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Spurrier era, round 2 ???


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Not sure about you guys, but we've looked lousy the last two preseason games on both sides of the ball. I'm reminded of the Spurrier era when we started out hot in preseason and went on to a subpar season. Jason Campbell has also looked weak...again.

Yes, I know it's only preseason, but nonetheless...

Anyone else a tad worried at this point?

maybe...but i would blame the 2 guys that have been here the whole time before i blame the coach...until Vinny leaves and Dan finally realizes he needs a real GM this team will never win anything
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maybe...but i would blame the 2 guys that have been here the whole time before i blame the coach...until Vinny leaves and Dan finally realizes he needs a real GM this team will never win anything

Well given all that has occurred since Danny got the team, I would have to say you are absolutely correct. What Danny sees in Vinny is beyond me.

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You guys are a riot. Last week the FO was a bunch of rocket scientists for pulling off the best draft ever. Then we trade a second rounder for an aging DE and again the FO, brilliant.

We need a young up and coming HC, we get one, he hasn't called one down in the NFL regular season and it's straight to SS comparisons.

Now, y'all are yelling at each other because of your ages. Just change the diapers and regroup.

Season actually doesn't start until Thursday night. HTTR!

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Of course I'd hop in - you guys are insulting my age group. I don't take everything as a personal attack (the "20 year olds are dumber" however, I do).

I don't recall insulting your age group.

I will say this: I'm sad you see my posts as a personal attack all the time - they most certainly, this case to SonnyJ withstanding, are not. Like I said, I voice my opinions and don't see why thats wrong on a messageboard.

Again, not specifically talking about you because there are others equally culpable, though occasionally you do come off as taking umbrage to those with a different viewpoint.

Agreed, this thread has degenerated into something that is clearly not what the subject indicates. I don't pay attention to age at all insofar as it pertains to posts or opinions. After all, each person has a story to tell based on their own individual experiences. But, I see a lot more of the "bigger picture" as I've gotten older...things that used to set me off as a younger man don't even register anymore. It's like Richard Pryor said once, "You don't get to be old by being a goddamned fool." lol. Instead, I pay heed to how people carry themselves and how they interact with each other. It just astounds and saddens me to see members of the same religion(The Church of the Right Reverand, Mighty High Fighting Redskin) disrespecting each other on such a regular basis.

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You would be well served to respect your elders.

I give respect to people until they prove they don't deserve respect. You started this thread by saying Zorn reminded you of Spurrier, but you gave no support of that claim whatsoever. The guy you responded to initially was right in saying that this thread could easily have gone in one of the other threads about the state of the team right now. You immediately were disrespectful by insulting and demeaning that person. Then you decided to take it further and try to generalize an entire age group. That's prejudice, and like I said if you have to use age as a crutch then you really have nothing at all.

You would be well served to stick to actual topics instead of harping on someone about age, and blabbering about it through the rest of the thread insulting every 20-something by making harsh and unfair generalizations. That's completely disrespectful, was unnecessary, and all you've done is continue to cry about how the young kids are "disrespectful". You're a hypocrite, and if you're going to continue to sit back and bash younger people, and make stupid generalizations, then you indeed aren't worthy of respect, as you can't give it to anyone who is young and/or disagrees with you. There's a reason this thread only has 1 star, and there is a reason all the young guys are dumping on you. You started it with your stupid, and disrespectful, generalizations about young people. You reap what you sow.

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Not sure about you guys, but we've looked lousy the last two preseason games on both sides of the ball. I'm reminded of the Spurrier era when we started out hot in preseason and went on to a subpar season. Jason Campbell has also looked weak...again.

Yes, I know it's only preseason, but nonetheless...

Anyone else a tad worried at this point?

What do you mean last two games!? The starters looked like garbage against the Jets too. I am very worried, Zorn has that same lost look that Spurrier always had on the sidelines. I am usually overly optimistic with the Skins but I think we're looking at 5-11.

