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Seinfeld thread (merged)


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I can't believe I forgot about Mr. Steinbrenner. He is one of the best characters. I love the one where George is sleeping under his desk and Jerry calls in as the terrorist bomber, or when Mr. Steinbrenner trades George to Tyler Chicken. Then there is also bodysuit man. There are just too many great episodes.

George working for the pinstripes was comic gold! I loved the one where he gets the secretary, gives her a raise while having sex with her behind the desk, then has to ask Steinbrenner to give her said raise, and finally is pissed off when he finds out her raise makes her higher paid than him!

Then, there's always the Soup Nazi or "You can't spare a square?" The one where Jerry appears to be picking his nose, but is really scratching it and his gf sees it from an adjacent cab? So many good ones.

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The beauty about Seinfeld was almost every episode was hilarious and had its moments. The flagged books...the calzones...Frogger...there are just so many to list. The early episodes weren't really funny though. And many people didn't like the finale. Other than those exceptions , Seinfeld produced some of the funniest television in the 90's.

Like the time George double dipped the chip.

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The beauty about Seinfeld was almost every episode was hilarious and had its moments. The flagged books...the calzones...Frogger...there are just so many to list. The early episodes weren't really funny though. And many people didn't like the finale. Other than those exceptions , Seinfeld produced some of the funniest television in the 90's.

Like the time George double dipped the chip.

For me, it was about the situations. Think about it: there weren't that many punch-lines or one-liners like most sit-coms. They created awkward and hilarious situations for their characters to navigate, complete with the human flaws that any of us can have. Like George's habit of lying...about damn near everything.

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Man, there are so many favorites. One of mine is the "The Marble Rye".

Frank: Let me understand. You've got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen? :notworthy

"They're all chickens, the rooster has sex with all of them."

Frank: "That's perverse!"

Am I the only one that thinks Seinfield is stupid?

Stupid in what way?

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The Library Cop is my favorite.

"Think this is funny, think this is what it's all about? Well it's not, it's about some kid opening up a book in the New York public library and he doesn't need to have his mind warped by drawings of pee-pees and wee-wees..."


The old guy who plays "Bookman", the Library cop, is priceless.

How bout the episode when Kramer is "working" for a company for which he isn't employed.

"What do you carry in your briefcase?" "Crackers."

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I can't even think of where to start. The Marine Biologist is great..."The sea was angry that day my friends." The bet is great as well. I'm actually a Social Studies teacher and I recently showed the episode called The Race because I was talking about Communism and that is the episode Elaine is dating a communist. What a great Show...Soup Nazi is great as well.

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not sure which episode this is, but theres a really good scene when jerry is on the phone and kramer is trying to tell the callers the movie times over the phone...

Kramer imitating Movie Phone haha

The one where they elaine gets tickets go to the Orioles/Yankees game from her boss and Elaine wears the Orioles hat and they end up getting kicked out of the stadium.

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