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Thank you John McCain


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That was a hell of a consession speech.

I won't thank John McCain yet. He still has much to do as a Senator. He retains my respect even if the campaign tarnished it. I do believe though that McCain is a true patriot and loves this country deeply.

God bless him.

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World would be a better place if McCain won that 2000 primary, guaranteed.
Not trying to be a Bush-basher, but I agree with this whole-heartedly.

I think I saw a quote from Obama within the last few days where he stated he'd like McCain to accept a position in his administration. McCain has an acutely developed sense of duty, and Obama seems to welcome and respect diverse viewpoints, I can only hope they can find some real authority for Mac.

Not for his sake - God knows the man has earned a rest - but Obama and the country could still benefit from him.

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McCain for Secretary of State!

He really didn't deserve to walk into the no-win situation that '08 turned out to be. He'd have made a great President.

A little OT, but I have to say that my favorite part of any election is the concession speech. It's an important reminder that, though we may have our differences, at the end of the day we are all Americans. What a wonderful thing to see the transfer of power executed so smoothly and bloodlessly every four (or eight) years. It really is an amazing testament to the greatness of this country.

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Not trying to be a Bush-basher, but I agree with this whole-heartedly.

I think I saw a quote from Obama within the last few days where he stated he'd like McCain to accept a position in his administration. McCain has an acutely developed sense of duty, and Obama seems to welcome and respect diverse viewpoints, I can only hope they can find some real authority for Mac.

Not for his sake - God knows the man has earned a rest - but Obama and the country could still benefit from him.

I may be wrong, but I don't think Obama would make a statement like that before the election. Nevertheless, I really do hope that McCain would consider a position in the administration, unless he would prefer continuing to serve Arizona in the Senate.

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It really is great to see those who voted Obama showing McCain respect. I only hope that those that voted McCain, like myself, can show the same respect to the new president. It was horrible the way the country has disrespected Bush while in office. The man is the president whether you agree with him or not. We should unite as a nation behind our country. I would love to see Obama make an attempt to transcend part affiliation and work for the American people not just the democratic wing of the American people. The man has nothing to hold back his policies with the control in Congress. Lets see what he can do and I agree it would be nice to see him incorporate McCain into the administration. That would go a long way towards bridging the gap! Cheers to both Obama and McCain!

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I don't think it is safe to say anything really

We saw how the media quickly turned on McCain once the primary season was over. His whole "maverick" thing was celebrated as long as he was a Bush foil

We also saw the McCain campaign's tone change and begin a series of surprising missteps after primary season was over. I think these predictions rely on McCain maintaining his composure in 2000.
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