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What do you mean last two games!? The starters looked like garbage against the Jets too. I am very worried, Zorn has that same lost look that Spurrier always had on the sidelines. I am usually overly optimistic with the Skins but I think we're looking at 5-11.

Sadly, your (and my) concerns are quite valid.

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I give respect to people until they prove they don't deserve respect. You started this thread by saying Zorn reminded you of Spurrier, but you gave no support of that claim whatsoever. The guy you responded to initially was right in saying that this thread could easily have gone in one of the other threads about the state of the team right now. You immediately were disrespectful by insulting and demeaning that person. Then you decided to take it further and try to generalize an entire age group. That's prejudice, and like I said if you have to use age as a crutch then you really have nothing at all.

You would be well served to stick to actual topics instead of harping on someone about age, and blabbering about it through the rest of the thread insulting every 20-something by making harsh and unfair generalizations. That's completely disrespectful, was unnecessary, and all you've done is continue to cry about how the young kids are "disrespectful". You're a hypocrite, and if you're going to continue to sit back and bash younger people, and make stupid generalizations, then you indeed aren't worthy of respect, as you can't give it to anyone who is young and/or disagrees with you. There's a reason this thread only has 1 star, and there is a reason all the young guys are dumping on you. You started it with your stupid, and disrespectful, generalizations about young people. You reap what you sow.

Sheesh. You've pretty much proved my point about many of the young disrespectful youth of today with your little hissy fit above. :D

For that, thanks, I suppose.

For the record, I only fired when fired upon. I post a comparison about Spurrier and Zorn and some disrespectful kid immediately slams my post for being repetitive. Last time I looked, there weren't any other posts on this topic. Now you pile on to get your digs in. What a crock. What hypocrites. Grow up. I suggest you cease reading/responding to my posts, along with your other little buddies, unless you have something worthwhile to contribute. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

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Sheesh. You've pretty much proved my point about many of the young disrespectful youth of today with your little hissy fit above. :D

For that, thanks, I suppose.

For the record, I only fired when fired upon. I post a comparison about Spurrier and Zorn and some disrespectful kid immediately slams my post for being repetitive. Last time I looked, there weren't any other posts on this topic. Now you pile on to get your digs in. What a crock. What hypocrites. Grow up. I suggest you cease reading/responding to my posts, along with your other little buddies, unless you have something worthwhile to contribute. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


You only fired when fired upon? If his age weren't posted, you wouldn't have posted the same thing in response to the first poster who "slammed" you. Your age isn't posted, so how would that poster know that you were older? I love how you're blaming this all on us, when:

1) No one can tell if you're older at first post

2) If our ages weren't posted, you probably would treat us better

3) So, since your age isn't posted, and the first poster's age isn't posted, YOU were the one who fired first.

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Why don't you watch your tone with me please young one. At 22, your barely old enough to remember the Spurrier era...much less our glory years. At your age, you may be delighted with middling results, some of us veteran fans have higher standards.

Let's hope Zorn is just playing possum with what we saw the past couple of weeks. Otherwise, it's going to be a long season.

Sounds to me like someone got upset over a public message board. ( and basically upset over nothing):rolleyes:

And yes, I am old enough to remember the three super bowls, but age has nothing to do with understanding football or knowing about the past history of a team.

But as to the originating question, I am not to worried. But I don't expect this team to go 16-0 either. I do expect them to be competitive and expect they will play better as the season goes along. If they can win two of the first five games they have a shot at a winning record. If they can win three, then I think they should vie for a playoff spot. If they win four or more, then a division title could be in the mix.

The problem with the offense will right itself by mid-season. The problem on the defense is another thing. They were not playing well, as evidence by poor tackling, blown assignments and shoddy coverage. Now I know our centerfielder/Free Safety by the name of Laron was not playing and the entire secondary that played was pretty young and inexperienced so I will be an optimist.

The line got quicker and should apply some pressure so that helps the secondary. The linebackers have questionable depth so health is a key.

