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Ahmadinejad sends letter to Obama


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EHRAN — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran sent an unusual letter congratulating President-elect Barack Obama on Thursday for his victory in the American presidential race, even though the two nations have had no diplomatic ties for nearly 30 years.

Mr. Ahmadinejad has written letters to world leaders in the past, including one to President Bush. But this is the first time an Iranian leader has congratulated the winner of an American election, at least since the Iranian revolution.

Diplomatic ties between Iran and the United States were severed in 1979, when radical students attacked the United States Embassy in Tehran and took American diplomats hostage.

Iranian leaders continue to use hostile language toward the United States, and Mr. Ahmadinejad had said that he did not think a black candidate could be elected because of racial discrimination.

“I congratulate you for attracting the majority of votes in the election,” Mr. Ahmadinejad wrote in his message, an Iranian news agency, ISNA, reported. “As you know, opportunities that are bestowed upon humans are short lived,” he wrote, adding that he hoped Mr. Obama would make the most of the opportunity.

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Interesting and I am more curious to what his motives were for sending it. America and Iran arent chums and he doesnt have a track record of doing that with anyone else. So why now?

If I was Obama though I would treat it like getting a congratulations card from anyone else and respectfully reply thank you. You never know, it could open a door of diplomacy and end this nuclear hubub that is going on over there.

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Good point, Mike. The natural reaction to this would be to give Ahmadiejad the bird, but this could be the start of a diplomatic breakthrough between Iran and the U.S. which might cool things down in Iran. Lord knows the U.S. is in desperate need of a foreign policy makeover after the Bush Administration.

This could be a positive.

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Good point, Mike. The natural reaction to this would be to give Ahmadiejad the bird, but this could be the start of a diplomatic breakthrough between Iran and the U.S. which might cool things down in Iran. Lord knows the U.S. is in desperate need of a foreign policy makeover after the Bush Administration.

This could be a positive.

And I dont care why this dude sent Obama a letter. Be it maybe he thinks he is Muslim, because he is black, because he "pals around with terrorists" we know that Obama would do the right thing and could help settle down the Middle East in general.

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And I dont care why this dude sent Obama a letter. Be it maybe he thinks he is Muslim, because he is black, because he "pals around with terrorists" we know that Obama would do the right thing and could help settle down the Middle East in general.

I don't really think sending a "thank you" card is the key to settling tensions and nuclear arms build up in the Mid East lol...

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I don't really think sending a "thank you" card is the key to settling tensions and nuclear arms build up in the Mid East lol...

if you decided to be completely literal and read what I said in this thread as THAT then you are more then welcome to THAT.

but THAT isnt what I meant when I said "thank you card".

and you never know what can open up lines of communication

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Interesting and I am more curious to what his motives were for sending it. America and Iran arent chums and he doesnt have a track record of doing that with anyone else. So why now?

If I was Obama though I would treat it like getting a congratulations card from anyone else and respectfully reply thank you. You never know, it could open a door of diplomacy and end this nuclear hubub that is going on over there.

good post.

it wouldn't surprise me if he sent it to try to embarrass Bush.


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I'm sure there are many reasons for the letter. I just wish it had a nice post script such as-

In hopes of future relations and cordiality, we are immediately disassembling all nuclear facilities and will hand over all uranium and nuclear materials to persons of your choice for disposal or proper use.

Now, that would be the way for Iran to rebuild relations.

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I'm sure it has multiple possible motives. Ahmadinejad may be an ass, but he isn't stupid. He could be trying to embarass some people, he could be testing the waters to see what sort of reaction he gets as that could signal how Obama may approach the situation or how willing he would be to talk. I'm curious to see how Obama responds. Personally I don't see him having anything to lose by at least responding in a cursory but polite way. You never know what can be a catalyst for better negotiation leverage. The only thing about that is he'd probably have rabid right wingers going nuts talking about how he is an "appeaser" or "is willing to work with terrorists" or whatever talking point they can come up with.

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I'm sure there are many reasons for the letter. I just wish it had a nice post script such as-

In hopes of future relations and cordiality, we are immediately disassembling all nuclear facilities and will hand over all uranium and nuclear materials to persons of your choice for disposal or proper use.

Now, that would be the way for Iran to rebuild relations.

Thats what he would say to the US!

He can be a complete nut in his speeches but people get in to power cos they know how to play things along too. The letter gives him a slight edge - if diplomacy goes well then he can boast of the letter; badly he can say 'look at the bad Americans, look at the friendly letter I sent'. He's not as dumb as he may come over at other times. I did read that due to the current world economic crisis and petrol prices all over the place it puts huge pressure on Iran for things like paying for its countries health care - dictators dont fair too well when they piss off the people they dictate to.

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"OOOBAMA! Well you came and you gave without taking

but I sent you away, OOOBAMA!

well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking

I need you today, OBAMA!"

And i think it's gonna be a long long time

Till touch down brings me round again to find

I'm not the man they think i am at home

Oh no no no i'm Obama man

Obama man burning out his fuse up here alone

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I remember when rock was young

Me and Obama had so much fun

Holding hands and skimming stones

Had an old gold chevy and a place of my own

But the biggest kick I ever got

Was doing a thing called the crocodile rock

While the other kids were rocking round the clock

We were hopping and bopping to the crocodile rock

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