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Am I the Only One Who Plans to Never Share a Bedroom?


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Kind of a spin-off of the shacking up thread, but it's enough of a different topic to live on its own.

Whenever I live with/get married to someone, there is absolutely, positively no chance in hell that we'll share the same bedroom, let alone the same bed. I honestly can't figure out what motivates anyone at all to do so, other than the simple pattern of box-like thinking that's developed because somewhere along the line, our culture decided that it's "normal" for a couple living together to also sleep together. I can understand people doing it simply because their parents and grandparents did it, and they never even consider the alternative. What I can't understand is people actually arguing for it.

Yet all the signals I'm getting are telling me that most couples still sleep in the same bed when they live together. I can't believe that such a lopsided ratio does this simply because it's expected, or because they literally can't afford a place with two bedrooms. Am I totally on an island here? What motivates people to sacrifice the most personal of personal spaces, not to mention their ****ing sleep, simply to be sleeping within a couple feet of somebody else every night?

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I take it you're not a cuddler?

Never understood how the two equate. I have a girlfriend that lives a few miles away. We bang, we cuddle, we watch episodes of The Office. If we're both really tired, she stays over and we crash. If not, she goes home, and we each sleep in our own beds at our own times.

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does your girlfriend agree to this arrangement? If you lived with her would she be okay with sleeping in a different bedroom?

Yes to the first question. As to the second, she originally disagreed, but after about two months, she told me that she had changed her mind and thought separate bedrooms really did make more sense.

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Yes to the first question. As to the second, she originally disagreed, but after about two months, she told me that she had changed her mind and thought separate bedrooms really did make more sense.

Well I was going to say, "good luck finding a girl who would agree to that arrangement", but looks like you have. To each his own.

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Kind of a spin-off of the shacking up thread, but it's enough of a different topic to live on its own.

Whenever I live with/get married to someone, there is absolutely, positively no chance in hell that we'll share the same bedroom, let alone the same bed. I honestly can't figure out what motivates anyone at all to do so, other than the simple pattern of box-like thinking that's developed because somewhere along the line, our culture decided that it's "normal" for a couple living together to also sleep together. I can understand people doing it simply because their parents and grandparents did it, and they never even consider the alternative. What I can't understand is people actually arguing for it.

Yet all the signals I'm getting are telling me that most couples still sleep in the same bed when they live together. I can't believe that such a lopsided ratio does this simply because it's expected, or because they literally can't afford a place with two bedrooms. Am I totally on an island here? What motivates people to sacrifice the most personal of personal spaces, not to mention their ****ing sleep, simply to be sleeping within a couple feet of somebody else every night?

I may be going out on a liimb here but, methinks you might have a bit of a problem finding a mate.

What you're describing is a lot like the hookups we all used to have in college. "OK, it was great and all but don't fall asleep because you can't stay in my dorm room overnight." Thanks, but no thanks on doing that for the rest of my life.

Going to bed and waking up with my wife is one of life's simple pleasures that I'd really not want to miss out on. Besides, it makes it a lot easier to, well, you know, when I wake up in the middle of the night feeling all, well, you know. ;)

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This thread reminds of something MSF would make. Way out there.

Jesus, sleeping in separate beds is now equivalent to believing that the earth doesn't exist outside of the borders of the US of A? Getting a tiny bit extreme, don't you think?

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