then it occurred to me . JLC is different things to different people . Sometimes he is an oasis in the desert of not Redskins news .... then it doesn't matter what he says it is something .

Other times I think all he does is divide the fans. To the fans that are optimistic, the ones who realize that every game is golden, every play is special and who never stop believing that things will gradually get better I think they dislike JLC . Not because what he says is necessary not untrue but the way he only tells half the story, only tells the glass half full story.....

To the pessimists that doesn't matter to them the glass is half full broken and currently rolling round somewhere on the floor getting covered in dust .

They believe that any QB should throw for 16,000 yards a season 92 TDs and never ever turn the ball over . Every catch from a WR should be coupled with electrifying moves and subsequent TD celebration . Each time a RB touches the ball they will either show Barry Sanders like grace or run 99 yards down the field with 11 defenders hanging off their shoe strings . The defence will shut everyone down no LB will miss a tackle and no CB would dare allow a catch let alone a TD, every draft pick is a HOF there are never free agent busts ....and all that is reasonable because that is what every other team has ... and the Skins sucks because they are not like that . To them JLC is a hero, telling it like it is ( even if he doesn't) he is not put down by the man and he feeds their self pitty .

I am not picking on Gortiz but I would just like to debate a couple of JLC unquestionable truths .....

i use to think JLC's work was inflamatory ...

but in the end he pretty much tells it like it is. Read his latest piece, "Marching Orders." How can you refute a word of what he reports.

The skins internally are a freaking nightmare :

Yes that is why no free agents bother coming here, they only come for the money ... DeAngalo Hall had almost everyone at his feet, came here for vet min, I am not saying he was going to sign for more elsewhere but he came here, Springs came here for a home town discount despite the fact his dad played and starred for the Cowboys . Does anyone remember when Eli Manning threatened to sit out an entire year rather than play for the chargers . Not sure I remember any potential draft pick so publicly say they didn't want to come here ....

The skins have not won more then 11 games in a year in 17 years.

True true ... but then the Cardinals have finished 9-7 in a weak division and are in the superbowl, the Cowboys went 13-3 last year in a division that sent 3 to the playoffs and were one and done . Hell the Pats were 18-1 Superbowl loosers ...so the question is what difference does it make what your regular season record is . Get to the playoffs and anything goes.

The skins are step away from being as dysfunctional as the Bengals/Raiders

The Bengals are a joke because they have no discipline and are a small market team . The Raiders are run by someone who still thinks it is the 1970's . I think the team closest to the Raiders is the Cowboys in that they both have the 70s vibe going on and both are run by megalomaniacs .

The skins are pretty much a freak show organizationally.

This is the third time you have made the same point using slightly different words .

The skins brass is a laughing stock

And the forth ...

You cannot polish the turd that is this teams Front Office anymore.

Last year was the first year for this FO in this orientation . This year is the second time Vinny is fully in control, able to bring in his own scouts and select the personnel . Do you blame Junichiro Zoizumi for Pearl Harbour or Angela Merkel for the crimes of Nazi Germany . Vinny may be an ass, and by many accounts he is but you cannot blame him for past problems, and the problems are not that great .

The skins are not perfect but neither is JLC . I don't think he is good at his job and it amazes me the people who want to gut the team get Snyder to sell to anyone, preferably not a fan ( like JKC) and fire Vinny ( from a cannon into the sun preferably) jump to the defense of a team reporter who has no reliable sources and is often wrong . If JLC was spot on with his thoughts then it would be a different story but he seldom is .

In his latest article he uses three teams that have had turn around seasons and says they have it right ... what they have are last place schedules, more luck with injuries and one or two bounces of the ball that go the right way . When we were 10-6 did we have everything right ? No, but we are supposed to believe the Ravens, Jets and Dolphins do .

The Skins do not really do anything radically different to other teams, they have had FA successes ( London Fletcher - Who signed 2 years later than Antonio Peice for less money despite having by far the superior skills and careeer) and flops (Adam Archuletta - who somehow we convinced to give up a $5million signing bonus and got a 6th round pick from the bears for) just like every other team . We have draft busts and successes ... in fact we haven't really had bad drafts in the last 10 years .

The sky is not falling, JLC sucks - do not believe his lies, the future is not grey, its Burgundy and Gold

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It may be unpleasant to hear, but the latest piece by JLC and Jason Reid on the state of the Redskins and what is needed to move forward is in most aspects correct.

This is an old team that has continued to focus resources on positions such as running back and wide receiver that are wholly dependent upon the ability of the offensive line to provide support in the run game and protect the passer against the rush.

Meanwhile, on defense Redskins fans have been told for the past 2-3 years that sack totals are overrated and the line does its job by applying 'decent' pressure and by anchoring the LOS against the run.

Obviously, the lack of talent and playmaking ability in the front seven is the reason the Redskins can't force turnovers and provide for a margin of victory greater than 3 points despite dominating time of possession and total yardage.

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The sky is not falling, JLC sucks - do not believe his lies, the future is not grey, its Burgundy and Gold ...

I thought posting this was a waste of time with the amount of disgruntled fans coming to JLC's defense even though he is supposed to be a REPORTER and give us NEWS. That is until I read your post... Thank you. :cheers:

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Those of you saying that JLC has no real sources should think about what you're saying for a minute. If this is true, you're saying that a sports beat reporter is making up fictional copy for his stories on a regular basis - and hasn't been caught yet. Yeah, that's pretty likely. :rolleyes:

But heck, let's just take it at face value that he's making it all up himself. What about the following "fictional" quotes would you disagree or even take issue with?

"If I was running things, I'd start getting rid of every veteran lineman I could and just draft linemen for a couple of years," a veteran player said. "Both sides of the ball, almost nothing but linemen. If we can't rush the passer or protect the passer, then we ain't going nowhere, and that's where we're at. I'd go with what we got at the skill spots, because you can't really move those guys anyway, and spend the next two years redoing the lines."

"All I read was how Vinny was going to do the right thing and build through the draft," an NFC executive said. "How do you build through the draft when you trade half your picks for guys at the end of their career? So what's the plan there? Is there a plan there? From the outside it's hard to see one."

In other words, if he's making it all up he sure seems to "get it" when it comes to diagnosing the problem with our F.O. OTOH, that's not exactly rocket science.

Look the fact is that other than under Gibbs 2.0, when we made it up to mediocre, we've stunk since John Cooke started running the team. Period. So you tell me, what's JLC supposed to do? Sit there and write Larry "Douchebag" Michaels style puff pieces every day? :no:

When the Skins experience success on the field they will have earned some good press. Until then JLC and the rest are going to keep givin' 'em the business....and rightfully so.

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Those of you saying that JLC has no real sources should think about what you're saying for a minute. If this is true, you're saying that a sports beat reporter is making up fictional copy for his stories on a regular basis - and hasn't been caught yet. Yeah, that's pretty likely. :rolleyes:

Two words: Jayson Blair


That being said, I agree with your post. :applause:

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