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My knee hurts and I don't know why


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Anyone with any medical knowledge on here? Maybe you could help me out.

I woke up this morning, and as soon as my feet hit the floor I noticed a sharp pain on the inside of my knee (on my left leg, if I'm looking down at it the pain is coming from just to the right of my kneecap).

I kind of ignored it for awhile, but after I showered it got worse. Now I'm walking with a limp, and it hurts whenever I move my leg.

The thing is, I have absolutely no idea why it hurts. I didn't hit it on anything. There is no bruise or swelling. I didn't do any sort of physical activity the past few days that would have resulted in a sprain or anything like that... So basically I'm clueless.

Anyone know what might be up, or has anyone had this happen to them before?

Colt Brennan hit you in the knee with a rocket pass. It was so fast you didn't even feel it.

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I'll give serious advice

How long is "a while?"

When did you notice it? What were you doing before then?

How active are you? Height and weight please

Do you have health insurance?

For now, ice it for about half an hour at the end of the day. Consider an ACE bandage.

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All I can say is, your knee hurts, and I have no idea why either.


Maybe.... maybe not.


This is pretty much the reason that I clicked on this thread. First response, too. Classic.

Sorry OP, I hope your knees don't fall off.

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In all seriousness, could it possibly be your maniscus? It's the cartlidge that acts like a cushion between your leg bones so they don't grind on each other.

If it's a sharp bad pain and if your knee feels locked, that's it.

When it first happened, it was like what you described. Later on, it locked up and I fell to the ground in pain.

Meniscus tear, thank me later. ;)
You most likely have a meniscus tear. I have one in my right knee and it will never go away completely unless you have surgery. If I bend down or run it aggravates it, and then sometimes I can go weeks without any pain.

Go get a cortisone shot.


Ok, I'm ruling out meniscus tear I think... doesn't feel as bad as Gibbsfactor described it. Although based on Hognose's description it could be a possibility.

An update on how it feels: After taking 2 Advils earlier the pain went away and I was able to walk around without feeling anything. However after they wore off it still hurt, even a little worse than it did before before I walked a lot on it.

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Osgood-Schlatter, I had this i couldnt bend my legs after playing a sport or doing alot of walking...it goes away fairly quickly a few months...this is just a guess. Im 6"3 Btw, and this happned when i was still growing around 15-20. Its probaly not this, then again this is very common and not major whatsoever.

Take Care

I'll give serious advice

How long is "a while?"

When did you notice it? What were you doing before then?

How active are you? Height and weight please

Do you have health insurance?

For now, ice it for about half an hour at the end of the day. Consider an ACE bandage.

Hitman: that doesn't sound like mine... I can still bend my leg easily, it just feels a little weak when I do.

Slateman: This literally started this morning when I woke up. All I had done before then is sleep, and I didn't do anything physical for the past few days.

I am 5'9" about 160lbs, and I would normally describe myself as pretty athletic, although right now I'm not in good shape as a result of not going to the gym in like 2 months. I am on my parents health insurance plan.

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It's a sure sign you'll be getting some rain.

You know this actually occured to me earlier, as it has been a rainy day here in Northern Virginia. It just makes me feel old having possible achey joints from rain.:silly:

Again, thanks to everyone for their responses. I'll give you guys an update tomorrow.

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This happens to me:

I sleep on my side most of the time, sometimes I will wake up on my stomach with my leg still laying like I was on my side so it was stretched and at an awkward angle for 7hours or so... It hurts for awhile but goes away... Any possiblitiy that happened to you?

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After reading the replies here, most of you need your man cards confiscated because none of you have given him good advice.

Wrap it with Duct Tape you wuss... and start walking and running on it!!! "I've got an itsy bitsy pain in my knee". :doh: And if you don't have duct tape, especially the 200mph Nascar utilized Duct tape, you ABSOLUTELY NEED your man card taken! Geez... :doh:

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