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Favorite Star Trek episode


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OK, USS Redskins suggested this. And let's face it, any excuse for a new Tailgate thread during the off season.

(No, I'm not going to try to claim that everybody has to stick to TOS.)

I'm gonna go with the cliche: City on the Edge of Forever.

For you whippersnappers who thing the whole thing started with TNG, that's a TOS episode. Enterprise discovers an abandoned time machine, left by what appears to be a long-dead civilization. Because of an accidental drug overdose, a delusional McCoy activates the machine and passes through it. The instant he does so, the Enterprise disappears, leaving the landing party stranded in front of the machine. McCoy apparently has somehow changed time, and Enterprise no longer exists. The landing party members must also use the machine, go back in time, figure out what McCoy did, and undo it. Kirk and Spock go back.

In 1930s New York, they find Edith Keeler (Joan Collins). Kirk falls in love with her (big surprise). Spock has been designing a machine, using "stone knives and bear skins" to allow him to analyze the tricorder readings he took of the time portal. He comes to the conclusion that in one reality, Edith Keeler died as an unknown. In another, she founds a movement dedicated to peace and tolerance. But this movement successfully prevents the US from entering WW2. Germany wins WW2. Kirk is trying to figure out if he needs to save Edith's life, or kill her.

In the final scene, Kirk and Edith are going out on a date when she mentions the name "McCoy". Kirk and Spock meet McOoy and greet him, and all of then see a truck, bearing down on Edith. Kirk has to not only not save Edith, but he has to physically prevent McCoy from doing so.

McCoy: Jim. Do you know what you just did?

Spock: He knows, Doctor. He knows.

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"A peice of the action"

Where the Enterprise discovers an entire civilzation that has based it's society on 1930's Chicago Gang-Wars.

Some genuinely very humerous moments in it...especially Kirk trying to drive a roadster...and doing it badly.

To which Spock states (not sure if this is the exact quote), "As a Starship Captain you are unquestionably quailfied, however in driving a combustable engine automoble your skills leave little to be desired."

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TOS-The Ultimate Computer. William Marshall was an under appreciated acting genius. To this day, I use Dr. Daystrom and M5 as computer names/logins etc. Also, the episode where Kirk goes mano a mano with the Gorn and kicks it's ass.

BTW, anyone that lists a Voyager episode will immediately be stripped of their Trekkie card and have their plastic Vulcan ears unceremoniously cut off. :) Seriously. :mad:

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Larry -Great thread! Excellent Idea!

City is the best -

but I will go with my other favorite: The Doomsday Machine.

The Enterprise finds the remains of the USS Constellation, only the Captain, Dekker, survived... and then it finds what attacked the ship - a Giant Log that can destroy entire planets. They somewhat repair the wrecked Constellation and the two ships take on the doomsday machine... Great themes of sacrifice, guilt and a killer edge of your seat ending.... good stuff.

BTW the other great things about the original series: The torpedo Hooters that EVERY woman in starfleet has...

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The episode with "evil Spock"


Yes, Mirror, Mirror is definitely a favorite.

Some of the more lighthearted episodes are also up on my list.

The Trouble with Tribbles is a classic episode.

I also like I, Mudd, where Harry Mudd is running a planet of Androids.

EDIT: I forgot about Miri, the episode where the 'grups' get a disease and all that is left on a planet is a bunch of pre-pubescent kids. I'd put this above I, Mudd on my list.


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My favorite is a TNG episode. It's called the survivors. Here is a Link to a guide of the episode.

My favorite quote was, "No, no, no, no, you don't understand the scope of my crime. I didn't kill just one Husnock, or a hundred, or a thousand. I killed them all. All Husnock, everywhere."

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Glad to see at least one mention of TNG.

Me, I don't know if I have a favorite TNG episode, but there sure is one scene I liked:

The Dauphin. (aka "Wesley in Love") Wesley falls for a girl that the Enterprise is transporting. In a string of scenes, he goes to various crew members for advice on how to woo said girl.

One scene opens with Worf on the bridge, head thrown back, screaming at the ceiling.

Wesley: That's it? I scream at her?

Worf: No. Men do not roar. (Begins to look wistfull). Women roar. (Gazes off into the distance, smiling). And they claw at you. And they hurl heavy objects.

Wesley looks dubious: What does the guy do?

Worf, still gazing at an imaginary mate: He reads love poetry. (Comes back to reality). He ducks a lot.

Wesley still looks dubious: I don't think that would work for me.

Worf dismisses him, goes back to work: Then go to her. Beg, like a Human.

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"A peice of the action"

Where the Enterprise discovers an entire civilzation that has based it's society on 1930's Chicago Gang-Wars.

Some genuinely very humerous moments in it...especially Kirk trying to drive a roadster...and doing it badly.

To which Spock states (not sure if this is the exact quote), "As a Starship Captain you are unquestionably quailfied, however in driving a combustable engine automoble your skills leave little to be desired."

'A Piece of the Action' was great.

Oxmyx: "Hey you'd better come back down here. Cracko has just put the bag on your Captain."

Spock: "Why would he put.. a bag.. over our captain?"

:laugh: :laugh:

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'A Piece of the Action' was great.

Oxmyx: "Hey you'd better come back down here. Cracko has just put the bag on your Captain."

Spock: "Why would he put.. a bag.. over our captain?"

:laugh: :laugh:

That was great...and Scotty telling Cracko that he might soon be fitted for "Cement goloshes."

That whole episode was just a pleasure form start to end.

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I think I like the Chicago one the most, but I remembered this one this morning.

Frank Gorshin AKA the Riddler from Batman. Classic.


That was a great episode. It really addressed the social issues of the time: civil rights and racism.
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