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Willl the price of gas ever comedown or have we crossed a point of no return.


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Will we ever see gas under $2.00 or so again? Hell, $3 sounds great right now. Do you think we have crossed a point in time where gas will be forever be a burden on the American car owner?

I am thinking of selling my car. I want to move somewhere closer to the city where I don't really need a car and if I did I could get one of those cars you can rent in a lot for a weekend. I forget what they are called at the moment, but they are all around Arlington and DC.

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Will we ever see gas under $2.00 or so again? Hell, $3 sounds great right now. Do you think we have crossed a point in time where gas will be forever be a burden on the American car owner?

I am thinking of selling my car. I want to move somewhere closer to the city where I don't really need a car and if I did I could get one of those cars you can rent in a lot for a weekend. I forget what they are called at the moment, but they are all around Arlington and DC.

There is no 'point of no return' per say, but with global demand for oil increasing thanks to China and India, i doubt we will ever see $2.00 gas again.

And yeah, its Zip Cars. They ****ing piss me off because they get choice parking spots.

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nah... altho some people on here believe so.

btw i use zip cars cabs bus bicycle motorcycle subway as my means to get around and i live downtown. its not really inconvenient. bicycle is fastest.

So, if gas remains this high for a while, this country is gonna start to look a lot more like Europe with the way public transportation is. I believe most Europeans don't have a car and use public transportation everywhere.

Gotta feel for the people who live out where the busses don't run. They're pretty much ****ed if gas prices stay high and we go big on mass transit.

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It will come down in about 4 years when we have the ability to (or actually have) substantially reduce our use of oil.
It will come down, but I doubt it ever goes down to $2.00 again. At 40mpg, that is 5 cents per mile... I'm not sure electric of ethanol or of hydrogen will be able to deliver at that price, and certainly not within four years. Maybe one technology will break through and really lower prices, but I don't think it will happen that quickly ... we will have expensive alternative fuels before we have cheap ones.
we've been conditioned to now cheer for $3 gas. I personally think that it was a form of long term price conditioning.
"price conditioning" suggests that the price has been set by some sinister force rather than the free market ... Is it a big oil conspiracy? Big government?
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It will come down, but I doubt it ever goes down to $2.00 again. At 40mpg, that is 5 cents per mile... I'm not sure electric of ethanol or of hydrogen will be able to deliver at that price, and certainly not within four years.

Well, we can lower the price of ethanol immediately simply by doing away with the quotas and tariffs on ethanol and sugar imports. I'm assuming this will be done after the election.

At the current price of oil, cars in Brazil are running essentially on 100% ethanol. The price of ethanol will go up if we open our market, but it will help some.

In addition, there are other things coming:


"General Motors (GM) says it is investing in a fledgling company that claims its secret process could be able to make ethanol from waste in large quantity as soon as 2010 for $1 a gallon or less, half the cost of making gasoline."

They are now building a refinery that should be operational in about three years. There are other ethanol refineries being built in the country on various cellulose (not from corn kernals) ethanol technologies that will be running in three years.

In two years, GM will have the plug in Volt.

Its gas millage will depend on how far you go, but at 40 miles/charge, I think for most people that will be above 40 miles/gallon.

About the same time, Toyota will release a plug in Prius.

The patents for the technology for the Volt start expiring in about 4 years, which will allow other automakers to jump in.

I'm not sure what the final price will be (and partly that will depend on the economy), but in 4 years we will see significant forces from other energy sources pushing gas prices down.

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GM investing in a fledgling company? I wouldn't put too much stock in anything GM says right now. There on the verge of laying off thousands of employees and closing several plants in an effort to cut costs. Hopefully this will help them from going bankrupt.

Thanks to bubba and the family truckster. :laugh: How many of you own a 400+ HP pickup truck? Come on...say it... H-E-M-I

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I was randomly watching some C-SPAN while working the treadmill. House of Representatives was discussing oils, I came in at the end of the "Blue Dogs" and watched the Republicans who presented a bunch of points like, "Conservationism, Nuclear, Wind/Solar, More Refineries, Drill ANWR".

While I think this is a good idea, I'm convinced that much like the immigration debate, the oil debate is the same way. Both parties will end up screwing up ANWR in the way that screws the most Americans, how? It's simple...

If I was President, I would implement the plan, but in reverse order basically, do everything to secure our longterm future first 1) Fund alternative energy including nuclear, wind solar 2) Promote conservationism (already done in most locales), but mainly I would make sure the money is in place to do these things before building more refineriies or drilling oil. If we did the hard things first, and authorize funds... and *then* fund for drilling in oil and refineries, I'd have confidence that someone in Congress was doing their job.

