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Comcast Subscribers: Has the HD picture quality gone down hill in recent months?


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I noticed that Comcast has added 10 or so new HD channels in recent months, but I have also noticed a sharp decline in the quality of the picture of most HD channels…Last night I found myself tinkering with my TV’s setting for like an hour wondering why some of the channels look worse then before. I have notice discovery HD theater has really suffered along with National geographic HD. I know Comcast heavily compresses their channels. I would like to get FIOS but our Comcast contract is not up for another year…Has anyone else noticed this drop in picture quality?

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There needs to be a minimum bitrate set in order to allow broadcasters to adverstise programs "HD Programming". Because frankly some of the channels out there now are just a shell of what true HD can be due to compression.

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There have been plenty of threads on this lately and, as far as I can tell, Comcast is the worst choice for HD.

I have DirecTV. It's beautiful.

It's beautiful until a big ass tree grows and blocks part of the sky causing you to lose your HD locals and some other HD channes.


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Comcast CONTRACT???? I have never had to sign any contract for comcast, is this something they just started doing recently or something?

Either way thats farked up and i only thought DSL companies did "contracts"

I havent noticed any decline in my HD though, maybe you have too many splitters in or outside the house causing noise/signal loss?

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I noticed that Comcast has added 10 or so new HD channels in recent months, but I have also noticed a sharp decline in the quality of the picture of most HD channels…Last night I found myself tinkering with my TV’s setting for like an hour wondering why some of the channels look worse then before. I have notice discovery HD theater has really suffered along with National geographic HD. I know Comcast heavily compresses their channels. I would like to get FIOS but our Comcast contract is not up for another year…Has anyone else noticed this drop in picture quality?

What do you exactly mean the picture looked worse?

Do you mean the picture looked like it wasn't in HD and went to a 480 format (Digital Format)?

Remember somethings even on the discovery channel aren't in HD. I remember watching on Discovery HD the otherday a show on a lady who protected snakes in India.

The picture was terrible, but that wasn't comcast's fault that was due to Discovery not producing that show in HD yet showing it on there HD channel.

This happens on alot of HD channels. ESPN, Fox, etc...

Again, thats not something Comcast can control if that's what you were seeing.

Now if you were seeing Tilling or Pixelating then it could be a Comcast Issue

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What do you exactly mean the picture looked worse?

Do you mean the picture looked like it wasn't in HD and went to a 480 format (Digital Format)?

Remember somethings even on the discovery channel aren't in HD. I remember watching on Discovery HD the otherday a show on a lady who protected snakes in India.

The picture was terrible, but that wasn't comcast's fault that was due to Discovery not producing that show in HD yet showing it on there HD channel.

This happens on alot of HD channels. ESPN, Fox, etc...

Again, thats not something Comcast can control if that's what you were seeing.

Now if you were seeing Tilling or Pixelating then it could be a Comcast Issue

I had switched from FIOS to Comcast a few months ago for the triple play package. The picture was terrible. Channels were full of grain and artifacts. I cancelled within the 30 day trial period and went back to FIOS because the picture was so bad.

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That picture they show isn't even a normal picture its clear that picture is Tilling.

Work in the business and stop reading Internet sites. I have spliced and worked for BOTH companies.

Cable is Cable. They both "Compress" since thats the word of the day.

When it comes down to it the picture is being formatted on the HD end in 720, which is True High Defintion. When you're watching your ESPN, Discovery, or whatever channel you like when your watching is MOST of the time unless its a program not presented in HD (which is possible for some knuckleheads out there who think its not).

Just because your "compressing" channels doesn't mean your 720 disapears. Is that so hard to understand or comprehend?

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Dude for one. You can post all the links you want. How can you compare television screens when each Television could be a better quality than the other.

I have seen singlehandly how BOTH systems work. You sound like a typical customer who doesn't have the slightest clue how anything reall yoperates. But rather jump on the "Well I read it on the Internet Bandwagon".

I'm not trying to bash you, but you pull together links showing pictures..have you ever thought that the TV's could be different? Models ,etc?

Does the Internet sites you presented show all of those pictures on teh same exact televisions throughout?

This is all somethign you MUST take into account before complaining about anything or making any opinion.

I have see FIOS and Comcast HD on the same television next to one another (In a customer in Howard County hosue) and there was NOTHING different.

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That picture they show isn't even a normal picture its clear that picture is Tilling.

Work in the business and stop reading Internet sites. I have spliced and worked for BOTH companies.

Cable is Cable. They both "Compress" since thats the word of the day.

When it comes down to it the picture is being formatted on the HD end in 720, which is True High Defintion. When you're watching your ESPN, Discovery, or whatever channel you like when your watching is MOST of the time unless its a program not presented in HD (which is possible for some knuckleheads out there who think its not).

Just because your "compressing" channels doesn't mean your 720 disapears. Is that so hard to understand or comprehend?

I don't care what resolution a channel is being presented in. If they are pushing a lower bitrate you are going to see a drop off in quality.

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just for comparisons sake, a "lower-quality" blu-ray movie will be running around 25mbps.

One alternative solution for live programming is to get an antenna and you can get abc, cbs, fox, nbc, and pbs in HD. I dont like CSI, but there is no comparison when you watch CSI:Miami over the airwaves vs. hd cable. the antenna is LIGHTLEARS clearer and never ever gets "pixely."

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Just because your "compressing" channels doesn't mean your 720 disapears. Is that so hard to understand or comprehend?

So is your position that compression does not affect picture quality of HD(720p/1080i) signals? If so why not squeeze them down to 5MBS per second or so.

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Jthor, compressing adds artifacts and loss of image detail that the original source material does not have. I don't think you're going to find anyone with any knowledge about HD material to support your claims.

A 720p image is a 720p image . . . however a 720p image that is too compressed will add pixelation and artifacts.

If this wasn't the case you'd have cable companies compressing the signals even further in order to compete with DirecTV as far as number of HD channels.

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