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Need advice on a car "accident"


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Today, I was on the road, and got into the left turn lane (sort of at the last second, because I was unfamiliar with the area) and in the process, I barely bumped the guy in front of me in the left turn lane.

So, he gets out to assess the damage, and there are 2 small scratches.

There is no dent whatsoever, or damage to the body.....just superficial scratches on the surface. And they were located on the bottom of the rear

bumper, where it bends inward, so it's barely visible. So I figure he's gonna be like most people and say "no big deal, don't worry about it".

To my amazement he demands money for it. Then I look and see what kind of car it is, a very new BMW, and then realize why he's makin such a big deal out of it. So he says to me in his foreign accent "You pay $200" for this.

So, I'm like, "It's just a superficial scratch. You can use touch-up paint from the dealer to fix that. How do you come up with $200 ?" Besides, this guy isn't an auto body worker, as far as I know, and the proper way to handle it, if we deal individually, as opposed to the cops and insurance, is for me to ask him to get a couple estimates.

So he asks me to write on a sheet of paper my Driver's License #, name, phone number, and a statement saying I hit his car, and to sign it.

He was in a hurry so he wanted to deal with it later.

So in this "statement" I just wrote that I hit the back of his car with only minor scratches, and wrote the license plate. Then I took my camera phone and took a picture of the bumper of the car where the damage was, and the photo also included the license plate.

So we agreed to talk by phone later.

My plan is to ask him to get 2 estimates, but considering the expensive car it is, I wonder if the estimates might even be more than $200, even for just 2 small superficial scratches ?

Or is he bullying me and asking to much, for $200. It seemed odd, that he IMMEDIATELY came up with that exact figure as soon as he saw the damage.

Should I just cough up the $200, and have him sign something saying that I am released from further liability, and move on ?

Or should I go ahead and ask him to get the estimates, and assume they'll be less than $200 ?

And do I need to worry about him bringing a lawsuit against me, by faking some injury to his neck, since I technically rear-ended him, however lightly it was, and have him claim thousands of dollars of fake medical bills ?

And was it a good idea to give him my Driver License # as opposed to my License PLATE number ?

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And do I need to worry about him bringing a lawsuit against me, by faking some injury to his neck, since I technically rear-ended him, however lightly it was, and have him claim thousands of dollars of fake medical bills ?

Six years ago my mother-in-law tapped a car while she was backing out of a parking spot at the grocery store. There happened to be a cop driving through on patrol and the lady who mom-in-law hit flags him down. She tells the cop that mom-in-law hit her and put a scratch in her bumper...to which the cop replies "which one, there are about a dozen all over the bumper". He writes a report and indicates there is minor superficial damage to the car.

THREE YEARS LATER mom-in-law receives a letter informing her that she is being sued for damages to the car as well as for pain and suffering...to the tune of $60K. The insurance company ended up settling out of court for $45K.

Granted, she didn't have to fork over the $45K, but she had numerous phone calls from the insurance company as they investigated everything...had to appear in court...etc.

So $200 might not be a bad deal after all :D

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Six years ago my mother-in-law tapped a car while she was backing out of a parking spot at the grocery store. There happened to be a cop driving through on patrol and the lady who mom-in-law hit flags him down. She tells the cop that mom-in-law hit her and put a scratch in her bumper...to which the cop replies "which one, there are about a dozen all over the bumper". He writes a report and indicates there is minor superficial damage to the car.

THREE YEARS LATER mom-in-law receives a letter informing her that she is being sued for damages to the car as well as for pain and suffering...to the tune of $60K. The insurance company ended up settling out of court for $45K.

Granted, she didn't have to fork over the $45K, but she had numerous phone calls from the insurance company as they investigated everything...had to appear in court...etc.

So $200 might not be a bad deal after all :D

This riles me the **** up.

people are so GD stupid these days.

60,000 for a minor scratch on a car and "pain and suffering"?

I am assuming there was an occupant in the vehicle as your mom bumped it?

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Dude, hate to say it Mick, but you should have given him $200 and run for the hills. They can't just do "touch up" paint most of the time, because paint fades. So they will most likely replace the bumper. Problem is, its not just that easy - they have to sand and paint the new bumper, which is labor intensive. You're looking at $3-400 easily, depending on the body shop he goes to.

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Can you get the pic up on here..To be honest, if it can't be buffed out, $200 seems on the conservative side to me.

