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Lobby Now for the Redskins to play a home game in the UK 2009


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I'm a lifelong 'Skins fan from the UK and I have to say I don't want my beloved B&G coming over for the International series anytime soon! (sorry fellow UK fans).

Lets face it; football has a really strong hardcore support in the UK and we have kept the faith all these years through good times and bad. We have all had the 'puffs game' taunts from Thugby, sorry Rugby fans and most of us have thrown our hands up in despair at the lack of knowledge shown by non-NFL fans who try to tell us the game is 'too American!' etc :wtf:

Personally, until the mass media (not just SKY TV) show any kind of interest and stop making snyde comments about matches played in the UK I feel the games do nothing to promote the game at grass roots level, instead it just seems like an excuse to take the p!ss out of another sport that isn't 'proper football'. I certainly wouldn't want the Skins to be treated in such a disdainful manner by lazy journalists, with no respect for the game (the 'Skins get enough of that in the states!) :rolleyes:

I say the games should stay in the U.S. if you want to experience the thrill of the NFL, save up your cash and get across the pond to see your team. You won't regret it.

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Because how can the Superbowl winners be world champs? No other country plays in the NFL...

Surely they're champions of America...?

When it comes to the NFL, I have no problem with the saying "world Champions, and I'm Canadian. Why? Simple. If there is a team outside of the NFL that has a problem with the claim, then challenge them. Seeing as how there is no such team, they can lay claim to said title until proven otherwise.

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there has been no trouble in our stadiums for a decade or more but my point is that you now have no right to consider your fan base elite after that showing, i got up at 2 am to watch the game, we got beat by a better team (it happens) but to see our home support totally dominated by the steelers(jesus, their team was even encouraging their fans to get louder on 3rd downs) was just embarrassing, there is no trouble in our stadiums any more but we would not allow ourselves to be so embarrassed by the away following

thats what happens with a large stadium and lots of steeler fans who live nearby. theres nothing you can do about it. as another poster here said, get bent.

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Get bent.

Its a 90,000 seat stadium. What do you want them to do?

Armed guards at the gates filtering out any non Skins fans??

I gotta be honest, yes I do. I don't want skins fans selling their tickets to Steelers fans/Iggles fans/Gnat fans or any others. I have lived across the country my whole life, and just recently I moved to Arkansas and have been planning to buy tickets because I'm within a thousand miles of DC for the first time since I was 10.

Some skins fans in the area don't realize how lucky they are when they get to go to those games. I say if you sell the tickets, sell em to skins fans. It's just my opinion, but there are too many opposing teams fans at our games. We're starting to lose our homefield advantage. People complain about the old RFK days being gone, and I'm not saying we can ever replace RFK stadium, but it's the fans that make the stadium and homefield advantage; not the other way around.

I don't mean to rant, I know I can't speak from being a fan with season tickets, and I know that we get caught looking at the few that represent us poorly, but it's an observation I have noticed when watching the games.


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This idea really only works well when they do it in the NHL. It's a world sport and this season opened with two teams playing a home-and-home in Sweden, while two others played a home-and-home in Prague. That's the only way it is really fair, when you even it out with a home game for each team. But you can't do that in the NFL, there aren't enough games, so one team and fan base is going to be upset no matter what. The other major sports can deal with it as they have plenty of games to work with.

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I wasn't gona' post on this as there were two threads last month on the UK game, but seeing as there's been quite a lot of insular, ill informed posts right through this thread, I figured I'd set the record straight on a few things.

First off, and I posted earlier in the thread I didn't agree with the slating of the crowd make-up Monday night and ESPN's Eagles love in going OTT, (Jaws anyone?), if your gona' attack the UK guys for attacking the crowd, then look a little closer to home and do the same to certain Redskins players. They've been among the LOUDEST critics of the perceived amount of Steelers fans at FedEx Monday night. If the darn players are calling us out, what do you expect the fans to do?

Second up, this notion that the UK doesn't "deserve a football game/give them a pre-season game/they don't care about football" et all.

Pre-season game? Uhmmm, The American Bowl series anybody? 38 games form 1986 through 2005, on 4 different continents, with 15 in Europe. (8 in London, 4 in Germany, 2 in Spain and 1 in Ireland.). (The Redskins themselves being involved in 2; 1 in London and 1 in Tokyo: How quickly we forget. :doh:.).

If the NFL are to expand the game on a World wide basis, then the best way to do that is to put out the full product, rather than an exhibition games. And the amount of International interest and money that comes in to the game, it's a totally insular, "cutting your nose off to spite your face" attitude to turn it down.

"They don't deserve a game, they have no interest or heritage....."

