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Foreign Cars are Better


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Well, from somebody who has worked on cars his entire life, both professionally and as hobby, and also worked in a junkyard for a number of years, let me just say you will either have to date your paper 1981 or lie.

The basic rule of thumb is this.

Japanese cars, boring and ugly, but reliable

German cars, sexy and fun to drive, but hell on maintainability

American cars, right in the middle.

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Well Kool, I have to disagree.

My 96 camaro was THE biggest pile of junk of many american cars I've owned and in many ways the perfect example. I bought it used for $13,000 with about 13,000 miles from the chevy dealer with an extended warenty.

It was good looking, and pretty fun, but the handling was downright dangerous. Just poor design that made the tail end want to be the leading end. The fit and finish was horrible. Buttons would pop out. It squeaked. It rattled. And maintanence? Dear lord. Something was ALWAYS breaking. The window motors and gears had to be replaced at least three times EACH while it was under warranty and once after. ($600 - $800 every time) When I sold it another window was stuck again. Plus a PCV valve (a computer controlled unit) needed to be replaced and they wanted over $600 to fix it. In fact when I sold it, It needed more money in repairs than it was worth, and that is after spending $3000 on it since it was paid off and out of warranty. And THAT was after taking great care of it the whole time I owned it because it was under warranty and everything that broke got fixed.

The BMW I just bought used for $16,000 is worth around $24,000 (it sold new for $43,000 in 05). It needed pads and rotors all the way around - I bought the parts on line and paid a local mechanic to help me install them one weekend. BMW replaced an airbag switch for free. :applause: It doesn't squeak or rattle. It's fast. It handles like a Porsche. And it gets great gas milage. It's the nicest car I have ever owned in almost every category (cant expect it to accelerate like my 500 HP AMX :-) The engineering is phenomenal. It is in every way superior to any american car I have owned. The engine is literally award winning with an expected lifetime of well over 250,000 miles. Yeah, parts are generally going to cost a little more, but I'll bet I don't have to replace window motors and gears every 6 to 8 months.

Are foreign cars better than American? Not always. But German cars are some of the finest cars on the road anywhere in the world.

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You know, I see a lot more older model american cars on the roads than I do older model Japanese cars on the roads.

Wow living in a pretty congested area, I couldn't even begin to count the number of older japanese vs american cars on the road and tell you who has *more*.

That post is pretty biased.

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Well, from somebody who has worked on cars his entire life, both professionally and as hobby, and also worked in a junkyard for a number of years, let me just say you will either have to date your paper 1981 or lie.

The basic rule of thumb is this.

Japanese cars, boring and ugly, but reliable

German cars, sexy and fun to drive, but hell on maintainability

American cars, right in the middle.

I would put American cars (except the Mustang and Corvette) in the "boring and ugly" catergory.

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Dude, I drive in a city. I pay attention to everything. No way I could keep track.

Not sure where you drive, but there must not be many cars if you can keep count.

so what you are saying is, if YOU "can't" then others "can't"

That's an afwul lot of bravado.

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I am writing an essay on why Foreign cars are better than American Cars. Anyone have any opinions or information on this? If anyone can find a link with a lot of information post it.

You need to watch the movie "Thank you for Smoking". "Nick Naylor" would first discuss your initial question, because there is no WRONG answer to it. "Better" is just a value judgment, and unless you are given specific criteria upon which you are basing that judgment then its about personal opinion.

Here's the clip


Here's another one from the same movie:

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I think defining foreign car would be good for you to do in your paper.

My Ford Focus was built in Mexico with parts from Canada and who-knows-where.

My Nissan Titan (which is the finest vehicle I have owned btw) was built in Mississippi, with the engine built in Tennessee.

That could take up a good portion of your paper if you are looking for quantity and quality. :)

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When did Messageboards become homework help boards?

It seems once a week now we get a: I cannot do this math problem, someone give me sources, someone help me do my project etc.

Are those in school not inclined to ask Teachers more questions, their parents, or heck go to a library?

Does every answer need to be a point click on the internet?

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To reiterate, the OP first has to define what constitutes a foreign car.

If the OP has to first define "foreign car" then the OP also has to define "domestic car" then the OP has to define "better" and then the OP has to define the criteria to determine what makes a "foreign car" "better" than a "domestic" car, and as long as it is up to the OP to define these things then the OP CANNOT be wrong.

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American cars have changed a lot in recent years to emulate design and engineering of that of Japanese and European cars. The Ford Focus for isntance was designed in Europe. It was a huge hit there and has a great reputation in the U.S..

However, a lot of U.S. cars were poorly made for a while, mostly during the 90's and early 21st century, during a time where Japenese cars had built a reputation on reliability and affordability.

NOW, when Japenese cars were once cheap and reliable, they are now expensive and reliable. U.S. cars now have become a lot more reliable overall, but are less expensive. People still have the notion that American cars are simply un reliable.

I worked on cars for years, and what I notice is that if you maintain your car the way you should, it will last you. There maybe some things here are there on certain vehicles that maybe of better quality, but maintenance is key.

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If the OP has to first define "foreign car" then the OP also has to define "domestic car" then the OP has to define "better" and then the OP has to define the criteria to determine what makes a "foreign car" "better" than a "domestic" car, and as long as it is up to the OP to define these things then the OP CANNOT be wrong.

Not quite. The OP is asking for an opinion and/or information on why foreign cars are better. But before one can give an opinion or information they have to know what "his" definition is of a "foreign" car.

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Not quite. The OP is asking for an opinion and/or information on why foreign cars are better. But before one can give an opinion or information they have to know what "his" definition is of a "foreign" car.

What you don't understand is that the OP has the game given to him, he can select the information that he receives to suit his own belief because he's the one who gets to not only craft the question but also define the terms. You couldn't possibly ask for an easier essay to write than this one.

Case in point, every one of the opinions given thus far in this thread are correct given the question that was posed.

He could say that foreign cars are better because they come in better colors, all he has to do is defend his choice for defining what colors are better. In the end its about personal opinion, you then substantiate that with the facts that you choose.

Now, if the question that the OP asked was "Are cars made by Americans better than cars made overseas more reliable on the basis of their service maintenance records" then you have a whole different ball game, because that one is looking for very specific information.

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