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Is this one of those deadly caterpillars?


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I'm not sure what kind of caterpillar that is. Although, generally speaking, there are some things you can guess. The red stripe coloration would seem like a warning color, and spikes on caterpillars generally can be defenses and can cause irritation (itching, swelling, etc.). I doubt it's deadly though unless you are particularly allergic and have a severe anaphylactic response.

The caterpillar that hospitalized the woman in the other story is completely different:


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I'm not sure what kind of caterpillar that is. Although, generally speaking, there are some things you can guess. The red stripe coloration would seem like a warning color, and spikes on caterpillars generally can be defenses and can cause irritation (itching, swelling, etc.). I doubt it's deadly though unless you are particularly allergic and have a severe anaphylactic response.

The caterpillar that hospitalized the woman in the other story is completely different:


The toxin usually , but not always, produces an immediate onset of excruciating, unrelenting pain, radiating to the lymph nodes in the armpit or groin, and then to the chest.

China, you never cease to amaze.

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[/you should eat it and if it doesnt kill you then you have your answer..

and if it does kill you it wont matter what the answer was anyways..

That might be my new signature quote :ols:

"You should eat it and if it doesnt kill you then you have your answer..

and if it does kill you it wont matter what the answer was anyways." -BigMike - 2008

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I stepped on a spiky caterpillar in my backyard a few years back and it hurt like a wasp sting. I thought I had stepped on a bee, so I expected to see it fly out, or be laying there when I lifted my foot. The damn caterpillar was camouflaged and besides, I'm looking for a bee that I now think flew out, so I put my foot back down on it again. Pain was shooting up my leg.

It left about 9 little hair-thin barbs in my foot that I could not get out,, they were so thin the tweezers I had could not grasp them. Not to mention the awkward angle I had to hold my foot to use big magnifying lens I needed to just be able to see them. (This was when I was a single dad,, so there was no one around to help me get them out. ) The pain got worse as the day went on, VERY uncomfortable.. and it was sore for four or five days,, mostly because I still couldn't get the barbs out. I think 3 or 4 of them might still be in there.

I went back outside and spotted the thing up on a chair about 2 feet away from where i stepped on it. It had to be it, nasty looking thing with spikes sticking out of it every which way.

I don't walk around barefoot anymore.


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I stepped on a spiky caterpillar in my backyard a few years back and it hurt like a wasp sting. I thought I had stepped on a bee, so I expected to see it fly out, or be laying there when I lifted my foot. The damn caterpillar was camouflaged and besides, I'm looking for a bee that I now think flew out, so I put my foot back down on it again. Pain was shooting up my leg.

It left about 9 little hair-thin barbs in my foot that I could not get out,, they were so thin the tweezers I had could not grasp them. Not to mention the awkward angle I had to hold my foot to use big magnifying lens I needed to just be able to see them. (This was when I was a single dad,, so there was no one around to help me get them out. ) The pain got worse as the day went on, VERY uncomfortable.. and it was sore for four or five days,, mostly because I still couldn't get the barbs out. I think 3 or 4 of them might still be in there.

I went back outside and spotted the thing up on a chair about 2 feet away from where i stepped on it. It had to be it, nasty looking thing with spikes sticking out of it every which way.

I don't walk around barefoot anymore.


<Headed outside right now to take a flame thrower to my yard.>

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