As it is, this is how it will go down: 1) Under pressure Congress will drill ANWR, 2) Everything else is forgotten as gas goes down to $2/gallon, 3) When ANWR runs out way go to $10/gal gas. Bank on it. Just like we are dumb if we give "amnesty" prior to putting programs in place to stop employers from hiring illegals, we are dumb if we deplete ANWR (which will drop the price of oil, short term) prior to commiting to alternate energy.

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I'm not convinced drilling ANWR will drop the price of oil very much. A lot of that oil won't necessarily go to us. China has a great demand for oil. I would not be surprised to see a lot of this oil that is supposed to "lower the price at the pump" go to countries of greater need willing to pay a higher price.

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30 plus years of refusing new oil refineries to be built and refusing to allow oil drilling that needed to be done, and scarring the public about the bogus dangers of nuclear power have caused us to be in this stupid, totally avoidable mess. THANKS DEMOCRATS!!!! Thank-you for such a wonderful legacy of hating big oil!!!

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While I think this is a good idea, I'm convinced that much like the immigration debate, the oil debate is the same way. Both parties will end up screwing up ANWR in the way that screws the most Americans, how? It's simple...
Don't be so cynical Ferg. The government hasn't granted amnesty yet, and they haven't drilled in ANWR yet. Both issues are caught in legislative bottlenecks where they can't pass without compromise. I think that during the next President's administration, we will get amnesty but only with enforcement, and we will get drilling but only with heavy investment in alternative energy.

The system is actually working here; just be a little more patient.

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I heard on Fox News today that "they" were going to give people the option to buy gas at what it currently costs, for something like $40.00 a year. Basically you sign up for a year and you pay what it currently costs for that whole year. Gas is $4.17 now, so you'll pay $4.17 for the entire year, regardless of whether it is $2.50 or $5.75.

I don't know the details behind it, I was passing by the TV at work and Fox News was talking about it. Sounds too risky for me though.

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I heard on Fox News today that "they" were going to give people the option to buy gas at what it currently costs, for something like $40.00 a year. Basically you sign up for a year and you pay what it currently costs for that whole year. Gas is $4.17 now, so you'll pay $4.17 for the entire year, regardless of whether it is $2.50 or $5.75.

I don't know the details behind it, I was passing by the TV at work and Fox News was talking about it. Sounds too risky for me though.

So you sign a contract and pay whatever it is and if the price goes down, too bad?

That sounds very strange. Wouldn't gas stations be losing money if the price went up a lot and they had all these contracts with people?

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Prices will come down but the era of cheap gas (under $3) is over. Us in our 20s should plan our futures around the worse case scenario. Moving to the city and relying on yourself instead of a car for your daily grind is a great call. I plan on doing the same.

The older generations are stubborn and stuck in their ways. They don't care. We can't afford not to care. The energy situation is only going to become more challenging as we get older. We have to plan now for the cultural migration from suburb to city.

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Don't be so cynical Ferg. The government hasn't granted amnesty yet, and they haven't drilled in ANWR yet. Both issues are caught in legislative bottlenecks where they can't pass without compromise. I think that during the next President's administration, we will get amnesty but only with enforcement, and we will get drilling but only with heavy investment in alternative energy.

The system is actually working here; just be a little more patient.

We'll see. I've got a nasty habit of watching C-SPAN when I'm on the treadmill and it frustrates me. The sides are gridlock'd but obviously neither one wants to look like the "loser" and piss off their far wings. So nothing gets done for awhile, and then I'm sure in 2 or 4 years some people come up and say,

"You know what environmentalists? We'll do what you want, we'll subsidize the crap out of alt energy and we'll tax the hell out of gas, and make wind, and solar (and other?) cheaper for Americans. In return while we're working on rolling all this out, you let us drill for NG off the shore of California and drill in ANWR."

Again, I think both sides should act in good faith, and put the hard part first (ie. subsidies for alt energy and gas tax) just like I think enforcement is the hard part of the immigration bill. It's dumb to have a country with zero turning radius like this. As it is, they'd rather grandstand and piss on each other verbally while *doing nothing*, which is why I would prefer a middle-third party of "common sense" to split both parties and take back our country from the left and right wing dolts.

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So you sign a contract and pay whatever it is and if the price goes down, too bad?

That sounds very strange. Wouldn't gas stations be losing money if the price went up a lot and they had all these contracts with people?

I don't think it was the gas stations or the oil companies coming up with these kind of contracts.

If somebody saw this on Fox News and was actually paying close attention it'd be nice of them to chime in. But yeah, if the price goes down, you're SOL. If the price goes up, you're saving some dough.

It's consumer side speculation, much like the supply side speculation that let the gas price get this high in the first place.

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