Uhmmm, besides the fact that football has been broadcast here since 1982, and has always maintained a steady and growing fan base, let's take the other week's Saints- Chargers game. Where else on the Globe would you get an attendance of 83,226, that sold out in a little over 3 hours all told, with over 500,000 applications, most all of them UK based, in a Country where the Saints and Chargers have very little fan base?

Personally, I'm split on the Redskins playing overseas.

I can see both sides of the argument.

For the VAST army of Redskins fans in the UK, and make no mistake, we've always had a real strong fan base here, it would be a fantastic experience for one and all. And the crowd would be a sea of burgundy and gold.

But, even though I'm UK based at present, I sway toward not having my team travel lock stock, on a short work week, overseas to suit the mighty $.

I can see the pro's and con's to both sides, but regardless of how anyone feels, overseas games are here to stay. The NFL has committed to at least the next 3 years, and the money they've raked in the past two with the London game will probably lead to more. The green dictates all. Love them or hate them, International games are here to stay.


I just thought I would bump this reply because I am not sure enough people actually read it, it kind of sums my feelings up .

I have seen the "Hell No!" replies and the even more balanced "Go back to watching Soccer" etc etc Thanks for those .

Thing is the International series is a success . The NFL has done a terrible job of promoting itself with the local media and publicity in itself but there has been a huge demand for tickets . NFLE could have been a success ...but no one knew about it . If I didn't read first down magazine (now defunct) I would have no idea it was going on, and yet in its prime it was pulling in crowds to rival some premiership games, with essentially no media support at all . So those saying there is no interest in the game in the UK or the rest of the world are misguided .

The travel issue is always one that amazes me . It is okay to send players thousands of miles to a play meaningless exhibition games or pre season games but not okay to send them miles to play in europe .

In all honesty though I would rather watch the Redskins in Washington rather than Wembly, given the chance ... there is one thing there will always be tickets available in the car park at FedEX .

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I wouldn't think much of the fact there were a lot of Steeler fans. They travel as well as any fans in the league and are everywhere. When the Steelers came to Dallas in 2004, the place was littered with terrible towels. If they show up in a huge mass in Dallas, then it's not surprising they were out in full force in a city much closer.

I mean, hell, we even have a Buffalo Wild Wings here that is packed with Steeler fans every Sunday, with their ugly towels.

It's still embarrassing and shows who Dan Snyder caters too.

I can't see that happening in Green Bay or Cleveland or even Philly or even during are old RFK days.

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I don't want our guys to have to travel that long during the season and deal with jet lag, etc. That takes a while to get used to, especially on the return home. Personally, I think it's a bad idea for any elite level athletes having to travel that distance during the football season.

This overseas deal is a money-maker for the owners I guess, but I don't think it's in the best interest of the athletes.

I do a lot of travelling to the US from the UK - East Coast and West Coast. Its about a 7 hour flight from East Coast to the UK. Its about a 4 hour flight from East Coast to West Coast. 3 hours extra sat in 1st class luxury on a specially chartered plane is not going to kill anyone.

Jet lag is a slight issue. I would not claim to be an elite athlete - not even 20 years ago - but the 5 hour time difference from East Coast to UK takes about 24 hours to adjust to tops. I find it not a problem at all coming to the US even on West Coast trips but it take me a day or so to adjust when I get home. With professional nutrition support and sleep/practice scheduling its not going to be an issue.

The travel time/disruption argument does not fly (excuse the pun) with me.

However I totally understand the argument about not losing a home game - I would feel exactly the same if I was a season ticket holder.

I also think its a bit out of order for UK based fans to call out our fellow fans in the US for the Steelers turn out at FedEx. People selling tickets to make a few bucks happens - work, family commitments ....greed.

Credit to the Steelers for the way they played the game and for their fan base for the showing they made. It was a butt kicking.

Summary - I'd clearly love for the Redskins to play in the UK from a selfish point of view but would much prefer it to be an away game so we don't lose the competitive advantage of the home game.

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Because how can the Superbowl winners be world champs? No other country plays in the NFL...

Surely they're champions of America...?

Form a league and then challenge the NFL Super Bowl winner an then the winner will be world champions. If no one can form a league and the NFL is the only professional football league, then we have a right to say World Champion.

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I think it is a bit over the top to critisise Redskins fans at Fed Ex field. Usually when I watch the Skins games on television or internet the place seems to be rocking. Also the atmosphere at some English Premier League grounds is rubbish.

I enjoyed the game at Wembley last week but could not really let myself go when it came to making some noise. I kept imagining what it would be like if the Redskins were playing and I how differently I would have acted.

I can totally understand the feeling on here giving up a home game and I am torn between wanting the Redskins to play in England so I can watch them now. Or waiting until the kids have grown up and I can visit Washington and watch my first ever skins game in the US. To me going to a Redskins game in the US is on my list of things to do before I die.

Whatever your views please understand that we only want the Redskins in England because we are fans of this great organisation.

