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I would have liked to see you opinion on Tequiza, a truly odd beer that I enjoyed on occasion during the heat(no longer produced)

I'll settle for a opinion on Budweiser Chelada if you get adventurous or bored:D

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Took two nights off...actually last night wasn't voluntary I fell asleep with 90 laps to go of the Pocono race and woke up at 6:30am...ugh.


B / 3.7

look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | drink: 3.5


Cold--to cool

Appearance: the ale has a very nice rose red amberish color which appropriately fits the name well. There was a 1 finger boney white medium to heavy density head which faded to a nice consistent layer, unfortunately there was little to no lacing on the glass. The red brew was very clear and showed little signs of carbonation. This brew looks good, and compared to the other Irish Ale that I've sampled (Smithwick's) it actually looked better in that the Smithwick's looked more like a watered down cola than a red, the color combination was very appealing to me.

Smell: There is a definite hop spiciness in this brew that runs over the softer lighter malts, I also frequently caught citrus notes closer to the orange variety, and as I continued to drink I found some caramel sweetness mixed in.

Taste: This is not as hoppy as the smell might have indicated instead there seems to be more malts than I expected at first, this however does not mean that the hops are absent for in fact they are quite prevalent, and they leave the typical lingering bitterness on the back of the tongue. This is a medium bodied brew with a level of complexity that is well balanced. The citrus tastes more like orange zest with the sweet caramel wrapped around it. As the brew warmed I noticed that the hoppiness and the bitterness began to lessen giving a more even balance to the brew that left it quite pleasant.

Mouthfeel: There is some light carbonation which would match what I expected from the appearance although the carbonation that is present helps with the mouth a creaminess that I wasn't necessarily expecting in a lighter ale, although there was no hint of any diacetyl and no buttery film, instead this ale leaves the mouth very dry. The Irish Red is not as smooth at the Smithwick's but it certainly isn't as crisp as a light beer.

Drinkability: As I've come to expect from Samuel Adam's this brew explores the various flavors of beer without going to the extremes that are found in some of the more exotic craft brews, this doesn't mean that Jim Koch is playing it safe but instead what he's presented here is a well balance brew that is approachable and drinkable by those who are looking for a break from the ordinary. For those who like a bit more bite in their brew I could see this being a moderate session brew and it would probably go well with a nice dinner or a Bar-B-Q, and with the light carbonation I wasn't left bloated at all.

I tried this brew about a month ago when I first started drinking beers and the hops were way above what I could handle, however I am really glad that I didn't pour this one out because I was pleasantly surprised by the flavor in this brew. I can only imagine that this new appreciation of the brew has come with drinking some other beers that push the limits a bit more thus training my palate and giving me some more tolerance in my tasting. In the end after finishing this brew I am left saying, "Thanks Jim for yet another well balanced and enjoyable brew."

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Had a few beers that were new to me over the past week. All from the bottle.

Stella Artois - Looks like a mini-champagne bottle. Not worth the price. Very similar to the taste of a Heineken. The only difference I noticed was the taste being more pronounced while not lingering as much as a Heineken. 11.2 oz bottle?

Harp Lager - This was the best of the new beers I tasted last week. Hard to defend its price, but it stood out among the others. Kind of tasted like an "Extra Stout Lite"? If you almost like the Extra Stout, I'd say give this a whirl.

Samuel Adams Summer Ale - Let's just say I'm looking forward to the other seasons when it comes to Sam Adams. The Winter Lager and Octoberfest blows this stuff out of the water. It would probably make you feel good after sunbathing for an hour, mostly because it tastes like water with a dash of citrus fruits in it. Probably the driest Sam Adams I've ever had.

Magic Hat Wacko Summer Seasonal - "A Beer with Beet Juice Color" reads on the front. Great, Magic Hat, I'm looking forward to your wreath-flavored beer in the winter and hard-boiled egg flavored beer in the spring. On second thought, since when do beets represent summer? I'm starting to think I was too hard on Sam Adams Summer Ale. This stuff was disgusting.

New Belgium Skinny Dip Beer - This beer smells like the bathroom if you leave a dark, golden puddle of piss in the toilet for a few hours. You know that smell. Yes you do. But you don't drink it unless you're Lyoto Machida, so don't drink this. The taste wasn't as alarming, but it's hard to tell what they were going for. It's a very quick taste that seemed like something they put together when they were smoking a huge doobie. "Dude, let's make a burger out of peanut butter, oranges and hot dogs."

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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Anyone try the Guinness 250th Anniversary beer? I have seen the ads and was curious to see if it was any different from there other stouts.

I've tried the 250th, and to me it seems a variation of the Guinness draught, it has some differences but its certainly not an entirely different brew. My guess is that it would be a brother or sister brew to the classic Guinness draught dry ale. I noticed that it had a little heavier mouthfeel, and a bit more hoppiness throughout rather than just the bitter finish that I find the draught has. A worthwhile brew though if you like the Guinness Dry Ales.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bump for beer update.

My local liqour store is my new beer store. Sure, all their beer is warm, but the selection is better than local beer stores and the prices are MUCH BETTER.

I'm talking jaw dropplingly better. It costs 6.50 for a six pack of Sam Adams as opposed to 9.50 at the beer store that is literally 5 places down in the same shopping center.

Today I bought a 6 pack of Wild Goose Oatmeal Stout. This stuff definitely reminds me of Dogfish Head's Chicory Stout. The taste doesn't linger as long, which I actually like good stouts to do. It's like having crumbs on your lip from a good dinner that you can eat later when you notice 'em on there. Swallow your spit and you taste the beer still. This stuff is delicious. I imagine this stuff would be incredible off the tap, and it's made in Maryland. Anybody know of particular bars that carry this on tap?

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I was just kiddin.

For the record, Yuengling has started selling Yuengling Light, and it's awesome. 100 calories a can and it's probably the best light beer I've had.

REALLY? Did not know that...

REALLY!!! Yuengling Light has been in circulation for several years... at least in Northern VA Giant grocery stores

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REALLY!!! Yuengling Light has been in circulation for several years... at least in Northern VA Giant grocery stores


The Cheerleader

Join Date: Jul 2009

Location: Charlotte, NC

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This is a purely read only poster, no stadium posts whatsoever?

BTW like the yueng. I also love a cold Warsteiner, Molson Golden and of course the old stand-by Bud Light. Always in a bottle, always ice cold.

I like some of the others mentioned but usually can only drink one of the heavys.

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I think its pretty good. Got a B+ on Beer Advocate.

When I was at Wegmans looking for stuff I saw a crapload of pumpin ales and things of that sort. Anyone able to recommend something good that is a seasonal brew? I haven't had Oktoberfest and I would like to have that. The Dogfish Head Punkin Ale looked good as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
In case anyone is interested Southern Tier Pumking is available. Quite pricey, but absolutely worth it.

FANTASTIC beer.....

By far the Best Pumpkin beer out there I have about 6 bottles of this

The beer store I go to always orders several cases of this stuff but it goes fast here in Chicagoland

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