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This season reminding anyone else of Spurrier.


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I remember Spurrier's first year. We blew it up in the preseason and came out and won our first 3 games (if memory) serves.. I don't remember how the rest of the season turned out because of intentional mental blocks, but this has the same feeling to me.. A fast start in a new system and then.. ****.

I think Zorn is better than that, atleast I hope he is.

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Yep. Funny...whenever there is a coach with some clout (Schottenheimer, Gibbs), things look up around here. Schottenheimer went 8-8, but most believe he was on the right track.

But, Danny wanted personnel power. He dumped Schott and got it, and that lead to Spurrier. Gibbs left, Danny again wanted power, this led to hiring a coach that was on NO ONE's radar.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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I remember Spurrier's first year. We blew it up in the preseason and came out and won our first 3 games (if memory) serves.. I don't remember how the rest of the season turned out because of intentional mental blocks, but this has the same feeling to me.. A fast start in a new system and then.. ****.

Actually, the Redskins won the first game of the year versus the Cardnials, but then were beaten soundly by the Eagles on MNF, 37-7.

The only TD was on a punt return.

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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing last night. How we are getting worse not better.

Especially our Offense. It looks just as pathetic as when Spurrier was coaching.

What escapes me, is how can other first year coaches like the ravens can do so well. It seems we, the redskins are the only team who gets new coaches and new Qb's and they don't work out while other teams with the same situations are having success.

Ravens come to mind, dallas is another, falcons yet another.

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This reminds me more of 2004, but I see your point.

I liked the hire of Zorn and liked the idea of not hiring a retread...but I'm really starting to think we should have just promoted Williams for this one season and made a huge push for Cowher. At least we'd have an identity and direction. We appear to be listless right now.

I fully admit that I'm flip-flopping. I like Zorn and was VERY excited about things...but I'm really beginning to think that we needed to replace Gibbs with a steady, experienced coach.

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Maybe the offense is going through similar struggles, but I know this much - when Zorn talks about what's going wrong, he has specific answers, talks about specific plays, explains specific problems. When Spurrier talked about what was going wrong, he sounded like he had absolutely no clue. "Just gotta coach 'em up!"

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I thought the first year we beat the Jets first and two other people

That was 2003.

We beat the Jets opening night, then Atlanta in week two.

We lost in week three to the Giants (at home)

Week four we beat New England, who wouldn't lose again until October 2004......

3-1 start, things looked good. Then the next 12 games were 2-10, for a 5-11 finish.

Zorn does not remind me of spurrier, we never won more than 6 games under Spurrier.

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That was 2003.

We beat the Jets opening night, then Atlanta in week two.

We lost in week three to the Giants (at home)

Week four we beat New England, who wouldn't lose again until October 2004......

3-1 start, things looked good. Then the next 12 games were 2-10, for a 5-11 finish.

Zorn does not remind me of spurrier, we never won more than 6 games under Spurrier.

Ahh thank you for straightening me out..

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That was 2003.

We beat the Jets opening night, then Atlanta in week two.

We lost in week three to the Giants (at home)

Week four we beat New England, who wouldn't lose again until October 2004......

3-1 start, things looked good. Then the next 12 games were 2-10, for a 5-11 finish.

Zorn does not remind me of spurrier, we never won more than 6 games under Spurrier.

We went 7-9 in Steve's first year.

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just cause of the lack of pass pro

I've been pretty vocal of my support of JC, but last night we had better protection in the second half than we've had the last 4 or 5 games and JC just missed a lot. A lot of balls ended up in the ground for no good reason..

I'm thinking that over the course of those 4 or 5 games, JC has become accustomed to being rushed in the pocket and is now playing scared, hurrying when he didn't really need to last night.

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What escapes me, is how can other first year coaches like the ravens can do so well. It seems we, the redskins are the only team who gets new coaches and new Qb's and they don't work out while other teams with the same situations are having success.

Ravens come to mind, dallas is another, falcons yet another.

I think it's a product of Zorn having too much on his plate. The Ravens, for example, not only hired a new head coach but also brought in a top notch offensive coordinator in Cam Cameron. That's why the offense is so much better and they already had a great defense.

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Spurrier didn't have his priorities straight. Preseason games were played like playoff games. And no one would block for the QB - not because they couldn't, but because thats what the scheme essentially called for.

Zorn, he seems like he knows what he needs to accomplish, he's just a few tools short. Our OL cant block, due to injury, age, etc, not because of scheme.

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