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Can we all make a promise come Wednesday afternoon


Which one would you get with?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one would you get with?

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No thanks. Not sour grapes, but we're talking about serious issues.

Most of you supporting Obama have no idea how bad things are going to be. Income taxes will go up -- hurting the economy. Payroll taxes will go up -- costing jobs. Cap & Trade will cause energy prices to skyrocket -- further restricting discretionary spending. It's not going to be pretty, guys. I suspect in the next four years many of you will claim you didn't vote for him.

When you look back as say 'what happened?" Don't forget that his Marxist tendencies and connections had been pointed out. When you see his administration penalizing anyone who speaks out against him -- beware. It's already happening. And he talks about creating a Civilian Defense Force? Is this his version of Hitler's Brownshirts? You would be right to scoff if it hadn't come from his own words.

I own a small business. I work with many other small businesses who are facing extremely tough times. Many may not survive. Their employees will be looking for jobs when the help wanted section is the thinnest it has been in years. Raising taxes will restrict the economy. He will raise taxes to take from one group to give to another under the guise of fairness. All of this so that Obama can buy votes. So shortsighted. All of this will put many small business under. Where's your bread buttered?

Fire away with your flippant responses. It won't matter. I will go forward trying to grow my business. I promise, though, I will do everything I can to support a strong Conservative Party and will be active in helping to defeat Libs in 2010 and 2012. I suspect by that point, many of you will have seen enough and might feel the same way.

Jesus Christ, you can't even stay non political in a thread asking for an end to all the political hate threads.

you fail :doh:

as said before, a simple no would have been fine, really didn't need your page long rant, especially since you went completely against the idea and topic of the thread.

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Regardless of how the election goes, can we all please get back to having some fun in the tailgate again. Can we put aside the divisiveness, the spite and vitrol that's been existing around here for the past few months. Yes we'll still be debating policy, yes we'll still be talking politics but can we let our guards back down, let our skin grow thicker again and have some fun. Politics engulfs much of our lives, I understand this, it's become that way since the 24/7 news cycle and internet became a major focul point of what we do on a daily basis. However I do not believe politics defines who I am as a person nor do I feel it defines anyone else around here. Let our craziness, absurdity, humor, sarcasm and wit back in the tailgate. So come Wednesday afternoon, win or lose(and heaven help us draw), crack a joke, crack a smile and hang out for awhile. Let's bring personality back to the tailgate.

I'm ready to get back to some UFC sig bets!

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Since when were we NOT divisive? I mean if its not the flying spaghetti monster, or legalization of pot, or illegal immigration, then its any number of 100 other issues per day that we're always bickering over. ;)

Lets just hope that my prayer is answered in the affirmative that this election is peaceful and that there is a clear winner. That way we don't spend until December bickering about every SCOTUS decision.

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Somehow I suspect a loss by O'Bummer (hey, it's only wednesday morning;)) will toss this puppy out the window. As much as people seem to be laughuing at how they see the Republicrats responding to a loss, my guess is anger, the likes of which we haven't seen around here, followed by mass "Suicide by Mod", will be the dominant display by the Democricans.

Just as a McSame loss will bring the "Countdown to Freedom" clock, chronicling ever failure, perceived or real, by the "Real Americans" who can't accept losing to a junior varsity team.

Both sides will ignore the fact that more people didn't vote at all, than did for any one party.

I will survive either guy.

So, I encourage everyone to do your civic duty, and VOTE!!!

Even if it's for a socialist, terrorist loving, white people hating, muslim extremist, anti-christ, baby killing, tax raising, scruffy looking, nerf herder.;)

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Well, are we stopped

We're stopped sir

Good, how bout we take a five minute break, smoke if you got em

We are watching Spaceballs the movie!

That's too early! Prepare to fast-forward!

Preparing to fast-forward!


Fast-forwarding, Sir!!!!!

BTW, it's smoke EM if you got em

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Regardless of how the election goes, can we all please get back to having some fun in the tailgate again. Can we put aside the divisiveness, the spite and vitrol that's been existing around here for the past few months. Yes we'll still be debating policy, yes we'll still be talking politics but can we let our guards back down, let our skin grow thicker again and have some fun. Politics engulfs much of our lives, I understand this, it's become that way since the 24/7 news cycle and internet became a major focul point of what we do on a daily basis. However I do not believe politics defines who I am as a person nor do I feel it defines anyone else around here. Let our craziness, absurdity, humor, sarcasm and wit back in the tailgate. So come Wednesday afternoon, win or lose(and heaven help us draw), crack a joke, crack a smile and hang out for awhile. Let's bring personality back to the tailgate.

No, because after the election the republicans get the cjance to go on the offensive with Obama in th eoffice and spend every waking moment ****ing on him and making him look like an idiot and a useless piece of dung. Isn't that what the dems have done to Bush the last 8 years?

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No, because after the election the republicans get the cjance to go on the offensive with Obama in th eoffice and spend every waking moment ****ing on him and making him look like an idiot and a useless piece of dung. Isn't that what the dems have done to Bush the last 8 years?

No. Bush/Cheney really took care of that on their own. And anyway, there's no need to narrate a plane crash.

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We are watching Spaceballs the movie!

That's too early! Prepare to fast-forward!

Preparing to fast-forward!


Fast-forwarding, Sir!!!!!

BTW, it's smoke EM if you got em

he said to comb the desert so were combing the desert you guys found anything yet not yet sir what about you guys we aint found ****

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