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Dan Snyder - 3rd Best Owner in the NFL


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I also fail

That's all you really needed to say. :)

I also fail to see how a person could be a great owner when they take one of the proudest and most successful franchises in the league and turns it into a decades-long joke. That to me is a failure.

But, how do feel about John Kent Cooke? You know, the owner between Jack Kent Cooke & Dan Snyder? Or how about Jack Kent Cooke himself after Gibbs departed? Who, as an owner, at least had three Playoff appearances since winning that third Lombardi? The same guy that didn't own the team until May 25, 1999, so you're incorrect on your decades-long statement as well. Perhaps you need one of these. :)

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That's ridiculous.

Snyder has never won ****. Any owner who has won a Super Bowl is axiomatically better than Snyder.

He squeezes money out of his fans and overpays it to prima donnas. That doesn't make him a great owner.

He could have not poured money out to Lloyd and Archuleta and passed on the savings to his fans. Then maybe he would have had a winner and would deserve to be on this list.

I also fail to see how a person could be a great owner when they take one of the proudest and most successful franchises in the league and turns it into a decades-long joke. That to me is a failure.

ummm...Hes only owned the Redskins for 9 years, and has been to the playoffs 3 times.

so much for the "decades-long joke".

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With Snyder 3rd and Jones 2nd why isnt Al Davis #1. Why not just go all the way with making this list! Snyder is much more likely the worst than the best. This article is a joke right? WTF That is just stupid.

Yeah hes the worst...

#1 in total revenue

#1 in corporate sponsorship

Has one of the biggest media umbrellas (Radio, Website, etc.) in the NFL

2 trips to the playoffs in past 3 years

Players love him, and all coaches and free agents want to come here.

Actually spends the most he can under the rules on the team

You are right, what a horrible owner :rolleyes:

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Nice to see that at least some give this owner some credit for the good he has done. All he has done since owning the team is try to win. Some of his decisions have been bad - which I feel he is learning from, but how can anyone argue with the fact that he just wants the Skins to win. I think he is maturing into a great owner and creating an organization that players will want to play for. He is creating a winner.

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This is a nice "pro side" of a pros vs. cons list. Anyway, I don't mean to threadjack here but something jumps off the scream at me:

Taylor's "wife and children."

Really? It was big news last year how ugly his divorce from Zach Thomas' sister had become. And it was playing out in the south Florida press. Even he and Zach, once best friends, were at each other's thoats.

Did they patch things up or is he remarried already? Either way I hope he's happy and more settled than he was was last year. It had to have affected his play. Who knows what he might do this season!


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My honest question is...how is your Redskins watching experience any better now than it was before he took over? Sure, the headlines are more numerous.

In the 5 years before Snyder took over the team was 32-47-1

In the last 5 years, the team is 35-45.

Yet my cost to go to Fedex has almost doubled.

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#1 in total revenue

#1 in corporate sponsorship

Has one of the biggest media umbrellas (Radio, Website, etc.) in the NFL

Actually spends the most he can under the rules on the team

Who cares? Really. Do you honestly think you are going to convince anyone that the is a good owner for their favorite franchise based on these stupid points? I don't cheer for investment banks. I cheer for a football team to win Lombardis.

2 trips to the playoffs in past 3 years

Losing record overall and 2 miraculous late season pushes followed by early exits. Nope. That doesn't do it for me. Lombardis. Make us a SB contender, and you got something. Till then, I could care less about "5 and 0 or we dont go" charges.

Players love him,

Players love money and see him as an easy mark. There is a difference.

and all coaches want to come here.

Really? Because we couldn't find a head coach this off-season. We had to go with a QB coach who we had brought in as O-coordinator. The only guy who wanted our job was Fassel who would have taken any job. Spagnolo, Jim Mora, Mooch, Cowher, Rex Ryan... they all really wanted to be here didn't they?

Seriously. How can make this moronic claim? Were you ASLEEP during the entire coaching search? This has to be the stupidest claim I have seen. We barely could give away the job.

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Really? Because we couldn't find a head coach this off-season. We had to go with a QB coach who we had brought in as O-coordinator. The only guy who wanted our job was Fassel who would have taken any job. Spagnolo, Jim Mora, Mooch, Cowher, Rex Ryan... they all really wanted to be here didn't they?

Seriously. How can make this moronic claim? Were you ASLEEP during the entire coaching search? This has to be the stupidest claim I have seen. We barely could give away the job.

Oh, there's plenty of stupid floating around this thread all right.

Lemme ask you, slick, how many of those guys you mentioned took another head coaching job someplace else? The answer is, um, zero. So it appears that every one of them either wasn't good enough for an NFL HC position at the moment, or wasn't in the market for one at the moment. None of them were offered the driver's seat at the Redskins or anywhere else. So your point is, well, pointless.

From the evidence, at least two former head coaches (Fassell and Mariucci) wanted the job. Neither was deemed to be better than Zorn. You think either Greg Williams or Al Saunders would have hesitated even a second to snatch up that job had it been offered? Neither got the nod. It appears that both Snyder and Spagnolo felt Spagnolo wasn't ready for the job. Who told you he was ever offered the position? Ah, some folks believe any piece of trash they read.

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Snyder is life long fan. That is always good to have. And, he wants to win, not just collect a paycheck. Winning is 1st in his book. His way of going about it in the past was off. I admit that. But his intent speaks volumes. Dan will very soon blend his shrewd business dealings w/ shrewd football knowledge and will write his own chapter in the Skins history book.

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I dont blame Snyder for all of the poor aquisitions we have made. You have to realize that the coaches and scouts wanted those players not Snyder. At leat we have an owner who will spend the dollars to win.

>> What about Jeff George?

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That's ridiculous.

Snyder has never won ****. Any owner who has won a Super Bowl is axiomatically better than Snyder.

He squeezes money out of his fans and overpays it to prima donnas. That doesn't make him a great owner.

He could have not poured money out to Lloyd and Archuleta and passed on the savings to his fans. Then maybe he would have had a winner and would deserve to be on this list.

I also fail to see how a person could be a great owner when they take one of the proudest and most successful franchises in the league and turns it into a decades-long joke. That to me is a failure.

Wow. :doh:

You know, I speed, run yellow lights, California stops, & sometimes, although, not often, change lanes without a blinker. However, I've never been in an accident that was my fault & rarely get tickets. You think DMV would cut me a break & let me go without having to pay for my car insurance or register the thing, but dammit all to hell, I gotta pay like the rest of the drivers on the road. It's just not fair!

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I like Snyder. He's made more then his share of mistakes, but I think the fact that we didn't go FA hunting this off-season is proof that he has improved & is learning from those mistakes. If people want to continue to hate him & hold his mistakes over his head like they are, they are going to look silly in the coming years when he IS hoisting that trophy...multiple times. The past is the past. We can only work with what we have today. TODAY, Snyder makes me proud to be a Skins fan. People also seem to forget what a mess this franchise was when he bought it from the Trustees. They didn't exactly keep house well. But, ya know, I like to look at the glass full...not empty.

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