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Kiwanuka accuses Samuels of dirty play(merged)


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;5502358']Come on guys' date=' if it happened to a Redskins player you guys would be up in arms calling for someone's head. I was very upset at first but looking at it again, the hold/tackle was intentional but not landing on his leg. Kiwanuka suffered a broken leg last year so he is probably more sensitive to something like this than other players would be.

And give me a break with the comments about him crying, whining, he needs to man up, and all the other one's that are similar. His season could have easily been ended on that play.

It wasn't intentional but given what happened to him last year, it is understandable why he is upset.[/quote']

Tom, you are a quality poster here. I want to break this down into small pieces so we understand one another.

Kiwanisclub, after beating Chris with an outside in rush, moves toward Campbell. Chris, seeing he is beat and his QB has his back turned, lunges for Kiwanisclub and winds up tackling his legs and falls on him as they go to the ground. I watched the play in real time and later in slow motion and it was 1) blatantly illegal 2) done in desparation after being legitimately beaten 3) an intentional tackle and 4) an unintentional landing on Kiwanisclub's foot. Gravity does that to 320# guys, they fall down.

OTs on all 32 teams tackle guys on their way past almost anytime they can get a hand out in time if it saves their QB a blindside hit. That was a 10 yard holding penalty at best, there was nothing dirty about it. A leg whip, performed in similar situations usually, is a 15-yard unsportmanlike penalty because of its tendency to injure, just like a facemask, or a Williams-collar. Those are dirty plays not because they are done with intent to injure (they aren't usually) but because there is a real chance of injury in any case - they disregard another player's health.

There is no "falling on another player's legs" unsportsmanlike penalty because football plays end with more players on the ground or other players than upright. It would be called every play. The closest dangerous play penalty is engaging a defender below the waist when he is engaged with a blocker above the waist, or chop-blocking, and Kiwi was running free. To recap: Kiwi is crying like a 13 year old girl. Whether he or you feel his crying like adolescent females is justified by his injury history is beside the point.

By way of comparison, the Giant's players were guilty of striking another player with a hand or fist, an automatic ejection offense, that went uncalled. They were called on at least two facemask penalties and a few more went uncalled and those are genuinely dangerous. Jacobs also kicked another player, another automatic ejection offense that went uncalled. And Antonio Pierce is a chippy, late hitting little bee-hatch. So, if you want to point out the sins of others, be prepared to say a few Hail Mary's yourself.

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What a baby.

Did Durany Brooks go to the media saying how badly that was a cheap shot on him? That could've ended his very short career in Washington for all I know.

Did M. Washington go the media saying what a dirty jab Jacobs took on him in the middle of the field after dropping that pass?

I mean come one:

Number 1, its a contact sport, you will ocassionally get taken down.

Number 2, I am sure any Giants O linemen would do the same for Eli (or at least I hope they don't someday)

Number 3, Players are playing for the coaches and the fans, and themselves. Do you think we care about Samuel's "classiness" when a monster DE is plowing towards Campbell for a dead on hit? No... I've seen Campbell get blindsided enough. (Bears game, also when Grossman was injured on same exact type play)

I don't care if you get injured or not, ITS PRO FOOTBALL! HOW MANY OF OUR SKINS HAVE BEEN INJURED? YOU DON'T SEE THEM CRYING IN THE MEDIA... Sportsmanship and all, its the game of football. Frustration will come, and it wouldn't be football if their wasn't an emotion to ride on.

Its really pathetic when you see a grown man, over 250 pounds come out in the media whining his behind off, even after THEY WON! WTF MORE DO YOU WANT?

How about this for an edit for you Kiwi (what a faygulo name btw):

"Well that last play didn't end quite well, as I made a good play on Samuels but came out kinda banged up. Whether it was dirty or not, he did what he had to do to protect his QB, and I'm sure our guys would do the same, so I can respect that."

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This shows the difference in mentality between a dlineman and an olineman. Of course Kiwanuka is going to say "just take the sack" because he's the one dealing out the punishment! He'd do the same exact thing if he was on the offensive line.

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it was bush. I didnt see any of our lineman diving at Carter or anyone elses legs after getting beat for a sack. Its just not right. Kiwi easily could have broke his leg again. Its cheap. Very bush league.

Why are you here? We don't like your kind here. When players start mistaking NFL for UFC (Jacobs punching and kicking Marcus Washington) that is "Bush League". Now go back to the spiderhole you crawled out of.


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it was bush. I didnt see any of our lineman diving at Carter or anyone elses legs after getting beat for a sack. Its just not right. Kiwi easily could have broke his leg again. Its cheap. Very bush league.

