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Al Franken has won


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At first i thought if he won it would be a travesty of the government.

Then as time went on, one day it occured to me.

As a NON party person, i would rather have a NON political person win in Every Single race.

I don't think it should be a Profession. I don't think you should make MONEY for being a Senator/Congressperson.

I may not agree with anything he thinks, but i don't think he'll accept bribes and be a whore to the lobby.

I'm okay with this.

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Wow. What a disappointment. In both cases. Though I'm a dem I see Franken as divisive and too far left. As for Richardson (my gov) I suppose in hindsight I'm glad he didn't get the nomination after all.

Added: I wouldn't be surprised one bit if, assuming he's found innocent in this deal, Richardson is gunning for a better appointment down the line. He's a fully political animal and I don't see this being the end of him. Sad also that Diane Denish (our second in charge) won't get the office she is a good woman and would've made a fine governor.

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Franken's hasn't officially won but it's pretty much over for Coleman. At least Richardson wasn't the SoS nominee. I wonder if he would have backed off if the Blago incident never happened.

What a joke. This was a stolen election.

How did Franken steal it? Please tell us what you know.

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It is official. It just hasn't been reported yet on CNN or the other sources.

boy I'll bet Anne Coulture <--intentional mispell :D is pissed

I know O'Rielly hates the man with a passion. He said that if Franken wins he has lost respect for Minnesota. He hates the man. Therefore, I encourage people to post links so we can all the the reactions from the Hannities, O'Riellys, and Coulter's of the wor...err Murdoch's Mouth.

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How did Franken steal it? Please tell us what you know.

Missing ballots from one of the polling places, duplicate ballots that were allegedely counted, several hundred absentee ballots that weren't counted, etc., etc.

We've all seen how dirty and corrupt Democrats can be (see Illinois politics). This thing is going to court.

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Missing ballots from one of the polling places, duplicate ballots that were allegedely counted, several hundred absentee ballots that weren't counted, etc., etc.

We've all seen how dirty and corrupt Democrats can be (see Illinois politics). This thing is going to court.

we know what party can be counted on to try to disqualify as many votes as possible every election year. Looks like the democrats aren't going to allow that tactic to work anymore.

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Missing ballots from one of the polling places, duplicate ballots that were allegedely counted, several hundred absentee ballots that weren't counted, etc., etc.

We've all seen how dirty and corrupt Democrats can be (see Illinois politics). This thing is going to court.


This sounds familiar to me. I can't quite put my finger on it though. Where did I hear about people complaining that an election was stolen? I know I've heard this before.

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Missing ballots from one of the polling places, duplicate ballots that were allegedely counted, several hundred absentee ballots that weren't counted, etc., etc.

Good god, get over it. The 2000 election is over. Al Gore lost - move on!

Oh, oh. Sorry. I thought you were a whining 2000 Democrat. :D

Don't worry, after a few years of screaming how it was stolen you will move on....probably.

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we know what party can be counted on to try to disqualify as many votes as possible every election year. Looks like the democrats aren't going to allow that tactic to work anymore.

Are you referring to the Democrats when they would not allow the military absentee ballots from the Bush/Gore election to count?

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