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Am I the Only One Who Plans to Never Share a Bedroom?


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Never understood how the two equate. I have a girlfriend that lives a few miles away. We bang, we cuddle, we watch episodes of The Office. If we're both really tired, she stays over and we crash. If not, she goes home, and we each sleep in our own beds at our own times.

I'm confused...... so does she sleep in another bed when she stays over?

and to answer your OP ~> what happened to you as a child? :silly:

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You can't spoon unless you actually spend your 8 sleeping hours a day with her?

And you call me weird?





2. strikingly odd or unusual; "some trick of the moonlight; some weird effect of shadow"- Bram Stoker

You might be one of a handful of people in the entire country who feels this way. So yes, you're weird.

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Alright listen. I share my bed because I like to. I like having her by my side when we go to sleep. It's comfortable and feels right.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. You're doing what you want to do. Apparently me doing what I want to do is verboten.

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Going to bed and waking up with my wife is one of life's simple pleasures that I'd really not want to miss out on. Besides, it makes it a lot easier to, well, you know, when I wake up in the middle of the night feeling all, well, you know. ;)

I think the best sex might be when you wake up and are already in mid-bang. Like "what the ****? Oook." And just go with it.

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Absolutely nothing wrong with that. You're doing what you want to do. Apparently me doing what I want to do is verboten.

It's different thats for sure. You're the first person i've ever met, in real life or internet, that feels this way. Very eccentric. I can use big words to. :)

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I'm confused...... so does she sleep in another bed when she stays over?

and to answer your OP ~> what happened to you as a child? :silly:

Ha, no, she stays in my bed. There's nothing wrong with doing that when you feel like it - but more often that not, I feel like being able to control my own sleep schedule.

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I may be going out on a liimb here but, methinks you might have a bit of a problem finding a mate.

What you're describing is a lot like the hookups we all used to have in college. "OK, it was great and all but don't fall asleep because you can't stay in my dorm room overnight." Thanks, but no thanks on doing that for the rest of my life.

Going to bed and waking up with my wife is one of life's simple pleasures that I'd really not want to miss out on. Besides, it makes it a lot easier to, well, you know, when I wake up in the middle of the night feeling all, well, you know. ;)

Yeah, you're going out on a limb. My mate of a year would probably disagree, as would more than enough previous mates to get me out of the "can't get laid" category.

I have no idea why you, or most other people, assume that having separate bedrooms means that sleeping together is outlawed with the same level of strictness as burka enforcement in Saudi Arabia. You can fall asleep together, if you want. But I generally don't want to go to sleep at the same time as my girlfriend. What then? One of us has to pointlessly lie there in the dark for the rest of our relationship?

If it's a simple pleasure for you, by all means, go for it. But I'd love to see what you'd write on a night when you're desperate for solid sleep and you're woken up a dozen times by your better half tossing and turning.

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2. strikingly odd or unusual; "some trick of the moonlight; some weird effect of shadow"- Bram Stoker

You might be one of a handful of people in the entire country who feels this way. So yes, you're weird.

I suppose that's fair in that I fit the dictionary definition. Now what about my first question? Why do you need to experience REM to spoon your woman?

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I think the best sex might be when you wake up and are already in mid-bang. Like "what the ****? Oook." And just go with it.

Hey, aren't you the guy that comes home drunk and "hits" the pillow ?

Where's wifey when that happens ? :)

In her own bedroom ? :laugh:

Found the thread I was thinkin of


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Nope. Dude, trust us. You're definitely in MSF land on this one.

I guess anything abnormal qualifies for MSF land then. I'd better adhere to every fashion trend that comes around for the rest of my life. People might think I spend my free time jousting if I don't.

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Yeah, you're going out on a limb. My mate of a year would probably disagree, as would more than enough previous mates to get me out of the "can't get laid" category.

I have no idea why you, or most other people, assume that having separate bedrooms means that sleeping together is outlawed with the same level of strictness as burka enforcement in Saudi Arabia. You can fall asleep together, if you want. But I generally don't want to go to sleep at the same time as my girlfriend. What then? One of us has to pointlessly lie there in the dark for the rest of our relationship?

If it's a simple pleasure for you, by all means, go for it. But I'd love to see what you'd write on a night when you're desperate for solid sleep and you're woken up a dozen times by your better half tossing and turning.

You seem to be really concerned w/ the timing issue and sleep schedules. The fact is, when you're with someone for a while these things start to sync up. Sure there will be nights when someone wants to go to bed earlier or later, or when someone can't fall asleep, but being together is all about compromise and you work those issues out as they come along. More power to you if you want separate bedrooms, but I'd like to think I will spend the rest of my life with someone I want to wake up to every day, not someone I'll run in to in the kitchen every morning.

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It's different thats for sure. You're the first person i've ever met, in real life or internet, that feels this way. Very eccentric. I can use big words to. :)

See, to me that's weird, because I at least know a few other people in real life who feel this way.

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This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode. Are you Kramer? ;)

Now honestly...when a couple sleeps in separate rooms...generally this means the relationship i not a close or intimate and will probably not a lasting thing. Even if it does, you probably will never get the extremely close connection to that person.

But hey...to each their own.

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I suppose that's fair in that I fit the dictionary definition. Now what about my first question? Why do you need to experience REM to spoon your woman?

Well I never said anything about spooning. As far as sex, I don't know. Random sex is where it's at. I think by going to different bedrooms at night you really limit your opportunities for that to happen. I mean, wtf, are you going to feel horny, get up, walk next door, be like "honey, can you come over here for a second. I want to bang you." Dude, that's epic fail. And I think having my wife next me, spooning, cuddling, holding her, looking into her eyes, whatever, really puts me, and her, in the mood.

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Hubbs, I don't think there's anything wrong with your viewpoint. I love sleeping with my girlfriend, but I also love my personal space.

My parents HATE sleeping together, can't stand it. They've slept apart for their entire 26 year marriage, except now when I come home from school and they're forced into it. My mom complains about it all the time. They don't dislike each other at all, but they're both introverts and need a quiet, personal area. So I guess I'm more open to the idea than others.

So count me among the people that agree with you, Hubbs...I don't find it weird at all. Sleeping alone is fantastic, some of you married guys should try it sometime.

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This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode. Are you Kramer? ;)

Now honestly...when a couple sleeps in separate rooms...generally this means the relationship i not a close or intimate and will probably not a lasting thing. Even if it does, you probably will never get the extremely close connection to that person.

But hey...to each their own.

I would absolutely love to hear you try to convince my girlfriend that we're not close because we often sleep separately. She'd probably slap you.

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I gotta call bull**** on this. Either you're lying or you initiated the conversation and they just nodded and agreed with you to be nice.

Oooookay. Not really sure where I can go with that. I suppose I could buy a digital recorder and upload the mp3s, but that seems needlessly expensive.

If you honestly believe that I'm the only person in existence who thinks this way, you, at the very least, should take a couple Psych classes.

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