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Update: Loudoun Supervisors Vote to Reconsider Joint Initiative


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I can say I am strongly opposed to public money being used to fund this. Part of the issue with this whole financial mess is the frivolous spending of tax payer money, for "hospitality training" or otherwise. I know people have become numb to the whole thing, but at what point is it okay to take money from people who are struggling through tough economic times, and then use it to build a building for a football team?

Damnit Peregrine, don't confound me with my own conservative principles.

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I can say I am strongly opposed to public money being used to fund this. Part of the issue with this whole financial mess is the frivolous spending of tax payer money, for "hospitality training" or otherwise. I know people have become numb to the whole thing, but at what point is it okay to take money from people who are struggling through tough economic times, and then use it to build a building for a football team?

These taxes were collected to be used for tourism marketing.

The argument of using the Redskins brand to promote Loudoun County seemed like a good business deal. The HoF project was down the line.

Spending $156,000 to train 4,000 transient hospitality workers seems nothing short of an idiotic way to spend the tourism marketing budget.

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I can say I am strongly opposed to public money being used to fund this. Part of the issue with this whole financial mess is the frivolous spending of tax payer money, for "hospitality training" or otherwise. I know people have become numb to the whole thing, but at what point is it okay to take money from people who are struggling through tough economic times, and then use it to build a building for a football team?

I agree with you, and I think the people of Loudoun come the next budget cycle should push for those on the board to severely reduce their budget plans.

But the thing is, THIS money is already allocated. Its past the point where you can just say that its a waste and it shouldn't be used. Its going to be used in one form or another on some kind of tourism thing.

I agree completely about frivolous spending and in general that it shouldn't be done with the public money. HOWEVER, at this point the public money IS going to go to something tourist related...no if's, and's, or but's. If that's the case, I think this is a better choice than some of the other things like "hospitality training".

Frivolous spending of the public's money is wasteful and wrong, however when it has already been decided the public's money IS going to be spent then not spending it on the best choice available is ALSO wasteful and wrong.

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I agree with you, and I think the people of Loudoun come the next budget cycle should push for those on the board to severely reduce their budget plans.

But the thing is, THIS money is already allocated. Its past the point where you can just say that its a waste and it shouldn't be used. Its going to be used in one form or another on some kind of tourism thing.

I agree completely about frivolous spending and in general that it shouldn't be done with the public money. HOWEVER, at this point the public money IS going to go to something tourist related...no if's, and's, or but's. If that's the case, I think this is a better choice than some of the other things like "hospitality training".

Frivolous spending of the public's money is wasteful and wrong, however when it has already been decided the public's money IS going to be spent then not spending it on the best choice available is ALSO wasteful and wrong.

That answer is correct.

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What a HUGE disappointment. I watched some of the debate on the webcast. Some of the comments were just downright insulting to our team - and many of the players live this county!!! A HOF in Loudoun was a fabulous idea. As Supervisor Waters explained it, this money was coming from the restricted portion of hotel tax, which a 5% tax and 3% of it MUST be used to promote travel and tourism to the county. Yet the other 2% goes to the general fund. So Loudoun insults our team and loses MILLIONS in general fund revenue that would have come into the county in additional hotel taxes, sales tax, and property taxes on the facility. They probably just jeopardized the Redskins Corporate headquaters as well. I love the picture/potential ad posted here: http://novatownhall.com/2008/12/03/loudoun-boards-vote-against-the-redskins-could-have-political-repercussions/

Those five Supervisors (McGimsey, Miller, Burk, Burton, and Kurtz) think we will forget . . . but I guarantee that we won't. One more point of outrage. Burk supported it in committee and then voted against it yesterday!!!

Funniest post of the day, Thank you.:applause::notworthy

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Look at the video clip I've linked in the OP.

Must see TV.

I feel, I feel, let me use a better verb here, I am, I expect that the people in that video are Cowboys fans. Even the women with the signed football from Franco Harri- I mean...frank herzog? Is that how it's spelled?

Frankly, this is not a route we need to go down. The NFL stands for alcohol, sex and cigars.

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The only thing that made sense in that entire video was the guy that suggested that it was not the best thing to be spending money on in an economic downturn. I can agree with that...

The woman that says that the Redskins stand for sex, alcohol, and cigars really needs to STFU. I mean, REALLY?!

I really wish they'd just move everything to D.C.

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Dan Snyder can't afford to build a Hall of Fame on his own? Why does he need Loudoun's money to do this?

As much I like the Redskins, if I were a Loudoun County resident I would be pretty upset that my tax dollars were going to help a billionaire build a money-making venture, unless the deal included some serious revenue sharing with the County.

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Dan Snyder can't afford to build a Hall of Fame on his own? Why does he need Loudoun's money to do this?

As much I like the Redskins, if I were a Loudoun County resident I would be pretty upset that my tax dollars were going to help a billionaire build a money-making venture, unless the deal included some serious revenue sharing with the County.

Your video absolutely sucks, learn how to mix the audio a little better. And by the way, why should the taxpayers have any responsiblity for a Redskins hall of fame?

