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Where has good parenting gone?

Commander PK

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Why don't you ask the kids?

Escort them home and tell the parent, "I found your five-year old kid playing in the street. He almost got killed ... when I drove my car away when he was sitting on the hood."

That's a great idea. :cheers:

I had to do something similar when a 7 year old pulled a knife on me when I was in high school. His parents didn't do jack though.:mad:

Kid committed suicide about 7 years later by hanging himself off his parents deck. :(

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OK, since I'm the "bad parent" encouraging my son to "break the law" let me explain the situation. Most of the time when we go out to play or walk I basically allow my son to do what he wants (he is 1 month short of 3). So if I am taking him to this park, which is a legal park and we are allowed to use during after school hours, which also includes the school playground, we'll normally cut through the side and front of the school. I can't remember if the sign says "No Loitering" but I do know it says "No skateboarding". Basically, since 2 year olds have very little attention span, sometimes something like climbing up and down the railing will grab his attention for 20-30 minutes or so, and he'll play some game of climbing up and down the railing. Also, he has a "Little Tykes" bike, and this school has an old, unused parking lot that has a perfect slope for just gliding down the hill... so many times he'll ride the bike down (of course I'm there to stop it before he goes anywhere dangerous) and back up again. Yesterday he was just having fun running up and down the small hill by the side of the school.

If the sign said "No Loitering" it wouldn't change my behavior.

We live in an apartment, with not a lot of open areas for kids just to run around in, and additionally its an apartment so noise travels. I generally don't like him playing in this area since he has a set of pipes.


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Re: IbleedBnG83

Either way, I think its technically against our apartment rules to be playing a lot in the common areas, so he's breaking a rule if he goes outside and plays outside of the apartment, or he's breaking a rule if he goes and plays in the school areas that don't include the park. I don't think there are many places around towns that have decent areas for kids to play, especially since they get bored. Do you really think I'm going to teach my son to ignore all the rules... most people wouldn't even pay attention enough to realize that that there could be "No Loitering".

I grew up in Northern Virginia (Springfield) and there are plenty of open spaces in peoples yards for kids to run around... but here in Southern California you can probably jump from roof to roof between the houses and open space is a premium... that's why I love that the park is 3 minutes away (and again, its okay to go play in the park, which is where I was *trying* to take him).

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:cheers:... I'm not going to teach my kids that breaking the law is okay... heck, if my son was into skateboarding I'd tell him to skateboard to another park 10 minutes away or just drive him to the skate park in town... (although thats another area of an unwatched masses of children).
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Why don't you ask the kids?

Escort them home and tell the parent, "I found your five-year old kid playing in the street. He almost got killed ... when I drove my car away when he was sitting on the hood."


Here's the sad part. When I arrive, the pregnant mother shows up at the door wearing dirty sandles, a white t-shirt that has some dumb quote on it, and shorts that are way to small for her fat ass. She is yapping non stop on her cell phone, and blowing on her freshly painted nails. She barely acknowledges me, and when I tell her the above she responds something to the tune of this...

"I'm sorry my 5 year old drove your car away," and keeps yapping on her phone.

I leave the kid, shake my head and walk away.

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That's a great idea. :cheers:

It may even be more productive than posting about it here. :silly:

Or even if the parents don't care, tell the kids how special the car is to you and ask them kids how they would feel if someone else was messing with their favorite 'toy'.

Unless you think the kid is already a lost cause :rolleyes:;) and then just call for the SWAT team.

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Why not take him to Northridge Park ?

Perhaps even, the Northridge Rec Center ?

Certainly it's a pain in the butt to have to take your kids to blah, blah, blah place to be active. But if that is what it takes...That would be okay for me.

Fergasun, certainly I don't mean this as an attack on you or your parental skills, I simply disagree that this is something I would encourage, suggest, or approve of knowing its illegal. I gotta set the example right ?

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:cheers:... I'm not going to teach my kids that breaking the law is okay... heck, if my son was into skateboarding I'd tell him to skateboard to another park 10 minutes away or just drive him to the skate park in town... (although thats another area of an unwatched masses of children).

I was going to bring up skateboarding. I think for the most part those types of laws are kind of stupid, however understandably needed in this day and age. The sue happy country that we have turned into since we were kids is frightening for land owners or business owners. Hell, there was a buddy of mine that had a half pipe in his backyard, bikes and boards all the time. These days those parent would get sued when their kid was potentially hurt.


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It may even be more productive than posting about it here. :silly:

Or even if the parents don't care, tell the kids how special the car is to you and ask them kids how they would feel if someone else was messing with their favorite 'toy'.

Unless you think the kid is already a lost cause :rolleyes:;) and then just call for the SWAT team.

For the sake of argument, I have done all that already. The message wasn't received. I've told them more than once. Last night was probably the 3rd time, I've told the kids to stay away from my vehicles. I know how I'm going to have to deal with that, but it's probably going to put me at odds with some of my neighbors, and I'm going to have to be the "bad guy." Oh well...

The point of this thread, was just for me to rant about bad parenting, which I believe is the larger problem here.

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The problem is living in apartment complexes or condos. Too many people in too small a space.

