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Lindsay Lohan is happy we have a colored President


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NEW YORK – Lindsay Lohan referred to President-elect Barack Obama as the country's "first colored president" in an interview on "Access Hollywood."

Describing her experience on Election Day, Lohan said: "It was really exciting. It's an amazing feeling. It's our first colored president."

A spokeswoman for Lohan didn't immediately return messages left Wednesday.

Interviewer Maria Menounos didn't question the 22-year-old actress on her use of the term. "Access Hollywood" also didn't cite her remark in its online story, but did post an "extended interview" video on its Web site that included the remark.

Did she hop into a time machine and go back to 1954?

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Tiger Woods used the term, "Person of Color," recently so it has to be acceptable.

I don't see much of a difference between the two terms.

Not much in meaning, but there is a difference in perception.

Person of color is more general to any racial minority where people perceive colored as black.

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I think even the Word Police are gonna have trouble stirring up outrage over this one. She was obviously saying it in a statement of support for Obama and racial equality - even if she used an un-PC word, the sentence is so clear that it's really, really hard to make the case that the Al Sharptons of the world should be pissed.

Which means, of course, that she'll be grilled by every race-based organization in the country and have to make dozens of "public apologies" for her "offensive remarks." :doh:

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Actually...White is the lack of all color. ;) :cool:

Nuh-uh....the opposite is true - black is NOT a color, and white IS.

The question:

Are black and white colors when generated as light?

The answers:

1. Black is the absence of color (and is therefore not a color)


When there is no light, everything is black. Test this out by going into a photographic dark room. There are no photons of light. In other words, there are no photons of colors.

2. White is the blending of all colors and is a color.


Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You can't see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism to demonstrate this.

Fact: The sum of all the colors of light add up to white.

This is additive color theory.


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If he's colored what color is he? And what era is Lohan living in?

I hate when ppl use this term. It took me years to break my mom from saying this. My mom telling me about someone of color about 15 years ago..."I went into the Wal Mart the other day and this colored lady was standing at the door checking receipts". I interrupted her here and said: "what color was she?" She said.."what?"..I said..."you said she was colored...what color was she? purple, blue, red, orange..what color?" At that point..she rolled her eyes and said.."you know what I mean"...I said.."no I don't..do you mean she's black like my fiance'?". She said.."yes"..I said.."then why not just say that?". She says.."it's habit from when I was younger." I said.."you're no longer young." At this point..I ran b/c she gave me "the look". <ols>

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Nuh-uh....the opposite is true - black is NOT a color, and white IS.

The question:

Are black and white colors when generated as light?

The answers:

1. Black is the absence of color (and is therefore not a color)


When there is no light, everything is black. Test this out by going into a photographic dark room. There are no photons of light. In other words, there are no photons of colors.

2. White is the blending of all colors and is a color.


Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You can't see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism to demonstrate this.

Fact: The sum of all the colors of light add up to white.

This is additive color theory.


True...but you're taking it from the side of Space and Light...


Definition 1A: free from color

I was just trying to be silly with his comment, thus the smileys....but way to take it to another level.

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If he's colored what color is he? And what era is Lohan living in?

I hate when ppl use this term. It took me years to break my mom from saying this. My mom telling me about someone of color about 15 years ago..."I went into the Wal Mart the other day and this colored lady was standing at the door checking receipts". I interrupted her here and said: "what color was she?" She said.."what?"..I said..."you said she was colored...what color was she? purple, blue, red, orange..what color?" At that point..she rolled her eyes and said.."you know what I mean"...I said.."no I don't..do you mean she's black like my fiance'?". She said.."yes"..I said.."then why not just say that?". She says.."it's habit from when I was younger." I said.."you're no longer young." At this point..I ran b/c she gave me "the look". <ols>

"You're no longer young" LOL.

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