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Let's Give Ryan Clark a Big Ovation On Monday


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I think it would be great if we all gave Ryan a big ovation when he is introduced as starter, or if the offense is introduced, give it up for him when he comes on the field the first time...He was awesome while he was here and was Sean's best friend, so I think it would be a nice sentiment...


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I think it would be great if we all gave Ryan a big ovation when he is introduced as starter, or if the offense is introduced, give it up for him when he comes on the field the first time...He was awesome while he was here and was Sean's best friend, so I think it would be a nice sentiment...


A little too touchy-feely for me...

He's a Steeler!

This is going to get me flamed, but I'm over the stage where I get all shaky and teary when I think about Sean Taylor. I'm really sorry he's gone, but my own father died this past Labor Day and I think my mourning period is over...

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Ryan Clark is out for the game. They're starting Anthony Smith I believe according to news & notes on redskins.com. Polamalu might also miss the game due to the birth of his son, but I don't see this as likely considering who he is and that this would put in two backup safeties.

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Ryan Clark was a stand up guy and a great player. If you think that you are above cheering for him because he is the "enemy", to me is a problem. Its only one game and it wont make any difference. I mean, he wears #21 at practice, than has to deserve some respect.

Like I said, respect him, yes

cheer for him in my house and he's not wearing burgundy and gold, NO WAY!!!!

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Why should we? I loved ST and respect that Clark takes the time to remember him, but he is the enemy now.

Remember how much crap he talked about redskins fans when he left???

He didn't respect us at all! I understand he was bitter with the front office, but why did he take a cheap shot at the fans?

Again, why should we take the time to acknowledge him?


Anyways, HTTR!!

RIP 21 forever!!

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NO F'n way. If he was playing, I would hope that Moss and whoever our receivers are would embarass and humiliate him to the point that he would think about giving them game up. Then let CP run over him and back-up for fun. (This isn't just for Ryan Clark but anyone playing against the Skins.)

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Why should we? I loved ST and respect that Clark takes the time to remember him, but he is the enemy now.

Remember how much crap he talked about redskins fans when he left???

He didn't respect us at all! I understand he was bitter with the front office, but why did he take a cheap shot at the fans?

Again, why should we take the time to acknowledge him?


Anyways, HTTR!!

RIP 21 forever!!

I'm glad someone remembers that.

Screw Ryan Clark.

He said some **** about Redskins fans......that's what I remember and care about. I couldn't care less if he was buddy buddy with Sean Taylor.

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Why should we? I loved ST and respect that Clark takes the time to remember him, but he is the enemy now.

Remember how much crap he talked about redskins fans when he left???

He didn't respect us at all! I understand he was bitter with the front office, but why did he take a cheap shot at the fans?

Again, why should we take the time to acknowledge him?


Anyways, HTTR!!

RIP 21 forever!!

I don't remember this. What did he say?

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Why should we? I loved ST and respect that Clark takes the time to remember him, but he is the enemy now.

Remember how much crap he talked about redskins fans when he left???

He didn't respect us at all! I understand he was bitter with the front office, but why did he take a cheap shot at the fans?

Again, why should we take the time to acknowledge him?


Anyways, HTTR!!

RIP 21 forever!!

I don't remember that at all. :whoknows:

But he took a big fine to pay tribute to his good friend ST. If I had tix to the game I'd have no trouble giving him a standing ovation.

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People and human beings come before football.

On those grounds Clark should be cheered by Skins fans. If you want to put football before people, then by all means boo him, but I feel sorry for you.

Its just a game and boo'ing the opposing players is a harmless part of it. I am sure there are a lot of really nice people wearing opposing teams uniforms on the field, and just because I boo them it does not mean I hope their kids die of cancer. Let's keep things in proper perspective please.

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