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Update: Loudoun Supervisors Vote to Reconsider Joint Initiative


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As passed along by Mr. Mark the Homer:


"The Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted Thursday night to reconsider a deal with the Washington Redskins that could lead to the construction of the team’s Hall of Fame within the county. The board had rejected the proposal earlier this month."




Folks, you gotta see this:


12/02/08 Update:

Well my friends, I just heard my friend over at tooconservative.com who informed me that as expected the supervisors killed the iniviative. There will be no HOF.

According to the blog, Virginia Beach may make overtures to the team.



Note from JimmiJo: Not trying to stoke political argument here, only to highlight that an important hearing is scheduled for this Monday to consider a joint marketing effort that may include the team building a Redskins Hall of Fame in Loudoun.


Loudoun Dems About To Punt Away The Redskins!

Just in time for Thanksgiving football, and right after the anniversary of Sean Taylor’s tragic death! Loudoun Democratic supervisors are set to prove that they care little for anything other than parochial western Loudoun interests, and who cares if we trash-talk the NFL along the way. This has been brewing for a while, but is really coming to a head as the vote approaches on Tuesday. Redskins fans - get your butts to the public hearing Monday night at the county government center - 6:30 PM.

Loudoun’s economic development team has been working closely with the Washington Redskins to develop a joint marketing plan focused on Redskins Park in Ashburn. Here’s a link to a LTM story on the initiative. One of the primary goals is to establish a Redskins Hall of Fame right here in Loudoun County. After expending lots of staff time, and voting 4-0 to send it out of committee and to the board, the Dems are set to kill the effort and send the money instead to ……. wait for it …….. “hospitality training” to support the Journey Through Hallowed Ground! And some of the reasons I have heard for opposing this in addition to the bogus “it’s not for the rural economy” are absolutely unbelievable, including a basic bias against team sports, it’s in Lori Waters’ district, and (this one is unbelievable!) the offensive nature of the Redskins name!!!

Now if you’re the Redskins and you have expended staff time and goodwill on this as well, how would you feel to get kicked to the curb like this? Especially when any metro county would LOVE to be home to the Redskins training facilities and a Hall of Fame?

Click on link for entire article...

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I'd prefer to wait for the right place than sticking it out in Loudon for expediency's sake.

Ok, this will be my last post on this for now but I would say:

  1. They want to put it at Redskins Park, in Loudoun
  2. I'm not sure I would assume this will happen somewhere else. In other words, I'm not sure this is an either/or proposition
  3. If you would like to see this and live in Loudoun, go Monday night and support it

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Thanks for posting this, JimmiJo. Although I don't live out that way, I'd like to see this happen. That area does have significance in Redskin history, since the team has practiced there for many years. Regardless of location, I think a Redskins Hall of Fame would be an awesome idea, and I couldn't wait to visit it.

And as you say, it doesn't seem to be an either/or proposition. People shouldn't assume it'll be built somewhere else if it's not built there.

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I like the idea, but it belongs in D.C.

Enough people complain about the stadium being out of the city as it is.

Yes, the team's training facility is in Ashburn, but something as historic and meaningful as a Hall of Fame belongs where the team built its dynasty.

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If the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors votes this down, it would send a horrible message to the team and ownership. How awesome would that be to have a Redskins Hall of Fame! So many players and former players live in the community, so more "fan" events would be possible. We need to make sure the BOS knows that we, the fans, support this idea. Please either e-mail them at bos@loudoun.gov or show up Monday night, Dec. 1, at 6:30pm. They won't be voting until the next day. We can influence this vote. Without our voices though, our team could very well get rejected!

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A Washington Redskins hof should be in Washington D.C.

That says it all. It's not the Virginia Redskins or the Loudoun County Redskins, it's the Washington Redskins. I could give a **** what the Loudoun Co. commissioners think or say and if they are that offended with the name then move the whole damn training facility out of their county.

A Redskins Hall of Fame belongs in Washington DC, not Virginia!

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Hey, blame Marion Berry for the Skins moving out of DC. He did everything he could to p!ss off JCK and make it impossible for the new stadium to be built there. We are in Virginia so everyone might as well deal with it.

No, it was Sharon Pratt Dixon who chased Jack Kent Cooke and the Redskins out of DC, not Marion Berry.

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I remember it being a colabrative effort beween Dixon and Berry, but that was a long time ago. I think I remember something about Berry being mad because JCK wanted to put the stadium near a historic African American golf course or something. I was just joining the Army at the time and moved away, so I forget the particulars.

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I know I will be out of step with Skins fans on this one, but I feel strongly enough to post and take the flak.

I can definitely understand why Loudoun Co. may be opting to prioritize their spending on the "Hallowed Ground" preservation initiatives. There's some historically very special land in that area, and the window of opportuntiy is closing on doing something to keep it. From what I recall, this is probably their last chance to avail themselves of some matching federal spending.

In it's own way, this effort will create tourism as well. But it will also preserve the natural beauty of that area, because as the Washington metropolitan area continues to grow -- we're going to need some 'natural havens.' Tough budgetary times call for tough choices.

From what I'm reading, the Redskins Hall of Fame could be built anywhere -- while training camp is one location, there are others locations just as suitable.

My one concern here, shouldn't the Redskins' be the one putting up the money? After all, wouldn't the Redskins and NFL get their share of any gate receipts. Since the community coffers are cash-strapped, maybe the Redskins should be the one to build this thing.

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No, it was Sharon Pratt Dixon who chased Jack Kent Cooke and the Redskins out of DC, not Marion Berry.

Absolutely correct.

If Berry were the Mayor at the time, the Redskins would never have left DC.

He and JKC got along great and could work with eachother.

Blame for the Redskins leaving DC can be placed squarely on the shoulders of Sharon Pratt Do Nothing.

As for a Redskins HOF, I'm glad that there is trouble in getting it done in Loudoun County. Loundoun County? For a Redskins HOF? Please get serious. That would be a farce.

If there's going to be a HOF I'd prefer it to be a DC team HOF (Skins, Bullets, Caps, Senators & Nationals) and it should be in Washington DC or at the absolute worst very near DC (one of the suburbs around DC....Bethesda wouldn't be bad ;)).

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You need to do something tonight at 6 p.m.

It was just brought to my attention as well as the attention of several bloggers that there is a public hearing tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the Loudoun Government Center in Leesburg regarding the Redskins and getting a Skins Hall of Fame set up at Redskins Park.

There is some apparent opposition to doing this by the board as some of the board due to opposition over the Redskins name. This ludicrous position must be stopped by fully clad, vocal Redskin fans attending the hearing and informing them to your best ability that no negative thought or connotation exists for a race of people when you cheer for your football team.

Can you guys get it together on this short notice?

Use this thread to organize.

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