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Dear Mr. Obama,


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If the election came down to YouTube viewers, a pro-John McCain video would be the winner.

A video of an Iraq veteran giving his endorsement to McCain is the site's most watched election video, with 11 million views, according to the BBC, which calls it "short, simple and powerful."

The video opens with a young man with close-cropped hair standing outside in casual clothes next to an American flag.

"Dear Mr. Obama," he says, and describes himself as an Iraq war veteran, whose yearlong tour convinced him that Iraqis are "just like us" in seeking freedom.

"Are they better off today than they were in 2002? You bet," he says.

The man proceeds to list the reasons he doesn't agree with Obama's policies toward Iraq and instead is endorsing John McCain for president, "because he understands the fundamental truth, freedom is always worth the price."

The man then walks away from the camera, revealing he has a prosthetic left leg.


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If the election came down to YouTube viewers, a pro-John McCain video would be the winner.

A video of an Iraq veteran giving his endorsement to McCain is the site's most watched election video, with 11 million views, according to the BBC, which calls it "short, simple and powerful."

The video opens with a young man with close-cropped hair standing outside in casual clothes next to an American flag.

"Dear Mr. Obama," he says, and describes himself as an Iraq war veteran, whose yearlong tour convinced him that Iraqis are "just like us" in seeking freedom.

"Are they better off today than they were in 2002? You bet," he says.

The man proceeds to list the reasons he doesn't agree with Obama's policies toward Iraq and instead is endorsing John McCain for president, "because he understands the fundamental truth, freedom is always worth the price."

The man then walks away from the camera, revealing he has a prosthetic left leg.


Did a toby keith song start blasting in the background. I love the idea that your somehow more American and Pro Troops if your a Republican :doh:

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So your point is that a wounded veteran supports the war in Iraq after serving there?

Sentimentality aside, because that's what that video tries to pull at, veterans are by far and away bigger McCain supporters anyways. But if your point is that YouTube views might determine the election then I guess a fail might be in order. Personally, I think it has more to do with people wanting the Iraq war to be right so they can sleep better at night without the guilt of a pre-emptive war hanging over their heads. And before someone tries to slam me for supposedly "not supporting the troops" just remember that I wasn't the one who sent them into Iraq.

Why We Fight

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So your point is that a wounded veteran supports the war in Iraq after serving there?

Sentimentality aside, because that's what that video tries to pull at, veterans are by far and away bigger McCain supporters anyways. But if your point is that YouTube views might determine the election then I guess a fail might be in order. Personally, I think it has more to do with people wanting the Iraq war to be right so they can sleep better at night without the guilt of a pre-emptive war hanging over their heads. And before someone tries to slam me for supposedly "not supporting the troops" just remember that I wasn't the one who sent them into Iraq.

Why We Fight

No I posted it because it was a good article.

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Did a toby keith song start blasting in the background. I love the idea that your somehow more American and Pro Troops if your a Republican :doh:

There are more troops than people in D.C. There are people that vote for everyone... Its probably 50/50 this year. Patriotism is what you do... not what you say. Many a democrat (leader) is portrayed less than ideal as they undercut the morale of the troops in the messages that are heard.

it does make a difference. And they will fight to the death to defend the right of those saying the Murtha/Reid quotes.

Every generation says the next is lazy/good for nothing... And each new generation proves they have what it takes.. What has been done on the ground and air in the last 7ish years has been amazing.

Politically: not so much, but that is expected also.

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This is one of the things I don't get. I think this is awesome. I liked that he served and has passionate feelings and can make an endorsement that rings throughout the world is great. There's nothing bad about that in the least. It doesn't sway my personal vote, but that freedom to express yourself and feel strongly and be able to state your convictions with confidence is always cool to me.

It's such a great thing that we can disagree and occassionally be idiots to each other, but in the end work together. It's a great thing that he can shout out what he believes and that people can act through voting on those beliefs.

(Okay, now I'll go and try to watch it and read it and hope I don't have to bite my words)

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the youtube comments are a good indicator the level of analysis and thought process of a lot of youtube viewers...lol

anyways, I think it's fine that this person has blogged their opinion but I dont get what you are trying to imply...

or that it sounds like I should feel guilty for supporting obama because this guy doesnt

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I think its great.

If there is anything good to believe about Iraq, its that at least the people there have a say in whats happening now. No one knew what they wanted 6 years ago. That is a real Good thing IMO.

Maybe they will kick us out now. Well, good for them. They have a say in what happens in their country now. Freedom is a great thing. And this guy helped bring them that freedom. How cool is that to be able to tell people.

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No your opinons are valid, but you should make a determantion for yourself by going over their and seeing it first hand.

You want me to make a determination for myself by taking a year and going over to Iraq to see it first hand, and so that I might come to the same conclusion that you have? I'm sorry but you're still playing the same "your opinion is less than mine until you've been there" game. I don't have to go to Iraq to know that invading Iraq was based on a sham. Sure people around the world want this thing that we call freedom, but is that what we're giving them? Freedom from one dictator only to suffer under another. BTW, you might go to northern Iraq and ask the Christians up there how good they feel about this new freedom they have now that they are being pushed out of the "representative" government that their White Knight is bringing to them.

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You want me to make a determination for myself by taking a year and going over to Iraq to see it first hand, and so that I might come to the same conclusion that you have? I'm sorry but you're still playing the same "your opinion is less than mine until you've been there" game. I don't have to go to Iraq to know that invading Iraq was based on a sham. Sure people around the world want this thing that we call freedom, but is that what we're giving them? Freedom from one dictator only to suffer under another. BTW, you might go to northern Iraq and ask the Christians up there how good they feel about this new freedom they have now that they are being pushed out of the "representative" government that their White Knight is bringing to them.

You know what Asbury your right and I am wrong.

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Sorry, I didn't mean to rain on your parade...I won't bother disagreeing with veterans and soldiers who have the opinions that really matter.

So i dont have an opinion is what your saying I volunteerd to deploy to Iraq(as a Civilian) and Afghanistan but mine doesn't matter. Like I said you are always right Asbury. :notworthy

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It's such a great thing that we can disagree and occassionally be idiots to each other, but in the end work together.

Yeah, when this happens, can you let me know?

I think optimism like this is nice, but come on, it's a total fallacy.

Here's what happens:

Guy makes post. Other people disagree. Common ground is rarely met, and typically each of the arguers part ways thinking the other guy is a hopeless waste.

In the greater scale, the election will happen, and the loser will then begin to do everything in their power, legal or not, to bring the winner down.

They will not work together. They will not discuss ideas. They will not formulate solutions. If they DO appear to be doing so, it is only because the negotiations will allow each side plenty of ammunition to hurl at the opponent whenever needed.

If Obama wins, the republicans will do everything they can to get him thrown in jail, and vice cersa if McCain wins.

Obama is not going to evacuate the troops from Iraq on January 21. And the Iraqis have said they want us out by 2011. That actually sounds reasonable and would likely be the scenario regardless of which one of these two gets elected.

It's one thing to make promises. It's another to confront reality. And typically when a new president has to break a campaign 'promise' it's because the reality of the situation is decidedly different for the POTUS than it is for a candidate.


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