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Dan Snyder - 3rd Best Owner in the NFL


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Per Michael Silver on Yahoo Sports

3. Washington Redskins – Daniel Snyder: When most fans hear Snyder’s name, they blurt out words to describe him that might not be suitable for network television. Here’s the first one that comes to my mind: Awesome. Snyder generates revenue like a money-printing machine (his team ranks first in the NFL, at a reported $312 million, and is also atop the league in sponsorship dollars), happily spends it to improve his franchise and makes his players – you know, the ones who destroy their bodies on Sundays for the pleasure of the masses – feel pampered and appreciated. He is the closest thing to former 49ers boss Eddie DeBartolo, and eventually he’ll get the rings to prove it.

What went down Sunday at Redskins Park tells you all you need to know about Snyder’s ownership style. While attending the Skins’ first practice of training camp, Snyder and executive vice president Vinny Cerrato winced as veteran defensive Phillip Daniels went down with a knee injury. On their way to lunch in the cafeteria, they learned that Daniels had suffered a season-ending torn ACL. After sitting down with coach Jim Zorn and defensive coordinator Greg Blache, they began discussing their options. “I want to win,” Snyder told the group. “Let’s do what we have to do to win.” Concluding that disgruntled Dolphins defensive end Jason Taylor was by far the best player they’d have a chance to acquire, Snyder gave the go-ahead to make a trade. Before finishing his meal Cerrato was on the phone with Parcells, Miami’s executive vice president of football operations, discussing a trade for the 2006 NFL defensive player of the year. By that evening the deal was done, with Washington giving up second- and sixth-round draft picks, and Snyder agreeing to shell out $16 million over two years, the remaining money on Taylor’s contract. Because of Snyder’s aggressive approach, the ‘Skins were able to acquire Taylor before their NFC East rivals, the Giants, could work out a three-way trade with the Dolphins and Saints that would have sent Taylor to New Orleans for second- and fifth-round picks, followed by a swap of Taylor for tight end Jeremy Shockey.

Upon the trade’s completion, Snyder sent his private jet to pick up Taylor’s wife and children in the Dallas area; it then flew to South Florida to collect the newest Redskins player and transport him to training camp. That’s the same jet that, last December, whisked quarterback Todd Collins up to Boston in time to join his wife (who’d been induced into emergency labor) before she gave birth to the couple’s son. After Hurricane Katrina Snyder flew tight end Robert Royal to New Orleans to collect his family, who hopped aboard the jet and returned to Northern Virginia. And last December he chartered a 747 to fly the entire team to slain safety Sean Taylor’s funeral in Miami. That move wasn’t about winning; it was about doing the right thing. When Snyder finally hoists the Lombardi Trophy one of these years, it might be worth biting your tongue – at least in front of the kids.

I for one am glad someone in the media finally cut Snyder some slack. He tries so hard to win and the guy is a sincere fan. He makes mistakes, so be it, but Im sure all of us were happy when we signed B-Lloyd or when we hired Steve Spurrier. I wouldnt trade our owner for any other owner in the NFL. HTTR :helmet:

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I for one am glad someone in the media finally cut Snyder some slack. He tries so hard to win and the guy is a sincere fan. He makes mistakes, so be it, but Im sure all of us were happy when we signed B-Lloyd or when we hired Steve Spurrier. I wouldnt trade our owner for any other owner in the NFL. HTTR :helmet:

Snyder is coming around it seems. But I do want to point out that I disliked the Spurrier signing from day one. That plan was ****ed from jump street.

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11. New York Giants – John Mara and Steve Tisch: It’s tough to imagine these second-generation honchos getting off to a better start. Since their fathers, Wellington Mara and Robert Tisch, died three weeks apart in 2005, John (who oversees the franchise’s day-to-day operations) and Steve (a Hollywood producer who has taken an active role in stadium planning) have acted boldly and decisively. Their biggest decisions – hiring Jerry Reese to replace the retired Ernie Accorsi as general manager, retaining the embattled Tom Coughlin as head coach, holding firm during star defensive end Michael Strahan’s unofficial holdout last summer – all looked brilliant after the Giants pulled off their stunning Super Bowl XLII upset of the Patriots. Even more important, Mara joined Jets owner Woody Johnson in landing a stadium deal; the franchises will share the $1.6 billion facility being constructed across from Giants Stadium in New Jersey when it opens in 2010. Some owners question how good of a deal the stadium actually is – its projected cost is five-and-a-half times that of Gillette Stadium, which opened in Foxborough only eight years earlier – but the sponsorship dollars should come rolling in, with naming rights expected to fetch up to $1 billion. Though unpopular with the fans, Mara’s decision to sell personal seat licenses will allow the team to spend aggressively in the pursuit of more championships. Mara has also been a refreshingly progressive thinker in league circles; one owner calls him “the most exciting thing about our league right now.”