Got to agree my friend, would love to see the Skins play a proper game, not an exhibition/preseason run out for rookies & free agents, it just aint the same, but also appreciate that with only 8 home games a year, no-one in DC is gonna vote for it (other than the owner).

I have to say that if they did come to the UK then the support would be awesome, we started to get decent coverage back in the early 1980's, then we won the Superbowl in 1983 & 1988 & 1992 - and therefore got an awful lot of coverage compared to other teams, so we are very popular over here, so if it's officially a road game, rest assured it won't seem like one to the players.

Anyhow, now I got a niece working in Virginia , there may be a chance of fulfilling one of my dreams, and get to see the Skins at FedEx. Gotta save up and she needs to not screw up either her job or her relationship (she's just moved in with a Skins fan), and maybe it'll happen.



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I was watching the Redskins game on Channel 5 last night t 4-30am in the morning and the team looked tired and flat hurting for their bye week . But there was something that bothered me .

I was impressed with some aspects and disappointed with others, I thought the players made a game of it but the Steelers D was as billed .

The thing that pissed me off the most is the "FANS" . They were out of the game after the blocked punt . And it is a trend we see week in week out . I think the reason no one rates the Redskins/Cowboys rivaly any more is nothing to do with the players but the fans . We don't have any . Every year you watch the NFCE home games at FedEX and it is a sea of green or blue or silver . And we have had success in the recent past . It is not like we are 1-7 . Our fans who attend the games are the worst in the NFL .

The question was raised in the coverage given the sucsess of the Chargers/Saints and the Dolphins/Giants game who would they like to see in the UK in 2009 .

I say the Redskins . At least then they might know what it is like to have a "home" crowd behind them .

What does it matter if it is a home or away game to you? If it is an away game, then us season ticket holders still get 8 regular season games (along with our 2 full price preseason games). Otherwise, we get 7 regular season games with 2 preseason games. BTW, can you put 90,000+ people in a stadium over there anyway?

Since the Giants got an "extra" home game a few years ago due to Katrina, maybe they should play their home game against the Redskins over there??

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Quoted for truth. That was flat out embarassing terrible towels EVERYWHERE! I bet you Stub Hub made a nice killing off of the re-sale of tickets last week or 2.

>> I think I read somewhere that the Steelers game was the most tickets they have ever sold for a single event. I want to say they sold 7,000 tickets. Considering they charge the seller a 15% fee and the buyer a 10%, yeah they did pretty darn well.

If you've ever been to FedEx field, you'll notice they advertise a lot there too.

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I understand that your comments (the Brits) weren't made in malice, but...how dare you call out the FedEx Field fans. First of all, it's not like there were more Steeler fans than Skins fans. I do agree that the people that sold their tickets should be ashamed today, but let's get real. You think that the UK (or any other place for that matter) would support the Redskins better than Washington DC? Give me a fcuking break! And it's like that everywhere the Steelers play; they played in Jacksonville a few weeks ago and it was the same thing. Not to mention that the Redskins travel well also. Nevertheless, if you want to see the Redskins play in person, either take a vacation over here, or move here.

>> I nominate the Steelers for the next game in Europe!!

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Here we go again with the fan bashing. If the opposing team scores 23 unanswered points, how loud do you expect the home crowd to be? You want to shut up the home crowd? Then score and keep the game close. There was nothing to cheer about on monday.

Now onto the topic. NO WAY! should the Redskins give a "home" game to UK. There is no guarantee it'll be a loud crowd for the Redskins anyway. This NFL travel to England for regular season games is so bogus and dumb anyway. If you want to give a game to England, make it a pre-season game.

When was the last time a pro-football ( aka soccer) UK team came to the US to spread their game. Never. Get Manchester-United to play the champions of the MLS and then we'll talk. :helmet:

>> Um, didn't Chelsea play DC United at FedEx a few years ago?? Granted it was an exhibition game....

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I gotta be honest, yes I do. I don't want skins fans selling their tickets to Steelers fans/Iggles fans/Gnat fans or any others. I have lived across the country my whole life, and just recently I moved to Arkansas and have been planning to buy tickets because I'm within a thousand miles of DC for the first time since I was 10.

Some skins fans in the area don't realize how lucky they are when they get to go to those games. I say if you sell the tickets, sell em to skins fans. It's just my opinion, but there are too many opposing teams fans at our games. We're starting to lose our homefield advantage. People complain about the old RFK days being gone, and I'm not saying we can ever replace RFK stadium, but it's the fans that make the stadium and homefield advantage; not the other way around.

I don't mean to rant, I know I can't speak from being a fan with season tickets, and I know that we get caught looking at the few that represent us poorly, but it's an observation I have noticed when watching the games.


>> If you have not done so already, please put yourself on the waitlist.


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