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Emmitt Smith Has The Verbal Dexterity of a 2 year old (MET)


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I thought Emmitt was the worst analyst/NFL tv personality last year. He sounded like a moron. However, I must give him credit for working on his craft. It seems like he took the offseason to practice speaking on air and maybe even took some classes or worked with a professional. I still think he garbles words and makes errors, but at least he's trying to get better, IMO.

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I think that the Redskins fans here will love this...it made me laugh out loud and I'm a Dallas fan....


If Bark Obama Wants To Secede In Tonight’s Debate, He Needs To Masturbate The Ball Down The Feel!


Tonight’s highly antiparticipated debate between precendental candied date Bark Obama and John McCain should be a real BARNBANGER! Now, McCain’s got a reparation for being a map trick in Washington. He beats off to the march of his own drummer!

But that map trick spirit can get him in trouble! When he tried to put off that debate earlier this week, he got absolutely PUMPERNICKELED for it! LAND BASTED! He may be an expert on natural security, but voters still have doubts about his ecological phyllo Sophie! And you what they say. “It’s the ecology, stupid!” He needs to be able to show he can command a deer issues like that! We’ll see if modern hater Jim Lair will screw the pooch to him!

As for Bark Obama, he sure was hard as a cucumber this week! But a lot of voters think he’s a bit a roof. AND VOTERS DON’T LIKE IT WHEN YOU’RE A ROOF! He needs to show voters he can reach them at a grass boots level! And not just get into bush gashing!

Now, I don’t want this to turn into some kind of political polenta. I’m not here to take sides. My job is to anal lice. And, in my anal lice, if Bark wants to secede, HE’S GOTTA MASTURBATE THE BALL DOWN THE FEEL!

I heard that Obama’s got a good ground game. Well, he better put his honey where his mountain is. He has to be aggregated. He can’t be a shrinking pirate. Because if voters think he’s weak, HE WILL GET HIS CLOCK CREAMED!

So tune in tonight! Will we have a “Senser, you’re no Jack Manatee” type of moment? We’ll see if this Bark has bite!

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i just cant get past how much he looks like a horse with an oversized tongue. I end up just staring at his mouth and I cant hear what he is thaying anywaythzz

OLS- he does look like a horse, lol

He also sounds like he's got marbles in his mouth. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard- I can't take it

How did Shannon come from the same family? Doesn't make sense

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OLS- he does look like a horse, lol

He also sounds like he's got marbles in his mouth. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard- I can't take it

How did Shannon come from the same family? Doesn't make sense

hahahah...can you imagine dinner time?

"Sterling, strap the bag to your brother's head. Its dinner time"

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LOL this is hillarious. I've noticed for quite some time now that Emmit is a horrible tv analyst simply for the fact that he can't speak english worth a damn. His sentences are always choppy or interrupted (by his own fault), or he's constantly pronouncing things incorrectly. It's very annoying.

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