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What's the story with Suggs yelling to the sidelines about Campbell?


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I tuned into the MMQB show on 980 this morning just in time to catch the tail end of a story about Suggs from the Ravens saying to the Redskins that they were going to get Campbell killed.

I was wondering what the context of this was if anyone heard the story. Was he talking about the scheme or the back-up center playing tackle or what?

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Yeah, he was laughing when we put Geisenger in.... It was a big pause before anyone ran onto the field when samuels came out.... then the first play he looks like a chicken with his head cutoff, eyes HUGE, scared Sh!tless.... and Suggs basically was laughing at him and us. BECAUSE WE ARE A FU(KING LAUGHING STOCK RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My friend just heard that on the Junkies this is what Suggs said to Zorn after the game. The junks have a crazy inside source inside the Ravens org, I think that it where it came from.

No link, this is coming from the airwaves.

I'm gonna venture to guess that Suggs knows a thing or two about a thing or two when it comes to QB play and O-lines ...

If the issue was with JC, I don't think he would have said that.

Not a pass for JC by any means, he could play better, but this is some insight into something a lot of us have already known about the O-line.

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There is already a post on this (http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?t=274209) and this is what Suggs said:

"I actually pointed at Jim Zorn and said, 'You can't do this, you're going to get your quarterback hurt,' " said Suggs, who praised Geisinger's effort under such stark circumstances. "I was like, 'I don't think this guy is supposed to be here. You've got a mistake.' "

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Yeah, he was laughing when we put Geisenger in.... It was a big pause before anyone ran onto the field when samuels came out.... then the first play he looks like a chicken with his head cutoff, eyes HUGE, scared Sh!tless.... and Suggs basically was laughing at him and us. BECAUSE WE ARE A FU(KING LAUGHING STOCK RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty much...

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There isn't much of an excuse for that decision, only to be fixed later.

It was pretty obvious. Yes, a bad place to be in, but you DON'T put Geisinger in to cover the blind side with both Jansen and Samuels out.

LT needs to be your best tackle - in that situation, it's Heyer, at his natural position.


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I don't think there was anyone left to play O-line, though. Why else would Geisenger have played if we had Fabini or Rinehart activated? The crap at the end of the game with the passing and the timeout was odd. I like to see fight in a team, but it seemed pointless.

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