But no I aint' really worried. Watching the games is my respite from a hard weeks work. I look forward to the games win or lose. ( although it's more fun win they win)


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Sheesh. You've pretty much proved my point about many of the young disrespectful youth of today with your little hissy fit above. :D

For that, thanks, I suppose.

For the record, I only fired when fired upon. I post a comparison about Spurrier and Zorn and some disrespectful kid immediately slams my post for being repetitive. Last time I looked, there weren't any other posts on this topic. Now you pile on to get your digs in. What a crock. What hypocrites. Grow up. I suggest you cease reading/responding to my posts, along with your other little buddies, unless you have something worthwhile to contribute. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

You know, displaying a little maturity and letting something go would have been the better thing to do. Your point was completely lost in this thread due to the inane diatribes about someone's age and not remembering the "glory years" as you stated.

I suggest you take a moment to read through this thread from the beginning. It has denigrated into nothing about the team and everything about demanding respect when it's a public message board giving everyone the cover of anonymity.

You may be an elder, but we are all fans of this team and we all want to see this team do well. However, once again I encourage you to read back through the entire thread with an open and unbiased eye. It's none to flattering. I for one would be ashamed to resort to the tactics used in this thread as responses/defenses.


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Sounds to me like someone got upset over a public message board. ( and basically upset over nothing):rolleyes:

And yes, I am old enough to remember the three super bowls, but age has nothing to do with understanding football or knowing about the past history of a team.

But as to the originating question, I am not to worried. But I don't expect this team to go 16-0 either. I do expect them to be competitive and expect they will play better as the season goes along. If they can win two of the first five games they have a shot at a winning record. If they can win three, then I think they should vie for a playoff spot. If they win four or more, then a division title could be in the mix.

The problem with the offense will right itself by mid-season. The problem on the defense is another thing. They were not playing well, as evidence by poor tackling, blown assignments and shoddy coverage. Now I know our centerfielder/Free Safety by the name of Laron was not playing and the entire secondary that played was pretty young and inexperienced so I will be an optimist.

The line got quicker and should apply some pressure so that helps the secondary. The linebackers have questionable depth so health is a key.

But no I aint' really worried. Watching the games is my respite from a hard weeks work. I look forward to the games win or lose. ( although it's more fun win they win)


Nice job of selective cutting and pasting guy. :D Quite frankly I could give a rip what you think. I'm ready to move on, but reserve the right to fire when fired upon. LOL.

Good evening.

For the record, my response was a result of the following:


Originally Posted by tml6157 viewpost.gif

So this is another thread about someone being concerned with our play so far. Why don't you try posting your thoughts in the other 22858346678676 active threads about the same thing.

As far as Spurrier? HELL NO! He tried to bring in every Florida player and run a college scheme in the NFL. Zorn is using the WCO which has been in success for decades.

Why don't you watch your tone with me please young one. At 22, your barely old enough to remember the Spurrier era...much less our glory years. At your age, you may be delighted with middling results, some of us veteran fans have higher standards.

Let's hope Zorn is just playing possum with what we saw the past couple of weeks. Otherwise, it's going to be a long season.

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Let's hope Zorn is just playing possum with what we saw the past couple of weeks. Otherwise, it's going to be a long season.

Why would Zorn be playing possum? The franchise has been struggling since Gibbs I left. This coach is no different than any other since then.

It's hasn't been about the coach, but the talent on the field, which you seem to ignore.

Lets hope the talent on the field is better than what we saw the last two games.

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Worried? No. We were money the first 3 preseason games and everyone was yelling Super Bowl. Then we look like gabage the final 2 preseason games and now everyone is comparing Zorn to Spurrier.

I hate preseason on extremeskins.

There, fixed. :)

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You have to admit, there are some similarities:

[*]Both coaches have no NFL coaching experience.

Do you mean other than Zorn's 12 years as an NFL coach? Is that the "no" experience you are referring to? Sorry the differences between the two far outweigh the similarities. Do you guys really think they are even remotely similar other than some complete reaches in reasoning? Zorn may not be a good NFL coach. He may be a great one. We have no idea but he's not trying to stick a college system into the NFL. He is implementing one of the standard successful offenses in the NFL today, one that he has had years of training in. The lack of patience of this board is astounding at times. "Gee we aren't playing lights out after 5 preseason games. We must have an idiot for a coach."

