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Redskins Report + Jim Zorn Show WK 5


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Well, if Zorn keeps it up I'm not sure the experience thing is really important. It's interesting I always have this discussion with VC's, its about capability not experience and I usually follow that up with, look at the top five internet companies right now, many of them were piloted by "inexperienced" guys.

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:doh::notworthy Thank you for the link~

OMG............just made my day to hear that the crypt keeper got a fine for yelling and shaking his finger at a ref~ I saw it when it happened, but didn't realize he got fined..................

lol-045.gif That just made my day :applause:

Riggo, I am disappointed in you~ you took the feagles over the Redskins? Dude, KU won today~ Redskins tomorrow :cheers:; :doh: don't do this to me Riggo:D

Go Skins.............we'll prove Riggo wrong~ :eaglesuck

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Thanks from Florida!

I'm still miffed that NFL-ST/DirecTV doesn't show RR any more on Sunday mornings! They did for 1994 through about '98 or '99 and then they had some crappy show with Andy Polian for one year, and then no Skins shows at all for about 8 or 10 years. But they have had Brokeback Girlz every week/every year since '94. Makes me hate the Girlz (aka "Our Beeyotches") even more!

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Ok. What would you like me to change it to?

Nothing? You were just stating fact, if you hadn't said it, they most likely would have seen it while watching it. (And this is coming from a Republican)

/political talk

But thanks for the upload, didn't get a chance to watch it.

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