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Tandler's blog: Benching Campbell would be a big mistake


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Benching Campbell would be a big mistake

Let's cut straight to the subject that's been buzzing around the message board and talk radio world:

Should Jason Campbell be benched?

Clearly, his performance has fallen off in the past seven games. After the first five games of the year Campbell's QB rating stood at a very respectable 100 and he hadn't thrown an interception. Now, he's at a mediocre 87.5 rating and he's thrown four picks. After five games, ESPN's Ron Jaworski said that he was a candidate for MVP. Now people are saying he's the main reason the offense has been MIA.

So that has board posters and talk show callers calling for Campbell to be replaced. Put in Todd Collins, look what happened when he went in at this time last year. Put in Colt Brennan, look what he did in preseason. Do either one of those but get another guy for next year. Campbell can't make decisions, he holds the ball too long, he can't make the throws, he can't read defenses, he's not a leader.

It's important to note here that this outcry for Campbell's ouster is coming strictly from outside of Redskins Park. Usually when there is dissatisfaction among the players with the play of the quarterback, some off-the-record comments will be made to some of the media types. I have checked with a couple of reporters who are out in Ashburn frequently and they both told me that there has been no grumbling about benching Campbell.

Yesterday, Jim Zorn went into detail about how Antwaan Randle El ran an 11-yard pattern when he should have run an eight-yard pattern. That made Campbell's throw appear to be low when it was exactly where it should have been. Instead of being to turn around and easily take a couple of steps for a first down, Randle El was touched down short of the first. (How many other times might this've happened?)

Take the quarterbacks of the last two teams the Redskins have faced. Matt Hasselbeck, under the coaching of Jim Zorn in Seattle, had many fits and starts with the Seahawks. Then, in 2005, he got it. A year later the Seahawks were in the Super Bowl and may well have won it if not for some strange officiating calls.

And Eli Manning seemed to be completely lost as late December of last year. Nobody in NFL history has thrown more incompletions in a game than he did against the Redskins in the Meadowlands in Week 15 of 2007. A few weeks before that, he'd thrown four interceptions in an ugly loss to the Vikings. His demeanor was way too laid back. He's now wearing a Super Bowl ring.

It does mean that there is a potential payoff in being patient, letting Campbell stay in there until he and the other 10 guys on offense are executing the offense the way it's supposed to be executed.

Sometimes to best way to change things is to make no changes at all. This is one of those times.

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Clearly, his performance has fallen off in the past seven games. After the first five games of the year Campbell's QB rating stood at a very respectable 100 and he hadn't thrown an interception. .

And after 8 games it was a very respectable 99.5. :doh:

I know the writer is on Jason's side, but why does the media have to always skew facts.

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The only talk of benching Jason Campbell comes from this board and some of the people who call into 980. It has media people talking about benching Campbell which would be a mistake. It should be the intent to give Jason Campbell time to grow in this offense and next year bring in some people who can actually block and the ones who don't can go play in the flag football league and be road blocks. Totally rediculous the amount of blame that Jason Campbell gets for the losses. Does he deserve some of the blame, sure, but so does the rest of the team and all the Campbell haters are out in full effect and give the rest of the team a pass when they were way worse than what Jason did yesterday. Both lines were terrible blocking and tackling which is just a fundamental that you have to have to be competitive. The receievers weren't getting much separation and dropping passes that should have been caught. OK so Jason took a chance on a 40 yard post pattern that was intercepted on the 2 yardline. He is criticized when he doesn't take chances and is criticized when he does. I think that some people just have it out for this guy.

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poor guy has to play for his job every game. He NEVER has any security. I hope zorn gives it to him. Im PRETTY sure it'll take some pressure off of him if he knows that if he has a bad game there wont be talk about benching him.

He is a studd, and people continue to forget that this is yet again a new offense for him to learn.

awesome to be apart of a fan base full of impatient, fair weather fans.

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Same thing was being said before he got hurt last year.

In my opinion, I think he has earned the right to play until we are mathematically eliminated. If we make the playoffs, then it is probably time to part with TC and bring in a WCO vet for insurance next year.

If we don't make the playoffs, he should never take a snap again for the Skins. He probably still has trade value.

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Here we go comparing JC with Eli again, the truth is there is NO comparison! Eli Manning is an elite QB who scans the field for his open recievers, who never throws shorter then the first down marker on 3rd down, who is acurate and will bomb you in a heart beat to loosen up your defense for his running backs later in the game. Jason Campbell does none of these above, and thats the exact reason this same offense, who averaged 25 points a game under Todd Collins, can only score 7 points a game against the same defenses. And were suppose to believe and trust in this? I think this guy Tandler is hanging out with Michael Ervins, any quarterback can look like Eli after a big toke from the bong!

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If we don't make the playoffs, he should never take a snap again for the Skins. He probably still has trade value.

Your opinion but it won't happen. It wasn't until the 4th year that Zorn and Hasselbeck won the division title.

Why is this my opinion? JLC's question to Zorn today and Zorn's answer. Zorn knows that the only problem with this team is not JC. He's not going to bench JC with all the other glaring deficeincies.

