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How Many Thought We'd Lose When Betts Fumbled?


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Your only job is NOT to fumble the football.

You don't need to gain an extra yard. You're in the middle of the field so you don't have to worry about staying in bounds to keep the clock running. All you have to do is NOT fumble.

Betts, you are kiiiilling me.

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Haven't read many of the posts yet, but I like this thread because it sums up that feeling that we all had at the time, whether or not we believed the 'Skins would go on to win or lose - that "Oh sh--" feeling.

Normally I'm a coronary waiting to happen during these types of games, but for some reason I was calm this week. I thought the 'Skins were giving great effort, as were the Hawks, and the result was close game.

I'll also give Betts a pass because if not for a guy underneath him he would have been down, however, if he'd held onto the ball a little longer the refs would have at least whistled the play on the stop of his forward progress.

It's nice to be able to reflect upon the fumble when it ultimately had no effect on the outcome. If it had I might have avoided ES for a couple of weeks.

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Same here; haven't read all the posts but I think I have taught myself well over the years. I used to get pretty upset when an unexpected fumble like Betts happened. Now I have taught my mind and heart to set pretty low expectations. That way I don't hurt myself :D. It's been working for me pretty well so far. It's been pretty interesting season so far; we sure have been full of more surprises :cheers:

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Shades of that St. Louis game 2(maybe 3?) years ago.

I thought the same thing as well. Also don't forget about the Giants game that year. It was really terrible! Betts seems to have a problem holding onto the ball. And people were actually talking about on this board of trading or benching Portis in favor of Betts? That would have worked out well. I like Ladell, but he had better go to the Tom Coughlin School of no fumbling that helped Tiki Barber.

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That moment was infuriating. What bothered me was that they called him down and then the refs got together and called it a fumble. And then everyone went on their merry way.

Under the circumstances, they should have reviewed the call to make sure they got it right.

Also, how in the world could they determine that Betts wasn't stopped when the ball was stripped? The only reason he wasn't down was because there was a defender laying under him. And he had two more blocking him so he wasn't moving forward. Can we get a rule change where you are considered down if you have left your feet due to defensive contact, have no forward motion, and are being held aloft only by another player? It makes sense that we would consider that player down.

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After the fumble I didn't assume that we were going to lose. I was just hoping that we could stop them. Betts has a knack for the screw up. He'll fumble the ball, miss a block or tip a ball in the air that gets intercepted. It's amazing with the amount of carries Portis gets, he rarely fumbles.

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anyone else think that the whistle blew before the ball came out of betts's hands? i sure did.

Yes it should have. His forward progress had been stopped and the play was practically over, I was at a bar so I could watch it and no sound though. Every replay I watched made me think why wasn't the play called dead before the fumble.

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