Reading is your friends folks.

The tax money HAS to go to tourism. Its not about it going to the "Redskins", its whether you want the portion of your Tax's that is already routed to go to tourism going towards "Hospitality Training", a "redskins hall of fame", or some other "Tourism" related thing.

Now, you can ***** about the tax in the first place...but that's a different matter altogether. The redskins didn't propose a tax, they're simply saying "Since you already decided you were having a tax, we think we'd be the thing to spend it on instead of hospitality training".

3% of the 5% hotel tax HAS to go to a tourism project, and the Redskins Hall of Fame was one of the proposed projects. Just because its shot down doesn't mean that that money isn't going to go to some OTHER tourism thing. Its not going back to the people.

You know what? I'll gladly take a Redskins HOF here in Roanoke. It'd draw traffic from NOVA & the old fan base from Greensboro/Charolette NC.

Who do I need to talk to in order to get this done? :)

LOL, I'd LOVE to have something like that down town. Would be yet another excuse to visit home

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Reading is your friends folks.

The tax money HAS to go to tourism. Its not about it going to the "Redskins", its whether you want the portion of your Tax's that is already routed to go to tourism going towards "Hospitality Training", a "redskins hall of fame", or some other "Tourism" related thing.

Now, you can ***** about the tax in the first place...but that's a different matter altogether. The redskins didn't propose a tax, they're simply saying "Since you already decided you were having a tax, we think we'd be the thing to spend it on instead of hospitality training".

3% of the 5% hotel tax HAS to go to a tourism project, and the Redskins Hall of Fame was one of the proposed projects. Just because its shot down doesn't mean that that money isn't going to go to some OTHER tourism thing. Its not going back to the people.

I assumed it was something like that, and my comment still stands.

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So you would be mad that money, that technically you didn't pay unless you were staying in a Hotel in the county you live in, went to a "billionaire" to put in a Hall of Fame that would bring traffic to your city and thus help out the local economy instead of going to some "Billionaire" corporation teaching "Hospitality training" to county employees that may improve service in tourist portions of the county but would do next to nothing for the economy?

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So you would be mad that money, that technically you didn't pay unless you were staying in a Hotel in the county you live in, went to a "billionaire" to put in a Hall of Fame that would bring traffic to your city and thus help out the local economy instead of going to some "Billionaire" corporation teaching "Hospitality training" to county employees that may improve service in tourist portions of the county but would do next to nothing for the economy?

I would like to see it go to a tourism-related use other than helping Dan Snyder build a private, revenue generating business, unless Snyder cuts the County in on the revenues generated by that venture. I think you might be overestimating the amount of revenue generated for the local economy by such a venture.

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I'm glad that it got turned down and yes, I'd rather not have a Redskins Hall of Fame then to have one in Virginia. Politics and tax dollars aside, if you're hell bent on having a HOF in Virginia, then change the name of the team to the "Virginia Redskins".

Some on here use Virginia Beach as a scare tactic but honestly, how many people are going to travel to Va. Beach and what kind of consistent revenue would it make down there. It's a summertime tourist destination, nothing more (DC's tourism is..year round) and it would cost more in upkeep and maintenance during the winter months than it could generate in the few months of warm weather there. We're not talking about Florida weather here people. It's cold down there, just like it is here and the place is dead from Oct. thru April.

One day and maybe not in my life time, Little Danny or whoever else may own the team will build a stadium in Washington, DC (where they belong). New stadiums usually incorporate other ventures in their design and use. When a new stadium is built in the District then that will be the time to build the Redskins Hall of Fame and possibly the training facilities as well. After all, they are still called the "Washington Redskins".

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So you would be mad that money, that technically you didn't pay unless you were staying in a Hotel in the county you live in, went to a "billionaire" to put in a Hall of Fame that would bring traffic to your city and thus help out the local economy instead of going to some "Billionaire" corporation teaching "Hospitality training" to county employees that may improve service in tourist portions of the county but would do next to nothing for the economy?

Journey Through Hallowed Ground is a non-profit whose goal is to preserve historic sites, such as Civil War battlefields, and promote Northern VA. and the surrounding corridor as historically significant. It is not a "Billionare" corporation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently, Loudoun is trying to breathe new life into the HOF idea. This was in todays WP Metro section, print page B2:


The Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted Thursday night to reconsider a deal with the Washington Redskins that could lead to the construction of the team’s Hall of Fame within the county. The board had rejected the proposal earlier this month.

Supervisors agreed to form a committee to investigate the feasibility of a marketing arrangement between the county and the team requiring $100,000 of tourism funds. An additional $150,000 at a later phase would go toward the potential creation of the Redskins Hall of Fame. The motion passed on a vote of 6 to 2, with one member absent.



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  • 1 month later...

Another update (No wonder it takes forever to get anything done - too many friggin' meetings! They have to meet to decide whether to have a meeting :doh:):

The board also approved a resolution directing county staff to begin discussions with the Redskins about locating a hall of fame in Loudoun.


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