"I asked Zorn about having few receivers to trust, pass-protection breakdowns, drops, having to get too one-dimensional when falling behind, and the cumulative impact that has on anyone's ability to be an effective quarterback. "All of those things are very true," Zorn said."

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Here we go comparing JC with Eli again, the truth is there is NO comparison! Eli Manning is an elite QB who scans the field for his open recievers, who never throws shorter then the first down marker on 3rd down, who is acurate and will bomb you in a heart beat to loosen up your defense for his running backs later in the game. Jason Campbell does none of these above, and thats the exact reason this same offense, who averaged 25 points a game under Todd Collins, can only score 7 points a game against the same defenses. And were suppose to believe and trust in this? I think this guy Tandler is hanging out with Michael Ervins, any quarterback can look like Eli after a big toke from the bong!
Holy hyperbole, Batman!

Sorry, but Eli went through many of the same things JC is going through, and faced essentially the exact same criticism: Doesn't see the field well, propensity to make bad decisions, lack of touch. Eli has stepped his game up, and we'll see if JC will follow suit.

I still have full confidence in JC. 2 bad games against the best defenses in the league doesn't mean all that much to me.

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poor guy has to play for his job every game. He NEVER has any security. I hope zorn gives it to him. Im PRETTY sure it'll take some pressure off of him if he knows that if he has a bad game there wont be talk about benching him.

He is a studd, and people continue to forget that this is yet again a new offense for him to learn.

awesome to be apart of a fan base full of impatient, fair weather fans.


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Same thing was being said before he got hurt last year.

In my opinion, I think he has earned the right to play until we are mathematically eliminated. If we make the playoffs, then it is probably time to part with TC and bring in a WCO vet for insurance next year.

If we don't make the playoffs, he should never take a snap again for the Skins. He probably still has trade value.

If we don't make the playoffs, he should never take a snap again? Really?

There are more things at work than QB play if we don't make the playoffs right now. The OL play, inconsistent defense, plus the fact that the NFC resembles the AFC of the previous few years.

He's played his way into being the starter for next year. People need to understand that and support him. If he sucks it up next year, then yeah, we need to look elsewhere. But he's played his way into that role.

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Your opinion but it won't happen. It wasn't until the 4th year that Zorn and Hasselbeck won the division title.

Why is this my opinion? JLC's question to Zorn today and Zorn's answer. Zorn knows that the only problem with this team is not JC. He's not going to bench JC with all the other glaring deficeincies.

"I asked Zorn about having few receivers to trust, pass-protection breakdowns, drops, having to get too one-dimensional when falling behind, and the cumulative impact that has on anyone's ability to be an effective quarterback. "All of those things are very true," Zorn said."

What is Zorn going to say? That the only reason he has a job is to develop JC and puilling the plug now would make Zorn as useful to the team as JC? That the only functional aspect of the offense is built by Bugel. That CP is a better play caller than he is?

As far as Hasselback, the Seahahwks went from 4th place to 2nd place in his first year in Seattle. They never finished worse than 2nd in their division since he has been there. They not only won the division in the 4th year, they won the NFC (Thanks to Carlos Rogers and Brunell).

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Holy hyperbole, Batman!

Sorry, but Eli went through many of the same things JC is going through, and faced essentially the exact same criticism: Doesn't see the field well, propensity to make bad decisions, lack of touch. Eli has stepped his game up, and we'll see if JC will follow suit.

I still have full confidence in JC. 2 bad games against the best defenses in the league doesn't mean all that much to me.

eli was called out by his gm midway through last year, and who knows how many fans

it's getting pathetic now...what's going to happen when manning, brady, mcnabb, brees and the other top guys are gone?

teams will look like the bucs

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If we don't make the playoffs, he should never take a snap again? Really?

There are more things at work than QB play if we don't make the playoffs right now. The OL play, inconsistent defense, plus the fact that the NFC resembles the AFC of the previous few years.

He's played his way into being the starter for next year. People need to understand that and support him. If he sucks it up next year, then yeah, we need to look elsewhere. But he's played his way into that role.

He will have trade value this offseason. Like the Dolphins offering us a 1st for Ramsey prior to 05. I don't know what games you have been watching to believe he has played has way into anything for next year. If we make the playoffs, it is a different story.

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What is Zorn going to say? That the only reason he has a job is to develop JC and puilling the plug now would make Zorn as useful to the team as JC? That the only functional aspect of the offense is built by Bugel. That CP is a better play caller than he is?

As far as Hasselback, the Seahahwks went from 4th place to 2nd place in his first year in Seattle. They never finished worse than 2nd in their division since he has been there. They not only won the division in the 4th year, they won the NFC (Thanks to Carlos Rogers and Brunell).

that is the worst division in football compared to the best

try again

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that is the worst division in football compared to the best

try again

You try again. Seattle was in the AFC West, then went over to the NFC West during that span. Oakland, Denver, KC and San Diego were pretty decent. Rams didn't suck too bad at that time. Plus the point of that post was responding to the claim that Hasselback didn't have success in Seattle until his 4th year when they reached the SB which is not the case.

