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CODEPINK to protest and throw shoes at White House/w pics


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WHAT: Peace activists to gather with shoes in solidarity to Iraqi journalist

WHEN: 11 a.m., Weds. Dec. 17

WHERE: In front of White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In solidarity with an Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at George W. Bush at a Baghdad press conference Sunday, peace activists will gather outside the White House with bags of shoes representing Iraqis and U.S. soldiers who have died since the Bush Administration's illegal invasion of Iraq.

They aim to show support for Iraqi journalist Muntader al-Zaidi, who hurled his shoes at President Bush while he spoke at the conference on his "surprise" visit to discuss the war. Al-Zaidi is currently being held by Iraqi police and questioned on his actions. The peace activists are calling on the Iraqi government to release al-Zaidi without charges and have set up a fund to support him and his family."

"It's outrageous that al-Zaidi could get two years in prison for insulting George Bush, when Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of 1.5 million Iraqis and 4,200 U.S. troops, and 5 million displaced Iraqis," says Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK. "The one who should be in jail is George Bush, and he should be charged with war crimes."

The gesture of throwing shoes is considered a major insult in Arabic culture.

"Al-Zaidi's act of civil disobedience expresses the disgust that so many Iraqis and Americans feel towards a man who has caused so much pain and suffering," says Anas Shallal of Iraqi Voices for Peace. "It is indeed a fitting tribute to the end of the Bush reign of terror."

U.S. veterans who served in Iraq will also participate in the shoe action at the White House.

"Having one shoe thrown at George Bush pales in comparison to the suffering that veterans and Iraqis go through everyday," says Geoffrey Milliard of Iraq Veterans Against the War. "Perhaps if Bush can see some more of these shoes before he leaves office, he will feel some of our pain."



I'm gonna go down during lunch and **** with them. I have a camera, i'll post pics if I get any good shots

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It's a good publicity stunt. It will get them the attention they want.

Kind of unrelated, but the first time I went through the Holocaust museum there was a pile of shoes, a mountain of them really. It hit me really, really hard. You knew what those shoes represented and you never had to read the signage. It was one of the saddest images I have ever seen.

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[/b]I'm gonna go down during lunch and **** with them. I have a camera, i'll post pics if I get any good shots

If i didnt have to work, i would totally join you.

If I were you, i would act like i was joining them, get in the middle of their little group, act like you are throwing a shoe towards the White House, but misjudge the trajectory and rocket it right into the back of someone's head.

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If i didnt have to work, i would totally join you.

If I were you, i would act like i was joining them, act like you are throwing a shoe towards the White House, but misjudge the trajectory and rocket it right into the back of someone's head.

Jason Campbell could do that without trying :doh:

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If i didnt have to work, i would totally join you.

If I were you, i would act like i was joining them, get in the middle of their little group, act like you are throwing a shoe towards the White House, but misjudge the trajectory and rocket it right into the back of someone's head.


I get an hour lunch break :) I'll have plenty of time

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gotta love "peaceful" protestors in this country. Seriously, I lean pretty left on most issues, but I'd like to know if any of these protestors have actually gone to Iraq to see all the unhappiness instead of just assuming people are unhappy.

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Funny how this 'journalist' never had the cajones to try even writing something bad about Saddam when he was in charge, much less throw a shoe at him. Saddam killed far more Iraqi's when he was in charge than have been killed since and not ONE person from Code Pink protested those actions.

They are so brave, going to the White House where they know they will be protected (by members of the military at some points - oh the irony there). Efff Code Pink and their whiny member. The best video of code pink:


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Here's the ultimate irony -

They're protesting because they think Bush is "a war criminal, and deserving of the thrown shoe, while this man was excercising his supposed free speech" yet it's BECAUSE of Bush that this man, and many just like him, are so much better off and NOT being further tortured by Saddam right now.

Would they be happier if we reversed everything Bush did, and they just hung this guy, by a rope ?

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My opinion:

Code Pink's protest: Pathetic, Funny.

The folks in this thread, crying "Treason!", advocating their deaths, advocating assault: Pathetic, not funny.

Code Pink deserves to be laughed at. (I, personally, was wondering where they were going to get that many left shoes.)

(And I doubt it will be as funny as them protesting the Marine recruiting station in Berkeley. Especially as portrayed by The Daily Show. Don't these people know that they're a joke?)

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