10. Philadelphia Eagles – Jeffrey Lurie: There’s no disputing that Lurie, with the help of team president Joe Banner, runs a first-class organization that has enjoyed some impressive on-the-field success during his tenure. But some of the organization’s recent moves have struck me as a bit bizarre. Coach Andy Reid, who last offseason had to take a leave of absence to tend to two of his sons’s legal and substance-abuse problems, has had his power base expanded; a salary-cap specialist, Howie Roseman, was promoted to vice president of player personnel; and the franchise allowed the uncertain status of franchise quarterback Donovan McNabb to become a public relations problem. The team essentially bid against itself before signing former Patriots cornerback Asante Samuel to a six-year, $57-million contract in late February and blew any potential trade leverage by failing first to unload the player he’d be replacing, Lito Sheppard. Still, even in a down year, Lurie and Banner are better than most. They do a good job of bringing in money (thanks largely to a profitable stadium, Lincoln Financial Field) and spend enough to remain competitive.


9. Miami Dolphins – Wayne Huizenga and Stephen Ross: It’s tough not to downgrade an owner who oversaw a 1-15 disaster in 2007, but at least Huizenga wasn’t complacent in the face of misery. First he outbid Falcons owner Arthur Blank to hire Bill Parcells to run his front office; then he sold half of his interest in the team (for $550 million) to Ross, a real-estate developer whom Forbes ranked last fall as the 68th wealthiest person in the U.S. Ross, who’ll have an opportunity to succeed Huizenga as the franchise’s managing partner, is a lifelong Dolphins fan expected to share his 70-year-old co-owner’s passion for building a winner. “I hate to lose Wayne,” one owner says, “but I think the new guy will be a top operator who grows the pie and gets it.”


8. Denver Broncos – Pat Bowlen: A proactive big spender who cares deeply about the on-field product, Bowlen has served on virtually every important NFL committee, displaying diligence and commitment in the process. Yet some of his fellow owners believe he has allowed coach Mike Shanahan, who won him a pair of Super Bowls (after three Ultimate Game disappointments) back in the ‘97 and ‘98 seasons, to “run roughshod for too long,” as one Bowlen admirer put it. Shanahan’s virtually unchecked power was affirmed in March when Bowlen fired general manager Ted Sundquist, siding with the coach in a power struggle. If Barack Obama’s Democratic convention acceptance speech at the Broncos’s state-of-the-art stadium in August is the most exciting thing to happen at Invesco Field between now and January, Bowlen may consider making a change he can believe in.


7. Houston Texans – Bob McNair: Since bringing football back to Houston at the start of the decade, McNair has done virtually everything right, with one glaring exception: The team still hasn’t produced a winning record, though things are looking up on that front. That McNair has somehow managed to rank third in sponsorship money and, according to Forbes magazine last September, fourth in franchise value ($1.043 billion), is a testament to his business acumen. He’s also an accomplished problem-solver on a league level, despite the bad rap he gets from many of his small-market peers, who wrongly believe the report he submitted as the chair of the league’s economic committee two years ago (before the labor agreement was extended) was skewed toward his big-market brethren. Bottom line: The man wants to win desperately, and before too long he’ll figure it out.


6. Indianapolis Colts – Jim Irsay: Considering that Irsay’s father, Robert, was apparently one of the biggest jerks ever to own an NFL team, I don’t want to say that the apple fell far from the tree – rather, it turned into a butterfly, caught a gust of wind and ended up in a lush garden on another planet. Not only is the younger Irsay good people, but he has also become a very good owner who has what virtually everyone in his position wants: A consistent contender only two years removed from a championship, a massive new facility (Lucas Oil Stadium, set to open next month) and smart people (president Bill Polian and Dungy) making his football decisions. Oh, and Peyton Manning. And now this: Thanks to his smooth and persistent lobbying efforts that lasted nearly two years, Irsay got his city a Super Bowl – the 2012 game will be played in Indy, where the Colts’ owner is understandably an extremely popular man. He’s also regarded as a positive force in league circles, someone sensitive to the concerns of old-school owners while understanding the sensibilities of some of their more forward-thinking counterparts.