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Here we go comparing JC with Eli again, the truth is there is NO comparison! Eli Manning is an elite QB who scans the field for his open recievers, who never throws shorter then the first down marker on 3rd down, who is acurate and will bomb you in a heart beat to loosen up your defense for his running backs later in the game. Jason Campbell does none of these above, and thats the exact reason this same offense, who averaged 25 points a game under Todd Collins, can only score 7 points a game against the same defenses. And were suppose to believe and trust in this? I think this guy Tandler is hanging out with Michael Ervins, any quarterback can look like Eli after a big toke from the bong!

Apparently, a ring instantly wipes away all of the embarrassing baby steps it took to get there. He won that ring in his THIRD YEAR AS A STARTER. And he SUCKED in the last few games of the regular season. SUCKED. Following that, he started playing competent, mistake-free football (like, I dunno, JC's first 8 games this season, when our team was clicking) and the team began to click. Eli is a valuable player now, but there was absolutely to way anyone could have concluded that he was elite until the night he slipped that ring on his finger.

Do us all a favor and have some ****ing patience.

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I know less about Matt Hasselbach, but I'll say it again w/ respect to Eli Manning. There were games where you said, 'There's a pro QB.'. I'll go back to Giants/Eagles early in 2006:


Sacked EIGHT times, they rushed at a 3.3 yards/carry clip (Tiki Barber + Brandon Jacobs 26 rushes for 86 yards), but Manning goes 31 for 43 with 371 yards 3 TD's and 1 pick, including an overtime bomb to Buress a play on which he got hit against a good Eagle's defense to win the game.

Obviously, there were some clunkers in there because his season stats aren't that good for 2006, but you could look at that game and say this guy CAN get it done. We just need to figure out how to get this kind of play on a regular basis.

I don't see the comparable game for Campbell.

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Here we go comparing JC with Eli again, the truth is there is NO comparison! Eli Manning is an elite QB who scans the field for his open recievers, who never throws shorter then the first down marker on 3rd down, who is acurate and will bomb you in a heart beat to loosen up your defense for his running backs later in the game. Jason Campbell does none of these above, and thats the exact reason this same offense, who averaged 25 points a game under Todd Collins, can only score 7 points a game against the same defenses. And were suppose to believe and trust in this? I think this guy Tandler is hanging out with Michael Ervins, any quarterback can look like Eli after a big toke from the bong!

******LOOK AT HOW WELL ELI's OLINE BLOCKS, 3 solid RB, and DO I REALLY HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIS WR's and DEFENSE?******** HE HAS THE TIME HE NEEDS TO SCAN THE FIELD, AND MOST OF HIS WR"s are over 6 FT and are playing their right poisition!

REDSKINS- WE have a shot OLINE, New Coach, New offensive system, 1 legit RB, 1 complete TE, and 1 down field threat at WR's, a slot WR's playing the 2, shot special teams with no punt or kickoff return threat, and defensive line with NO MIDDLE push to get pressure up the middle, Shawn Springs that stays hurt, and on, on, on and on. BE REALISTIC about the complete problem, OH I FORGOT, ITS EASY FOR SOME OF YOU TO JUST BLAME THE QB FOR "EVERYTHING"

The offensive players are the same, but the offensive passing game is totally different! PERIOD! And Todd Collins had been in the same system for 10 yrs, so how can you call yourself a football guy and compare the 2?

Just because they both play QB? How about Todd Collins threw picks, looked very slow and couldn"t read defenses himself in preseason in THIS NEW offense. In addition to that, the last 4 teams we faced last year had virtually nothing to play for, however we did. And 2 of the 4 teams was trying to play spoiler for some other teams.

How many points, rating and stats did ole Todd Collins had when he faced a team that had something to play for? (Seattle)! How many times have you saw JC throw 2 pick 6's in one game under that same pressure? And to add to that The Steelers pressure was way worse than Seattle, and Jason didn't throw 2 pick 6's.

Even with an article, which by the way its atleast 2 of them in this forum! You JC bashers and haters are still trying to find a way to pin the WHOLE blame on him because you "THINK" someone else can do better!

Well ding, ding, I will trust Jim Zorn and some other "PAID" experts opinion over any of you arm chair GM's, scouts and ES team owners!


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True. If the Skins ever showed some patience who knows how great some of our QB's could have been. Campbell behind a good-great OL would be better than Manning. Hell, Ramsey looked better than Manning in the few chances Gibbs gave him and he still couldn't get a chance because of Ol' Noodle Arm.

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I don't see the comparable game for Campbell.

To be fair though - can you really compare the two organizations and must that also be taken into account?

The Giants organization is top notch when it comes to personnel acquisition and development. They hit on more guys than they miss by a wide margin and they also have a knack, as do the Patriots, for finding players that can step in immediately and contribute at a high level.

I am frustrated with JC and I do think he needs to elevate just about all aspects of his game, but the guy does not have the weapons yet to help him out - aside from Portis, Moss and Cooley - when he actually gets a chance to catch a pass. I don't think things have to be perfect for him either to perform, but I still think we need to reserve judgment until he has more of an arsenal to work and become acclimated with.

BTW - get your @## back in the Tailgate where it belongs :D

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