Taking the picture was definately a good thing to do.

The scratches were located near the "square" on the bottom right of the bumper. But they're so superficial that they're completely invisible in this pic.

I even BRIGHTENED the pic 2 levels higher, and they still don't show up !


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So $200 might not be a bad deal after all :D
$200 sounds like a good deal.
Dude, hate to say it Mick, but you should have given him $200 and run for the hills. They can't just do "touch up" paint most of the time, because paint fades. So they will most likely replace the bumper. Problem is, its not just that easy - they have to sand and paint the new bumper, which is labor intensive. You're looking at $3-400 easily, depending on the body shop he goes to.

I didn't have the $200 on me, and if I pay him now, I need some special document that releases me from further liability.

But EVEN THEN, I'll bet he could later claim a physical injury, due to a delayed effect AFTER he signed it. So I could end up paying him the $200 AND getting sued, couldnt I ?

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To my amazement he demands money for it. Then I look and see what kind of car it is, a very new BMW, and then realize why he's makin such a big deal out of it. So he says to me in his foreign accent "You pay $200" for this.

That pic is of a Mercedes, not a BMW...not that it really matters. If you can't even see the scratches, it's kinda lame, but I'm no expert at how much a body shop or a dealership will charge to make it like new. Good luck.

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The scratches were located near the "square" on the bottom right of the bumper. But they're so superficial that they're completely invisible in this pic.

I even BRIGHTENED the pic 2 levels higher, and they still don't show up !


To my amazement he demands money for it. Then I look and see what kind of car it is, a very new BMW, and then realize why he's makin such a big deal out of it. So he says to me in his foreign accent "You pay $200" for this.

Obviously that isn't a picture of the car you hit.

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Should have given him you plate# instead of your lisence#. Then you could try to handle things properly since you're an honest man, but if he tried to screw you over or sue you you could say you've never met the man and that he probably just wrote down some random plate# from the parking lot.

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Dude, hate to say it Mick, but you should have given him $200 and run for the hills. They can't just do "touch up" paint most of the time, because paint fades. So they will most likely replace the bumper. Problem is, its not just that easy - they have to sand and paint the new bumper, which is labor intensive. You're looking at $3-400 easily, depending on the body shop he goes to.

My thoughts exactly and I'll add that if you give him money, make him sign a statement indicating he is not injured and that the matter is settled with no further chance at litigation.

If he refuses, get the old guy who beat your ass in that movie clip to go take some batting practice on his knees.


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My thoughts exactly and I'll add that if you give him money, make him sign a statement indicating he is not injured and that the matter is settled with no further chance at litigation.

If he refuses, get the old guy who beat your ass in that movie clip to go take some batting practice on his knees.


Should I have a lawyer prepare the statement, or is it simple enough that I could phrase it ?

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So for the record, it was a Mercedes I hit, not a BMW.

My mistake, in the stress of it all.


You certainly aren't having the greatest of months. But I think you did the right thing by not giving him the $200. Unfortuantley, it seems like you admitted guilt by the statement.

Did the cops show or are you and him going to handle it?

I agree with most that its more than likely going to be well over $200 for the cost, but your statement about him coming back for more money due to injury or something else is certainly possible

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You certainly aren't having the greatest of months. But I think you did the right thing by not giving him the $200. Unfortuantley, it seems like you admitted guilt by the statement.

Did the cops show or are you and him going to handle it?

I agree with most that its more than likely going to be well over $200 for the cost, but your statement about him coming back for more money due to injury or something else is certainly possible

No, there were no cops involved, or witnesses that I'm aware of.

In fact, it's my understanding, that if the damage is estimated by an officer to be less than $500, the office will tell you to deal with each other's insurance companies.

But I didn't give him my insurance info.

I wonder, if he DOES try to sue me later, for supposed "medical" reasons, can I get my insurance company to deal with that, or will it be too late to get them involved ?

Maybe I just need to talk to a lawyer.

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What if I just "let it go" and see what it does. I know I was wrong, but it bothers me that someone would make such a big deal out of something almost invisible. Can he do anything legally with that note I wrote ?

Dude that's like a $45k car, I can't say I would be happy about it. Also, touch up paint doesn't look good and would probably be more noticable than the scratches.

If he wants to get the scratches fixed, I would say you probably going to pay $500.00. BTW, don't let your insurance catch wind of this.

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