5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers – Bryan, Joel and Ed Glazer: Like their father Malcolm, who has retreated to the sidelines after suffering a pair of strokes, the Glazer brothers have ensured that what was once the NFL’s most miserable organization is now a major player. With a fabulous new training facility and a lucrative stadium situation, the Bucs have thrived in their own market and have made some inroads in the Orlando area as well. Five seasons removed from a Super Bowl title, the Glazers did celebrate a second consecutive Premier League championship – and a Champions League title – when Manchester United (of which Malcolm gained controlling interest in ‘05) pulled off the double this past May. Unlike so many other siblings in similar situations, the Glazers have consistently presented a united front – and have generated big bucks in the process. They’ve allowed coach Jon Gruden to go after virtually every quarterback imaginable (is Favre next?) and understand that spending and winning often go hand-in-hand.


4. Carolina Panthers – Jerry Richardson (Mark Richardson): A former player who brought pro football to Charlotte in the mid-90s, Richardson has become a caretaker of the game. He is, as one owner describes it, a consigliere to Goodell. “Whenever there are ugly, messy disputes behind-the-scenes, Jerry’s one of the guys Roger uses to go settle it,” the owner says. “He doesn’t shoot his mouth off, he treats people with respect and everyone likes him.” Richardson’s status is illustrated by his recent appointment (along with Broncos owner Bowlen) as co-chair of the “CEC” (the NFL Management Council Executive Committee), meaning he’ll play a huge role in the upcoming labor talks. Meanwhile, team president Mark Richardson, Jerry’s second-eldest son, excels in running the Panthers’ day-to-day operations and, as a member of the NFL Network committee, is also highly regarded in league circles. The best thing about the Richardsons? Unlike some of their peers who constantly whine about their market size, they simply work hard and aim high.


3. Washington Redskins – Daniel Snyder: When most fans hear Snyder’s name, they blurt out words to describe him that might not be suitable for network television. Here’s the first one that comes to my mind: Awesome. Snyder generates revenue like a money-printing machine (his team ranks first in the NFL, at a reported $312 million, and is also atop the league in sponsorship dollars), happily spends it to improve his franchise and makes his players – you know, the ones who destroy their bodies on Sundays for the pleasure of the masses – feel pampered and appreciated. He is the closest thing to former 49ers boss Eddie DeBartolo, and eventually he’ll get the rings to prove it.

What went down Sunday at Redskins Park tells you all you need to know about Snyder’s ownership style. While attending the Skins’ first practice of training camp, Snyder and executive vice president Vinny Cerrato winced as veteran defensive Phillip Daniels went down with a knee injury. On their way to lunch in the cafeteria, they learned that Daniels had suffered a season-ending torn ACL. After sitting down with coach Jim Zorn and defensive coordinator Greg Blache, they began discussing their options. “I want to win,” Snyder told the group. “Let’s do what we have to do to win.” Concluding that disgruntled Dolphins defensive end Jason Taylor was by far the best player they’d have a chance to acquire, Snyder gave the go-ahead to make a trade. Before finishing his meal Cerrato was on the phone with Parcells, Miami’s executive vice president of football operations, discussing a trade for the 2006 NFL defensive player of the year. By that evening the deal was done, with Washington giving up second- and sixth-round draft picks, and Snyder agreeing to shell out $16 million over two years, the remaining money on Taylor’s contract. Because of Snyder’s aggressive approach, the ‘Skins were able to acquire Taylor before their NFC East rivals, the Giants, could work out a three-way trade with the Dolphins and Saints that would have sent Taylor to New Orleans for second- and fifth-round picks, followed by a swap of Taylor for tight end Jeremy Shockey.

Upon the trade’s completion, Snyder sent his private jet to pick up Taylor’s wife and children in the Dallas area; it then flew to South Florida to collect the newest Redskins player and transport him to training camp. That’s the same jet that, last December, whisked quarterback Todd Collins up to Boston in time to join his wife (who’d been induced into emergency labor) before she gave birth to the couple’s son. After Hurricane Katrina Snyder flew tight end Robert Royal to New Orleans to collect his family, who hopped aboard the jet and returned to Northern Virginia. And last December he chartered a 747 to fly the entire team to slain safety Sean Taylor’s funeral in Miami. That move wasn’t about winning; it was about doing the right thing. When Snyder finally hoists the Lombardi Trophy one of these years, it might be worth biting your tongue – at least in front of the kids.


2. Dallas Cowboys – Jerry Jones (Stephen Jones): Given what the Joneses are in the process of accomplishing in Texas – building the greatest stadium since the Roman Colosseum – it’s difficult not ranking them No. 1. A fourth Super Bowl ring in two decades of ownership might put them over the top, and with all the talent they’re hording on the Cowboys’ current roster, they just may get one come February. Remember that when Jerry Jones bought the team in 1989, he was considered a reckless renegade who would destroy the NFL as we knew it. With help from some like-minded free-thinkers, he did – and his partners should get down on their knees and thank him for that.

