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NBA Pre-Draft Trade Central (O'neal to the Raptors)


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Sources told ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher that the Pacers and the Raptors have agreed to a deal that, pending review of medical information, would send Jermaine O'Neal to Toronto in exchange for T.J. Ford, Rasho Nesterovic and the No. 17 pick in Thursday's NBA draft.


This is official. The front line of Bosh and O'neal. What do you think. I am not feeling this move at all

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Sources told ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher that the Pacers and the Raptors have agreed to a deal that, pending review of medical information, would send Jermaine O'Neal to Toronto in exchange for T.J. Ford, Rasho Nesterovic and the No. 17 pick in Thursday's NBA draft.


This is official. The front line of Bosh and O'neal. What do you think. I am not feeling this move at all

Good for the Raptors if Jermaine stays healthy; bad for the Wiz.
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Personally, I think Miami is better off with Mayo than Beasley. I think Beasley will make a bigger impact now, but having a point guard like Mayo pushing the ball upcourt and passing to a DWade/Shawn Marion is a need for them. Beasley would upgrade their front court, but I just feel like the point guard is the better pick up for them.

Of course, this is assuming Chicago takes Rose. If they don't, Rose will be a member of the Heat.

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I really want to see what Miami does as rumors are speculating that Boozer is headed to South Beach next year to play where his off season home is.

Yeah, but doesn't Boozer going to Miami have to do with Miami dealing their draft pick?

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I'm not a huge Boozer fan. Besides, they have Haslem, who isn't as good as Boozer, but I think he's more serviceable than what they have at the point guard spot.

Miami needs a center, bad. But they also need a 1.

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I've read the Heat trying to deal down and get Elton Brand. Boozer's one year away from being a FA, and I think Miami wants to strike now.

I agree, a PG to allow D Wade to truly play a 2 would be nice...but is Mayo the one, or is he a hybrid guard like Wade? I say trade down to get a legit 4 and grab someone like DJ Augustine.

O'Neal + Bosh= a very sick front court.

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until the playoffs start. one of my friends who is a Jazz fan, still hasn't stopped dogging him for disappearing in the playoffs this year :laugh:
16 and 12 is disappearing? Granted, not 21 and 10, but still...
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Isn't Ford one injury away from being seriously injured?

Yes, that spinal cord injury is dangerous to play through, but I guess each team figures "both have high health risks, but a possible big payoff if (BIG if) they stay healthy." I guess Toronto then promotes Calderon to starting PG, but I wonder if Indiana stays put with Ford as their PG, or if they look to another point in the draft (they own the 41st overall pick as well as numbers 11 & 17) just for insurance reasons.

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The Raptors are instant contenders in the east now with O'Neal, Bosh, Calderon, Delfino, and Bargnani.

Quick prediction:

1.Rose 2.Beasley 3. Mayo

Have you seen Bargnani play lately? typical white guy euro 7 footer, who is unable to put his body in the paint. Bargnani plays from 3 point line to 3 point line.

Andrea needs to step into the paint and grab some boards so Bosh isn't so tired from fighting for every rebound by himself. If he would go in the paint, that would free up Bosh to get the ball 12 feet from the basket where he can kill you with a drive or a jumper, far better than Bargnani can do it.

As a Raptor fan I do not like the O'Neal deal. too much for 1 guy. Ford had to go, and if he doesnt start in Indiana, he's going to be cranky and play like crap. I also hate losing Rasho casue he is a solid player. I thought the original reports of Rash, Ford & the #17 was too much for O'Neal, but then a palyer to be named later as well? Now if O'Neal can stay healthy, everything is fine, but if he's hurt we are screwed for rebounding. We have a lot of big guys but nobody is a pure rebounder, or look like they are interested in getting the ball at all.

I hope the deal in prinicpal falls through and we go after Marion, which we are rumored to be in talks with Miami about as well.

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I agree, a PG to allow D Wade to truly play a 2 would be nice...but is Mayo the one, or is he a hybrid guard like Wade? I say trade down to get a legit 4 and grab someone like DJ Augustine.

I was amused when I saw Mayo and point guard in the same sentence. He's absolutely a combo guard at best and probably moreso just a SG. You put him and Wade on the same team, and I expect Wade to be the one finding his teammates more and racking up more assists, especially after a year or 2 once Mayo settles into the league.

I like Augustin a lot, and if we throw out the size concerns, he's the #2 guard in this draft behind Rose. Trading down to get Augustin and picking up another player or whatever wouldn't be a bad idea at all if PG is a key need for the Heat (I don't follow the NBA that much though last I know they had J Williams at point, in which case, it's pretty easy to see the need at the position).

The one thing I will say about Augustin is that he seems to be moreso a slow-tempo, half-court kinda PG who excels in using screens and changes in speed and hesitation moves to create the offense for himself and his teammates. I don't think that would be an issue for Miami as opposed to a team like Phoenix, but just something to keep in mind. I'm not saying he can't lead a fast break or push the ball though, and it could just be the case that Texas was more geared towards setting up a pick and roll and high screen offense than a run and gun type, at least from what I recall this past season.

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Pretty even trade. Both JO and TJ Ford are injury risks but when healthy, JO is A LOT better than Ford so the Raptors had to include the #17 pick.

Having a healthy JO solves a lot of the Raptors problems. This could also mean they deal Bargnani. He's a bust.

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The Raptors are instant contenders in the east now with O'Neal, Bosh, Calderon, Delfino, and Bargnani.

This would be true if Bargnani was anything but coming off the bench. Are they going to put O'Neal at the 5?

Toronto will be better, but no way are they serious contenders.

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