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My knee hurts and I don't know why


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Anyone with any medical knowledge on here? Maybe you could help me out.

I woke up this morning, and as soon as my feet hit the floor I noticed a sharp pain on the inside of my knee (on my left leg, if I'm looking down at it the pain is coming from just to the right of my kneecap).

I kind of ignored it for awhile, but after I showered it got worse. Now I'm walking with a limp, and it hurts whenever I move my leg.

The thing is, I have absolutely no idea why it hurts. I didn't hit it on anything. There is no bruise or swelling. I didn't do any sort of physical activity the past few days that would have resulted in a sprain or anything like that... So basically I'm clueless.

Anyone know what might be up, or has anyone had this happen to them before?

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It will need to be amputated. You COULD go to a doctor and pay thousands in medical bills...or I can take care of it for only a few hundred.
You clearly have a significant blood clot, which is going to dislodge and kill you in your sleep.

That, or you tweaked your knee a little.




LOL! You guys crack me up!

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Osgood-Schlatter, I had this i couldnt bend my legs after playing a sport or doing alot of walking...it goes away fairly quickly a few months...this is just a guess. Im 6"3 Btw, and this happned when i was still growing around 15-20. Its probaly not this, then again this is very common and not major whatsoever.

Take Care

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In all seriousness, could it possibly be your maniscus? It's the cartlidge that acts like a cushion between your leg bones so they don't grind on each other.

If it's a sharp bad pain and if your knee feels locked, that's it.

When it first happened, it was like what you described. Later on, it locked up and I fell to the ground in pain.

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