Innovative and tenacious in his pursuit of uncharted revenue streams, Jones is obsessed with building a winner and isn’t afraid to spend whatever it takes to do so. He’ll even overspend to enhance his brand, with the $1.1 billion stadium in Arlington set to open a year from now (on which eldest son Stephen, the Cowboys’ cool-headed executive vice president, served as the point man) as the most glaring example. Last month, during his keynote address at the National Association of College Athletic Directors (NACDA) Convention in Dallas, Jones said he could have built the new facility for $700 million. “The reason I’m spending ($1.1 billion) on that stadium in Arlington is because of perception,” he told the crowd. “Only a fraction of football fans will ever set foot in it, but hundreds of millions will see it on television.” Its impact, he said, extended to “how John Madden talks about it, and how Al Michaels talks about it, and let me assure you that after I’ve had some time with them, they’ll know everything there is to know about it.” Here’s all I need to know: Among other brilliant touches, Cowboys players will emerge from the locker room and, before charging onto the field, will pass through a club section of low-riser seats filled by high-rollers. “The stadium’s gorgeous,” one NFL owner marveled. “Every player in the league will want to play there, to be a part of that, and the fans who buy in are going to feel like they’re getting value.” Jones also understands the marketing value of star power – and actively encourages quarterback Tony Romo sits to pee to enjoy the fruits of off-the-field celebrity. “I love him – more from a quarterback perspective,” Romo sits to pee says. “For a quarterback, you’re judged on winning and losing. And if you don’t have a guy in charge who wants to win as badly as you do, you don’t have a chance. Jerry gives you a chance.”


1. New England Patriots – Robert Kraft (Jonathan Kraft): To appreciate what the Krafts have accomplished, it’s important to remember how miserable the franchise was before Robert, a season-ticket-holder in the bad old days, purchased the team 14 years ago. Brief overview: The team usually sucked, the stadium sucked even more and the fans were suitably miserable. Since then – total transformation. The Pats, who had played in one Super Bowl (getting blown out by the ‘85 Bears) before Kraft took over, have been in five of the past 12, winning three championships. He had the guts and foresight to hire Belichick when the coach was considered toxic waste (one NFL official even called and told Kraft he’d regret it forever if he made the move); he lets Belichick and vice president of player personnel Scott Pioli make the big personnel decisions; and he is revered by Tom Brady. In league circles, Kraft has been a trusted confidante of Goodell’s whose forward-thinking approaches on numerous issues have served his partners well. The Krafts also got a state-of-the-art stadium built for $325 million (which now looks like a bargain) and are in the process of developing Patriot Place, a $350 million retail and entertainment complex near Gillette Stadium. That’s right – there’ll be something to do in Foxborough more than 12 times a year. In other words, they are miracle-workers.

The full list is available here: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=Av8J3dwWmqPNYpxjtxjb.JOr0op4?slug=ms-ownersrankingsparttwo072308&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

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That's ridiculous.

Snyder has never won ****. Any owner who has won a Super Bowl is axiomatically better than Snyder.

He squeezes money out of his fans and overpays it to prima donnas. That doesn't make him a great owner.

He could have not poured money out to Lloyd and Archuleta and passed on the savings to his fans. Then maybe he would have had a winner and would deserve to be on this list.

I also fail to see how a person could be a great owner when they take one of the proudest and most successful franchises in the league and turns it into a decades-long joke. That to me is a failure.

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He needs to get a ring, and somehow cut down on the "drama" at Redskins park that always seems to be there

Breath Dan, breath, its just football and let your guys do their thing

i guess drama doesnt matter on this list, because the top 2 teams are the pats and the cowboys

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Most of us already know this. But it's the outside world that wants to ridicule every Snyder(Redskin) move when made. I myself have always aprreciated the effort that Snyder makes to improve the team, eventhough we often have concerns.

But like the Article states, what other owner makes his players feel like real family? And the Sean Taylor funeral tells it all about Snyder and we the fans at Redskin nation.

And what would have been said if a team like the Giants got Jason Taylor? Immediate SB winners.

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As much as I hate to say it(and yet, am happy to say it), I agree with his rankings 100%.

Snyder, as much as I disagree with some of his decisions over the years, is a money making machine. He does an incredible job at selling the Redskins. At the same time, we all know he would spend 300 million a year on player salaries if he could, and we know that he treats his players right. He may not always bring in the right players, but when you are a Redskin, or part of the Redskin family, you get royal treatment from Snyder. For that, he deserves a lot of credit.