By the way ttr77, most of my post was not directed at you. Most of it is in response to the OP who is too busy chastising younger posters who have the audacity to disagree with him without genuflecting at the old guy altar first. Here's the answer. A man of your obvious wisdom and knowledge should know better than completely knee-jerking because things aren't perfect before rookie head coaches first regular season game. Unless of course you had Joe Gibbs fired in year 1.

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By the way ttr77, most of my post was not directed at you. Most of it is in response to the OP who is too busy chastising younger posters who have the audacity to disagree with him without genuflecting at the old guy altar first. Here's the answer. A man of your obvious wisdom and knowledge should know better than completely knee-jerking because things aren't perfect before rookie head coaches first regular season game. Unless of course you had Joe Gibbs fired in year 1.


Close the thread.

The OP's post was flawed from the start. But instead of admitting as such he turned to name/age calling.

Schottenheimer and Gibbs were good coaches, they didn't fair well in their first years here.

My problem with the franchise has not been the coaching choices, but the players fielded.

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I'll leave the age debate to others. My only comment is that age is not the sole measuring stick for how well an ES fan understands the nuances of NFL football or possesses an in-depth understanding of the history of the Redskins.

As a diversion from this 'age' issue, here's a litmus test on football history that most "older" Skins' fans wouldn't need to resort to Wikipedia to answer:

-- True or False?: The 'Tooz' was once a Redskin.

And now to the thread's original question: Is the Zorn era a remake of the Spurrier era? ...My answer is that it is way too early to say.

I'd note that Zorn's NFL credentials are much better than Spurrier's, and he seems to take the game more seriously. Also, Zorn has had the opportunity to work with a lot of head coaches (Holmgren, Patera, Erickson, Knox) and he seems like a sharp, hard-working guy who could take advantage of the situation and learn alot.

And Zorn is not another Steve Spurrier. True, Zorn is foregoing some of the 'protective features' of the Gibbs offense (we probably won't see too many 'maximum-protection' packages) but I suspect he's not going to the "Fun-&-Gun" style of playcalling. I'd note that unlike Spurrier, Zorn is working with another offensive coordinator (Sherman Smith) who has good NFL credentials. Consequently, Zorn's version of the WCO seems well-grounded, and he's keeping people who could prosper in such a system. And unlike Spurrier, Zorn is not signing up his old cronies (otherwise we'd have signed Hackett and Alexander).

But frankly, this is not whether Zorn is another 'Steve Spurrier'. It's whether the team can produce under Zorn -- and that remains to be seen. While I like the play-scheme adjustments I've seen, this team's success in 2008 will hinge on: (1) whether Campbell is a bona-fide WCO QB, and (2) whether our aging defense can keep games close while the offense adapts to the WCO.

So I don't think we should overreact to the preseason. I think many of the veteran players were simply trying to emerge uninjured, and that Zorn was not using much of his playbook.

And while it may take a while (perhaps even as long as three seasons) I suspect Zorn will turn out to be a great coach for the Skins.

In conclusion, this is not Spurrier-2. Zorn/Smiths offensive play-schemes are sound -- but it still remains to be seen how well those plays will be executed. And if players can't handle their duties, I think Zorn and/or the FO will find someone who can handle those duties.

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That's only if you assume that your resume from college translates to the NFL. Not an assumption I've ever made. As Spurrier and Saban have proven, college and the NFL are two completely different games.
Jimmy Johnson may argue your position on this one. Besides, Spurrier ran a very successful NFL type offense at Florida. On paper the decision looked good and was applauded by the self proclaimed football pundits of the day.

Jimmy Johnson is the exception not the rule. For every JJ there's a Bobby: either Petrino or Ross, or a Dennis Erickson; rah-rah guys who can't compete at a professional level in the NFL for a variety of reasons. They just don't succeed.

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