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Am I the Only One Who Plans to Never Share a Bedroom?


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If I was placing a bet, this is exactly what I'd be betting on...especially knowing a bit about ladies' outlook on relationships when we are in our late teens, early 20's...we'll wait something out expecting the issue to magically work itself out after time, or even after marriage, or that we can "fix" the issue and change the guy's mind after time.

Personally, I'd be very offended if my husband did not want to share a bed with me. But whatever, to each his own.

Like I said, I made it very clear to my girlfriend that I'd sleep with her if she wanted to do so - and for the first few months, she pretty much did. She's changed her mind over time, and it's been very clear that it hasn't been about the continuing existence of the relationship.

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How do girls have so much freaking crap? Can you really wear 100 pairs of shoes? 40 dresses? 250 pieces of jewelry? Jesus.

Haha, I was just going to post about this that I plan to never, ever share my closet space...in fact, I will be taking over a second bedroom as my personal closet until we have kids :D

Oh yeah, and to answer your question...yes, us girls can wear all that crap, no problem.

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Oooookay. Not really sure where I can go with that. I suppose I could buy a digital recorder and upload the mp3s, but that seems needlessly expensive.

If you honestly believe that I'm the only person in existence who thinks this way, you, at the very least, should take a couple Psych classes.

I do think some of it goes back in the day when most people only had two-three bedroom homes and 3-4 kids. Even before that, a lot of people just had a sleeping room maybe not even divided up.

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Haha, I was just going to post about this that I plan to never, ever share my closet space...in fact, I will be taking over a second bedroom as my personal closet until we have kids :D

Oh yeah, and to answer your question...yes, us girls can wear all that crap, no problem.

Oh I know it's true. Amazing the out fits she pulls out.

Like any normal person, she has the stuff she always wears and I see that a lot, but can't get rid of the rest of the crap. Oh no. That's crazy talk. It's all needed crap.

You know what I do find cool. If we are going out and she needs to dress nice for it, she can pull out some vintage dress and make it look great. If I tried that, I'd look like a hobo.

Women and their clothing is an amazing thing to witness.

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Hey, I never said you would have a trust problem, but the way you word it, you've yet to live with or be married to someone.

Perhaps instead of inferring that your future spouse / partner might have a trust issue, I should say "Good luck finding a woman who can live happily ever after with that."

I have nothing against it, and whether it's weird or not is in the eye of the beholder. But there's more to sharing the bed than sex or just being a slave to tradition. As corny as it sounds, sometimes it's just nice to know she's there, and that's different than knowing she's in the other room.

And as corny as it sounds, about 1/10 of the planet thinks that clitoral circumcision is a good idea - many females included.

(Was that an extreme example? Of course. But you can only watch so many African women argue for something that grotesque before you come to the conclusion that cultural traditions play a deep, deep role in your psychological interpretation of the world. I bet you can find a bunch on YouTube. I don't believe that being unconscious together has any higher "meaning" when it comes to a relationship, and, perhaps luckily, I've found enough females that agree to believe that I don't need to sacrifice my own beliefs because no one else will accept them.)

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I do think some of it goes back in the day when most people only had two-three bedroom homes and 3-4 kids. Even before that, a lot of people just had a sleeping room maybe not even divided up.

Agreed. I believe that the norm is an extension of the thousands of years in which 95% of couples simply didn't have the option of sleeping separately. If there's no alternative, the natural progression is to artificially exaggerate the positive aspects of the situation - thus, we get the "people who truly love each other can sleep together" crowd.

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If you think that's how the sex works, then you have absolutely horrible game. :nana:

LOL says the inexperienced 22 year old

You are weird and i dont know how you even have a girlfriend. If and when you get married, and you tell your wife you want to sleep in a different bed, i think she might just leave you and think that you are weird/crazy, my :2cents:

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Haha, I was just going to post about this that I plan to never, ever share my closet space...in fact, I will be taking over a second bedroom as my personal closet until we have kids :D

Oh yeah, and to answer your question...yes, us girls can wear all that crap, no problem.

So why wouldn't you be "offended" by a guy who wants his own closet?

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LOL says the inexperienced 22 year old

You are weird and i dont know how you even have a girlfriend. If and when you get married, and you tell your wife you want to sleep in a different bed, i think she might just leave you and think that you are weird/crazy, my :2cents:

Not really sure how my age has any relation to the fact that if that situation is how GACOLB thinks sex works, he does, indeed, have horrible game.

It's pretty easy to be 100% dismissive, though. I'm sure the world outside of your particular version of thinking is a dark and scary place.

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Absolutely not. I'm not marrying until I pass 30 years old. People simply change too much.

Well, if you believe that people change too much, then this current idea of yours might change. Maybe you have not met the right girl and not been in the right situation. Who knows, you might me some chick who is amazing, fall crazy in love, and change your opinion on the matter.

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Oooookay. Not really sure where I can go with that. I suppose I could buy a digital recorder and upload the mp3s, but that seems needlessly expensive.

If you honestly believe that I'm the only person in existence who thinks this way, you, at the very least, should take a couple Psych classes.

While not common, many couples don't share the same bedroom. They do often sleep together but do have their own bedrooms. Mostly, they use their own room to expand closet space, dress and/or nap. On occasions, these people do sleep in their own room. In many of these situations, there was no relationship problems, it's just that the couple can afford to do so (custom design with two MB, for instance).

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I've never come across anyone in my life until now that says they wouldn't share their bed with their spouse. It would be really odd to kiss my wife goodnight and then retire to our own rooms.

I don't do it because I'm conforming with what society tells me is normal, I do it because I want my wife in bed with me.

Hell, even MSF would probably share his bed with his future wife/girlfriend after she did her chores and wifely duties.

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Not really sure how my age has any relation to the fact that if that situation is how GACOLB thinks sex works, he does, indeed, have horrible game.

It's pretty easy to be 100% dismissive, though. I'm sure the world outside of your particular version of thinking is a dark and scary place.

Hah you dont even KNOW me, but after reading this thread i know a hell of a lot more about you.

Here you go, i am married, have been with my wife for 10 years now, we both sleep in the same bed. And i think if i told my wife i wanted to sleep in a different bed, she would be pissed and think something was wrong with her or something.

I just dont see why you are so gung ho on not sharing your personal space like a bed, with someone you LOVE? (when that time comes) Maybe you just dont know how to love, yet? You're young was my point was your feelings will change, you said it yourself, people change. I think if you dont change over time, you're going to be one lonely dude, my :2cents:

p.s. Talking about game is a players mentality and usually younger people do this, it gets them nowhere trust me.

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So why wouldn't you be "offended" by a guy who wants his own closet?

1) I'm not sleeping with him in our closet...well, unless we somehow get really, really plastered, can't make it to the bed, and pass out in the closet... :doh:

2) Most importantly: have you ever smelled 20 different pairs of used wrestling shoes at once? That **** reaks. I'll be offended if he thinks he's going to put that crap anywhere near my nice dresses.

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I've never come across anyone in my life until now that says they wouldn't share their bed with their spouse. It would be really odd to kiss my wife goodnight and then retire to our own rooms.

I don't do it because I'm conforming with what society tells me is normal, I do it because I want my wife in bed with me.

Hell, even MSF would probably share his bed with his future wife/girlfriend after she did her chores and wifely duties.

Funny thing is, I don't expect chores or wifely duties. I'll clean my dishes, I'll do my laundry. No problem with that. I just want about 100 square feet of truly personal space and the ability to sleep without interruption and do awake-type things when I want to. Apparently this desire is the equivalent of wishing that I was born in Renaissance times.

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