As for the Cowboys, once again I agree that Jones should be #2. Jones, like Snyder does a great job at selling the Cowboys(which is harder, because the Cowboys suck). He has done a lot to built the franchise since he has owned it, and the new stadium is a testament to how good of a business man he is. He may pay off the entire stadium in just a couple of years, between subsidies by the local government, seat licenses, and revenue generated. Yes, I hate the Cowboys, and they cant win a meaningful game to save their life, but lets be honest here.

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He makes money that he invests back in the team, players want to play here, and he treats his employees right. Winning will come. A winning team is not always indicative of a great owner, just look at Tuesday's write up on the Jags owner, listed as the worst in the league.

Let's break this down.

He makes money that he invests back in the team

He invests some of it back into the team. But regardless, what is the point if it is a bad allocation of resources. He could let fans keep some of our money instead of GOUGING us in every way possible if he wasn't the most wasteful spending owner in the NFL. He could have made beers, jerseys and season tickets cheaper instead of giving $30 million to Archuleta and Lloyd. (Or Bruce Smith, or Deion, or Trotter, or George and on and on). How was the team better off with Snyder gouging us and giving the money to Arch and Lloyd? The team wasn't. And neither were the fans.

Who gives a **** if Snyder can make money. I want a winner for an owner. Not a leech.

players want to play here

No. Players want money and they know Snyder overpays more than anyone else. And not all players want to play here.

and he treats his employees right.

I suppose you think he treated Gregg Williams right? What about Marty? Think that was handled well? What about all of his players who refused to pay and instead would go blow salary cap space on free agents instead of his own players? Do you think Ryan Clark was treated right? How about Arrington?

Winning will come.

It hasn't for over a decade.

A winning team is not always indicative of a great owner

Winning is the ONLY criteria to determine whether someone is a good owner by anyone who has AN OUNCE of sense. Who cares who makes the most money?

I fail to see why so much credit is given to Snyder because of money. He is complimented because he sent his jet to do things. BFD. What owner doesn't do that? That's generous of them, but it is not unique or make someone a great owner.

It's about wins and losses. Why anyone would focus on money when evaluating owners is ridiculous.

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That's ridiculous.

Snyder has never won ****. Any owner who has won a Super Bowl is axiomatically better than Snyder.

He squeezes money out of his fans and overpays it to prima donnas. That doesn't make him a great owner.

He could have not poured money out to Lloyd and Archuleta and passed on the savings to his fans. Then maybe he would have had a winner and would deserve to be on this list.

I also fail to see how a person could be a great owner when they take one of the proudest and most successful franchises in the league and turns it into a decades-long joke. That to me is a failure.

This post is ridiculous. If you're going to hate on someone, at least try and be rational about it. Any owner who has won a Superbowl is automatically better? So Al Davis is automatically better than a large amount of NFL owners?

I'm pretty sure it's up to the fans whether or not they will pay for something. You have said the fans should boycott the product, why don't you go do that and let others who pay for the product go about their business?

What makes Snyder a great owner are the reasons the writer listed. But instead of looking at the humanitarian side, you get all wrapped up in your psycho conspiracy that Snyder is the antichrist, and you list off fantasy-land scenarios where Snyder is stealing from fans and is personally responsible for player aquisitions and contracts.

Yeah. if Snyder had just taken some money and given it to fans, we'd have won the Superbowl. :rolleyes: That's such a great theory, please tell it again.

The writer listed why Snyder was a succesful owner, in that he turned a proud franchise into the most profitable one. The Skins have made the playoffs 2 of the last 3 years, and Snyder hasn't owned the team for a decade, so I don't know where you're getting that timeframe from. The only failure is your attempt to try and fault Snyder for things that are either solely your biased perception, or things you have no proof of that Snyder was behind.

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I've always enjoyed Michael Silver's style of writing, even though I don't always agree with him, and I know he idolizes former 49ers boss Eddie DeBartolo. For him to compare Snyder to Debartolo is about the biggest compliment Silver can give. I agree with him, there will be more bumps in the road but eventually Snyder will get the rings to prove his worth. good read

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The writer listed why Snyder was a succesful owner, in that he turned a proud franchise into the most profitable one.

Yeah, because if I could choose between being proud and profitable, I would totally choose proftiable.

We went from being a profitable, dominant and proud franchise to a highly-profitable, middle of the pack franchise that is often laughed at in the press.

What a great owner. That's what it is all about, right elkabong?

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