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How Many Thought We'd Lose When Betts Fumbled?


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I had a heart attack when it happened and buried my face into the couch like an ostrich....


I was confident our defense would step it up and prevent them from scoring. I definitely did NOT expect us to get a pick though....that was amazing~

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For me, I think it had a lot to do with where Betts fumbled the ball. I think I was optimistic, because it's Seattle. If it had been the Giants, then I think all of us would be VERY pessimistic about the potential outcome.

The defense played well last night. We need to get TDs in the red zone and quit dropping passes.

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I was pissed about the turnover but I didn't think we were going to lose. With no timeouts they had to pass the ball and we had shut their passing game down pretty well all game long. I didn't see the INT coming, but I figured we still had a better than even chance of winning.

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*Raises hand

I kept saying 'please don't fumble Betts please don't fumble Betts PLEASE don't fumble Betts'..................................then he fumbles.:doh:

Good thing we won though because, well:seahawksu and we need to beat crappy teams down the stretch.

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I didn't think we'd lose, strangely enough, but I also let out some "colorful metaphors" as soon as I saw Betts hit the field.

He didn't disappoint with that fumble, either. My Wife looked at me like "how did you know something bad would happen"

Ever just get that gut feeling?

I didn't expect the Int, but I also didn't expect Seattle to be able to score, for whatever reason. Betts just is not a big-time player, someone you can depend on in a pinch.

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I didnt think we'd lose, but I def got nervous. That whole game, just another example of us playing down to a team I felt. At the same time though, thats about as healthy as that team has been all year, right? They are 2-8 because they started so poorly with all their top WRs out and then Hasselbeck out after that, so they maybe have been a better team then we(I) thought

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