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Al Franken has won


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It was a close election, obviously, but it shouldn't come as any surprise if Franken wins in a state like Minnesota. Minnesota has gone Republican in only one presidential election since 1960, and that was the Nixon landslide of '72. It's the only state in the nation that Reagan never won.

The fact that the election was even this close may say more about Franken's pungent political persona than anything else. :2cents:


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Yeah, and look at the financial state of NC right now....something to be proud of!!!

By the way, how is the booming economy of Boone, NC doing for you...another bastion of pure liberalism.

I don't have a business there yet. I have my NC contractors license but I'm waiting till my vacation mountain home is finished before getting going there. The economy in Boone is strong. Housing starts (and we're talking about 5 to 20,000 square foot homes) have not declined. Real estate prices just started to go decline but haven't given back mush of tremendous appreciation that it's seen in the past 10 years. There is just too much Big money being thrown around by Celebs, Athletes, and Nashville types. Recessions don't stop those people from spending money, which is pretty typical of most of my customers here in St. Pete. :)

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At first i thought if he won it would be a travesty of the government.

Then as time went on, one day it occured to me.

As a NON party person, i would rather have a NON political person win in Every Single race.

I don't think it should be a Profession. I don't think you should make MONEY for being a Senator/Congressperson.

I may not agree with anything he thinks, but i don't think he'll accept bribes and be a whore to the lobby.

I'm okay with this.

I kind of agree with you. Its just too bad its a toolbox like Al Franken. :2cents:
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Just like the Wash state Gov race a few years back. The Dems have now perfected the art of stealing elections. They failed in 2000, but learned. Now they know exactly how to get the right judges in place to allow JUUUUSSSTTTTT enough "contested ballots" to be "found" and counted. And as soon as their candidate takes a lead, WHAM, those same judges declare it over and wont let any more ballots be contested or found.

Congrats Dems! You've got it all. Awesome for you. It must be so proud to look at who represents you in Govt.

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It is official. It just hasn't been reported yet on CNN or the other sources.

I know O'Rielly hates the man with a passion. He said that if Franken wins he has lost respect for Minnesota. He hates the man. Therefore, I encourage people to post links so we can all the the reactions from the Hannities, O'Riellys, and Coulter's of the wor...err Murdoch's Mouth.

What's O'Reilly gonna do, boycott Minnesota?

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I don't have a business there yet. I have my NC contractors license but I'm waiting till my vacation mountain home is finished before getting going there. The economy in Boone is strong. Housing starts (and we're talking about 5 to 20,000 square foot homes) have not declined. Real estate prices just started to go decline but haven't given back mush of tremendous appreciation that it's seen in the past 10 years. There is just too much Big money being thrown around by Celebs, Athletes, and Nashville types. Recessions don't stop those people from spending money, which is pretty typical of most of my customers here in St. Pete. :)

Well played, sir. :applause:

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Dems response- "Yeah!!!!! we got away with it again. LOL, and theres nothing the right can do about it!"

Kind of scary that all of you on the left think this is a good thing.

Kilmer's response- "Hey, everybody! Look how much doodoo I can make up!"

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Kilmer's response- "Hey, everybody! Look how much doodoo I can make up!"

Larrys response "I know K17 is right again, so I'll try and make a joke and hope people forget about truth."

Seriously. Coleman had more votes on election night. He had more votes after a recount. So Franken and the Dems did what they always do. They found Dem judges to allow the right ballots to be reviewed and accepted and or rejected until the number made Franken the winner. Then they halted all further reviews.

It's a disgusting playbook that your party has been using for decades. They almost got away with it in 2000. They did get away with it in Wash State Gov race. and now this. And youre showing your true colors by laughing about it as if it's acceptable behavior.

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Dems response- "Yeah!!!!! we got away with it again. LOL, and theres nothing the right can do about it!"

Kind of scary that all of you on the left think this is a good thing.

Kilmer's response- "Hey, everybody! Look how much doodoo I can make up!"
Larrys response "I know K17 is right again, so I'll try and make a joke and hope people forget about truth."

Then you'll have no trouble at all finding one post in this thread. One post. From one poster. From "all of us on the left", where one single person:

a) Claims that the left successfully stole this election, and

B) Celebrates it.

After all, since "all of us on the left" think whatever you claim we think, and since "all of us on the left" are saying what you claim we're saying, then it'll be a piece of cake for you to pull one post out of someplace besides your Philly, right?

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Actually -Coleman had more votes on election night, more votes after the recount, and LESS votes after the absentee ballots.....

So you don't think they should count Absentee ballots?

No. He was leading after the Dem judges decided WHICH absentee ballots were acceptable.

Still plenty of absentee ballots and contested ballots out there. But they arent being reviewed because the courts have the winner they wanted. So they shut it down.

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