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Anyone else spending Thanksgiving alone?


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Not only will I be alone, but I will be working. I just started a new job as a case manager/counselor at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for adolescents, and I got stuck working tomorrow. I can't really protest because I just started.

I actually spend a lot of holidays by myself, mostly because I'm all alone out here and have only a couple friends. I tend to isolate sometimes too. I need a girlfriend. :(

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When I was in the Army I spent a Thanksgiving alone once because I was saving my leave for Christmas.

It was actually the most relaxing stress free Thanksgiving I've ever had. The chow hall actually cooked up a good feast and then it was back to the barracks to watch football, drink beer, loosen up the belt and let the tryptophan kick in.

This year it is over at the in-laws. :doh:

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Then how are you going to be alone? Aren't you suppose to be comforting children? lol.

Yeah, I guess I won't be alone, ha. I sorta meant family wise. My day will consist of redirecting kids and telling them to get out of rooms and get in line, etc. and discussing treatment plans and progression. And they'll drive me crazy. Not the best way to spend a Thanksgiving, but hey...at least I'm helping people. There is supposed to be a big feast tommorow in the mess hall, hopefully there will be some football in there somewhere as well.

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Honestly, I am a bit surprised that no one invited me over. My frustration might also be from work. I'm taking a few minutes of a break to cool down. Some people have really pissed me off the last couple of days. So maybe this whole alone thing is more of the straw that broke the camel back so to speak.

LJ- Hit the meth party next door. :)

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Yeah, I guess I won't be alone, ha. I sorta meant family wise. My day will consist of redirecting kids and telling them to get out of rooms and get in line, etc. and discussing treatment plans and progression. And they'll drive me crazy. Not the best way to spend a Thanksgiving, but hey...at least I'm helping people. There is supposed to be a big feast tommorow in the mess hall, hopefully there will be some football in there somewhere as well.

Yeah, but I bet you are getting double time for your efforts. Sure hope your treatment plans work, because I get all your failures.

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I'm alone every day, so this is no big deal. My nearest family is 1500 miles away. I'll warm up some left over pizza and watch football today...then wait patiently for Sunday to arrive. :) I'd cook if it wasn't just me, but I don't keep anything in the house as far as food goes because I'm always out of town.

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Having spent other Thanksgivings alone in strange cities, I have found it helpful to go down to the Stop-N-Go and buy a couple 40 oz'ers of Olde English and the big can of Dinty Moore and sit out on the curb and I will usually make a friend or two to have dinner with and share a laugh or two before the night ends.

That's how we met. :)

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well, I got up, made some awesome apple carmel muffins, breakfast and headed over to a friends house...we had breakfast. I'm headed home and while she going to her family's house..Gotta go watch seattle beat dallas...or so we hope

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Yep. Got up this AM (who am I kidding, PM...lol) and had a Lean Cuisine chophouse steak flatbread melt and some OJ. Then it was off to work. Yea.

This is only my second holiday season since my divorce, and frankly, it pretty much sucks ass.

I did get to have dinner with the extended family on Sunday though, so that helped a little.

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I spent most of the day by myself. I finally caught up on my sleep after going out 3 nights in a row. I did go to my mom's for some turkey and stuff early today. It felt like a regular Sunday dinner w/my family minus my dad and grandmother (both passed away). We haven't had extended family come to Thanksgiving in a few years. Usually they come during Christmas. But since my grandmother passed away last December, I'm not sure if we're gonna have as many family get together as before.

I can't wait till Sunday. I"m not going to the game, but always anxious waiting for the Skins games.

I hope you enjoyed watching football today.:cheers:

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I have spent a few alone in my day. Today wasn't one of them. Between the phone and going over to a friend's house,(where I met up with family as well), it was a nice Thanksgiving. Now spending the rest of it here at home. But if the number of members on ES at this time is any indication, it's not by myself. :) I hope those that spent it by yourself had a pleasant one as well.

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