Kids are sort of like dogs. If there are no trees around, they're going to piss on the fire hydrant or front stoop. Either way, they're going to take a leak


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Guest sith lord

There does seem to be an abundance of bad parenting these days. I have found out that a lot, if not most, kids don't have curfews these days. Let me tell you my story from last Saturday night/early Sunday morning. I was up around 2:30 am and went and sat on my balcony and I looked across the street to see some kids that I know (15 and 9 year olds) running in and out of a house of one of their friends. I have no idea where their mom was that night. They come outside and talk for about 30 minutes, along with the friends MOM (who I also know) and then they put on coats and left. Now, where do they need to be at 3:00 am in the morning?

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Good parenting? Ask the liberals

Spank your child = go to jail

Ground your child = Go to jail

Spank your child in public = Go to jail.

Give your kid time out = kids realizing there is no real punishment and they can do what they want.

Plus you have so many parants with dual careers, the amount of time parents spend with their kids has dramatically reduced.

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I'm pretty certain Jeffrey Dahmer was spanked ^^^ :laugh:

Hey its not a perfect solution but it is a hell of a lot better than time out. Hell my grandfather spanked me once....he is 81 now and to this day I won't cross him.

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Guest sith lord
Good parenting? Ask the liberals

Spank your child = go to jail

Ground your child = Go to jail

Spank your child in public = Go to jail.

Give your kid time out = kids realizing there is no real punishment and they can do what they want.

Plus you have so many parants with dual careers, the amount of time parents spend with their kids has dramatically reduced.

Very good points, but I'm not about to let the law dictate on how I raise my child.

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Ha, ha, just jokes. No offense. :)

Anyway, I notice the same thing at school. It seems like a lot of my fellow students have an extremely selfish and apathetic outlook on everything, and when you meet their parents, it's no surprise why. My sister gets the worst of it, though, as a Teacher's Assistant at our local elementary school. The kids she gets in her class are TERRIBLE and all their parents can do (if they even show up to their teacher-parent conference meetings) is give excuses and shift the blame on her. It's really getting bad.

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Hey its not a perfect solution but it is a hell of a lot better than time out. Hell my grandfather spanked me once....he is 81 now and to this day I won't cross him.

THATS THE PROBLEM PARENTS DON'T REALIZE!! Not pointing the finger at you. Every kid responds differently. Spanking never worked for me. It made me more distant. But taking away something from me like going out or hanging with friends made me listen up and think twice. EXPLAINGING to children what they did wrong and punishing for the incident is important. But when parents are like "Shut up!" and smack the kid, the kid still does not know what they did wrong but are only afraid. Fear is not respect.

I'm not saying hitting your kid isn't necessary in every situation. I actually think its more necessary when their in their teens and they won't listen to reason.

At the same time, I grew up in a poorer neighborhood where all the ignorant parents beat, and I mean beat their kids. They were still the worst. I never got smacked but maybe three times, and I always listened.

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Painkiller, do any of the kids in this link look familar?


Their parents are probably across the street with a camera phone posting videos of "crazy guy protecting his Charger" on youtube, becasue if your not goingto raise your kids properly, you might as well take some photos to share your horrible pareting skills with the rest of the world.

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Good parenting? Ask the liberals

Spank your child = go to jail

Ground your child = Go to jail

Spank your child in public = Go to jail.

Give your kid time out = kids realizing there is no real punishment and they can do what they want.

Plus you have so many parants with dual careers, the amount of time parents spend with their kids has dramatically reduced.

Well said. Not to derail the thread, but speaking to the dual careers, you are correct. We have created a society, where if you want the "must have" material items, i.e. gargantuan S.U.V, 50 inch t.v, 2 story home with in-ground swimming pool, i.e. the things our culture tells you, that you must have to be considered "successful" it takes to solid incomes. This = kids being raised by 1. A Daycare, where the people running the daycare have no real interest or concern about how the kid turns out, just that your payment isn't late, or 2. T.V.

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I'm pretty certain Jeffrey Dahmer was spanked ^^^ :laugh:

But when we were kids there where those kids that were crazy, stupid, losers, or lazy.

These days, they are ADHD, ADD, Bi-Polar, and unmotivated. Add in the meds, certainly doesn't help overall.

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Painkiller, do any of the kids in this link look familar?


Their parents are probably across the street with a camera phone posting videos of "crazy guy protecting his Charger" on youtube, becasue if your not goingto raise your kids properly, you might as well take some photos to share your horrible pareting skills with the rest of the world.

Wow...just wow. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at some of those.

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But when we were kids there where those kids that were crazy, stupid, losers, or lazy.

These days, they are ADHD, ADD, Bi-Polar, and unmotivated. Add in the meds, certainly doesn't help overall.

This ADD/ADHD stuff is pure BS. Drs are making money off if it but putting kids on it. Give your kids space to get outside and burn off some of that energy they have. Cut their tv/video game time in half. Hell run the hell out of them and see how well they sleep at night. I bet they are not up at 3am.

Another thing that pisses me off is stupid ass people in stores. There have been several times I have spanked my son in public as I firmly believe you have to take care of the issue right then, not 3 hours later when everyone forgets. Then I get some soccer mom come uo to me telling me not to spank my child. Which normally follows by me asking if she wants some and offering her my phone to call 911. Raise your kids your way I will raise mine my way. There is a HUGE differnece between abuse and punishment, people really need to learn it.

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