:cry:It was nothing more than an intentional foul. Cornerbacks do all the time. Your better off to take the 15 and half the distance then give up the TD. You won the game. Leave us in our misery. :slap:

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It wasn't intentional, but if that happened to Carter or Taylor, this entire board would be up in arms right now...

Of course it wasn't intentional; it was a reaction. And it was a dirty play and you are correct, if it happened to one of our guys, we'd be calling for fines, suspensions, executions and, if our guy really got hurt, for the perpetrator to have to listen to John McCain and Barrack Obama speeches, nonstop, for 10 years.

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Tom, you are a quality poster here. I want to break this down into small pieces so we understand one another.

Kiwanisclub, after beating Chris with an outside in rush, moves toward Campbell. Chris, seeing he is beat and his QB has his back turned, lunges for Kiwanisclub and winds up tackling his legs and falls on him as they go to the ground. I watched the play in real time and later in slow motion and it was 1) blatantly illegal 2) done in desparation after being legitimately beaten 3) an intentional tackle and 4) an unintentional landing on Kiwanisclub's foot. Gravity does that to 320# guys, they fall down.

OTs on all 32 teams tackle guys on their way past almost anytime they can get a hand out in time if it saves their QB a blindside hit. That was a 10 yard holding penalty at best, there was nothing dirty about it. A leg whip, performed in similar situations usually, is a 15-yard unsportmanlike penalty because of its tendency to injure, just like a facemask, or a Williams-collar. Those are dirty plays not because they are done with intent to injure (they aren't usually) but because there is a real chance of injury in any case - they disregard another player's health.

There is no "falling on another player's legs" unsportsmanlike penalty because football plays end with more players on the ground or other players than upright. It would be called every play. The closest dangerous play penalty is engaging a defender below the waist when he is engaged with a blocker above the waist, or chop-blocking, and Kiwi was running free. To recap: Kiwi is crying like a 13 year old girl. Whether he or you feel his crying like adolescent females is justified by his injury history is beside the point.

By way of comparison, the Giant's players were guilty of striking another player with a hand or fist, an automatic ejection offense, that went uncalled. They were called on at least two facemask penalties and a few more went uncalled and those are genuinely dangerous. Jacobs also kicked another player, another automatic ejection offense that went uncalled. And Antonio Pierce is a chippy, late hitting little bee-hatch. So, if you want to point out the sins of others, be prepared to say a few Hail Mary's yourself.

Jacobs should have been flagged for his facemask smack. But, it didn't threaten the guys season. Facemask penalties happen all the time. You make it sound like I think Samuels blatantly tried to break Kiwi's leg. I'm not sure what you are trying to prove here but I admitted that the tackle was intentional but landing on his leg wasn't.

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:cry:It was nothing more than an intentional foul. Cornerbacks do all the time. Your better off to take the 15 and half the distance then give up the TD. You won the game. Leave us in our misery. :slap:
lmao :rotflmao:

The man got a boo boo and all of NY is in an uproar, unfreaking believable. To even think these are they same men who hold the SuperBowl trophy :doh:

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The tackle was intentional? Then it's clipping - 15 yards.

But Kiwanuka is going as far as to say that Samuels TRIED to hurt him - why else would he be raising such a ruckus? He should stop crying about it, especially seeing as he's perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with his leg. And, the Giants' other sins aside, Kiwanuka was trying to lay a hit on our starting quarterback when the game was already won. That's really classy, isn't it? And the way the Giants were acting yesterday, I wouldn't have put it past Kiwanuka to try to go in low, either. They did get away with a lot of stuff. I saw a couple of plays where Jason Taylor almost got his jersey yanked away from him. There was a push-off in the end zone, and I'm sure everyone knows which play I'm talking about. That's to say nothing of the face-slapping, and the fact that Brandon Jacobs also directly cleated a guy's ribs as he ran on one play. Now, it's football and I'm not saying to go down, but hurdle, or something. It might not have been intentional, but it was avoidable, and therefore should have been flagged.

Whatever. Kiwi's just mad because CP put him on his ass. I guess, after you get that done to you by a RUNNING BACK, you must feel like the whole world's out to get you.

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I love how your mods deleted my sig... :doh:

the sig was smaller than most of all your sigs... just it was Jacobs running over Landry....



How could you even think we would do such a thing? Over here we call them glitches, and looks like that glitch bit you dead on the azz. :rotflmao:

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I didnt think it was dirty. I do have one question why does everyone hate pierce? He left because that terrible front office decided they didnt want him. Snyder/Cerrato = brutal. No depth and brutal contracts.

He runs his mouth way too much. Especially, after he left the Redskins.

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