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Whats the penalty for quitting Marine Boot Camp?


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So does your brother want to quit, or do you want him to quit ?

Seems pretty stupid to join any branch, even under false pretenses and not potentially think you may go to war.

Hell, no one said it was easy. That's the problem with kids these days, always quitting instead of finishing their commitment. It's not like he was drafted.

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Thanks for that stoney,

I had to reply to your previous post b/c it rubbed me the wrong way when I know what some of my family (and a few friends) had to go through while in the military.

Again, good luck with your brother.

Thanks. I appreciate it.

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I was never lied to by a recruiter. I was lied to in boot camp when I filled out my dream sheet. (Where you get to "pick" where you want to be stationed.)

But if your brother leaves he won't be eligible for any Veteran's benefits and some jobs also won't hire you if they find out he was in the military and he has anything but an honorable discharge. And if it's money he's worried about when they send him over to Iraq hes pays no federal taxes and gets combat pay. Plus, the military takes care of their own and already having a kid it would be a good idea, health insurance, dental all that stuff, for him to stay in. I say he should stick it out. Boot camp is nothing but a big mind game. Just do what they tell you when they tell you and he should have no problems.

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That's the problem with kids these days, always quitting instead of finishing their commitment.

Damn whippersnappers. Always with their rap music and their eye-pods and their spacebooks. When I was their age, I had to walk five miles uphill both ways just to post on a Redskins message board....

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Damn whippersnappers. Always with their rap music and their eye-pods and their spacebooks. When I was their age, I had to walk five miles uphill both ways just to post on a Redskins message board....

Whippersnappers were barely a tingle in Dads pants when there was still good rap music.

Generation Ipod does behave like they are entitled and if they did walk 5 miles uphill they would help reduce the obesity crisis.

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I would certainly recommend that he stay in. I have a few friends that dropped out of Boot Camp when we were younger and to this day they regret it.

He simply broke rule #1 in the recruiting process. Rule #1 for those that are uninitiated is "always get any promises that a recruiter makes in writing.

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Im so sick of all the veterens who think they are so high and mighty because they served. Get off your high horse.

I posted my advice before I read this.... retracted, apologized for, not meant... whatever the case, We earned the right to sit atop this high horse.

Your little inconsiderate ass would be speaking german if it werent for veterans.

I think you should really think before you speak. I would spend the rest of the day sending PMs to any and all veterans on this board asking for their forgivness of your outright stupidity.

Regardless of your political views on current events, never, ever put down a veteran... We did what your whiny ***** ass is scared to do! All that should come out of your mouth concerning veterans is "Thank You".

btw - You are Welcome!

sorry if this offends anyone but I served and am proud that I served. I am certainly raising my kids to appreciate what that means. I don't even have to prompt them anymore, as soon as they see someone in uniform they walk right up and thank them.

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I posted my advice before I read this.... retracted, apologized for, not meant... whatever the case, We earned the right to sit atop this high horse.

Your little inconsiderate ass would be speaking german if it werent for veterans.

I think you should really think before you speak. I would spend the rest of the day sending PMs to any and all veterans on this board asking for their forgivness of your outright stupidity.

Regardless of your political views on current events, never, ever put down a veteran... We did what your whiny ***** ass is scared to do! All that should come out of your mouth concerning veterans is "Thank You".

btw - You are Welcome!

sorry if this offends anyone but I served and am proud that I served. I am certainly raising my kids to appreciate what that means. I don't even have to prompt them anymore, as soon as they see someone in uniform they walk right up and thank them.

It amazing that you could be so brave and tough to serve, than on the other hand so weak and fragile to let a post by a random person get you so upset. Sad....really sad. If a veterans putting me down Ill do the same. So once again, get off your ****ing high horse.

And just because I actually did well in school and didnt have to resort to joining service doesn't make me ***** thats scared to do what you did.

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It amazing that you could be so brave and tough to serve, than on the other hand so weak and fragile to let a post by a random person get you so upset. Sad....really sad. If a veterans putting me down Ill do the same. So once again, get off your ****ing high horse.

I would suggest you quit while you can. It's not a sign of weakness that offensive posts would be found, well, offensive.

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It amazing that you could be so brave and tough to serve, than on the other hand so weak and fragile to let a post by a random person get you so upset. Sad....really sad. If a veterans putting me down Ill do the same. So once again, get off your ****ing high horse.

I'm not about to get in a pissing match with you. The thing that pissed me off is the disrespect you show towards veterans. I don't care if you are a random person or standing in front of me (though it's much safer for you to be random) spouting the arrogance and stupidity you are will get me upset.

The other thing to keep in mind is just because you are a scared ***** doesnt mean that your brother is. As well as you have tried to hide the true intentions of your posts, it's you that wants him out.

And for the record: You want me off my high horse, come knock me off of it! :D

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It amazing that you could be so brave and tough to serve, than on the other hand so weak and fragile to let a post by a random person get you so upset. Sad....really sad. If a veterans putting me down Ill do the same. So once again, get off your ****ing high horse.

And just because I actually did well in school and didnt have to resort to joining service doesn't make me ***** thats scared to do what you did.

wow this kid is off his rocker. How can you be so disrespectful?

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Tell him to man up.

I guarantee this is what probably happend - and I bet the recruiter didn't lie

Your brother got paid, it wasn't as much as he thought cause your first few paychecks are cut in half to pay for your uniforms that you think are free. And not sure if you get BAH/BAS right away....cause if he does get kicked out the gov't can't recoop that because allowances are untouchable during CO's Mast or in his case ADSEPs. They would chalk that up as a loss - believe those start up after boot camp.

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It amazing that you could be so brave and tough to serve, than on the other hand so weak and fragile to let a post by a random person get you so upset. Sad....really sad. If a veterans putting me down Ill do the same. So once again, get off your ****ing high horse.

And just because I actually did well in school and didnt have to resort to joining service doesn't make me ***** thats scared to do what you did.

WOW. I tried to resist posting because I thought you had learned your lesson the first time you had badmouthed veterans.

Stop making people our age and generation look bad. Every veteran ... EVERY veteran should be thanked end of question. They put their lives on the line so that you and I can say stupid **** (like you did above) walk on our streets, own our houses and live happy lives.

I'm sorry your brother didn't think before he made his decision. But sometimes its necessary to man up in life. There are far worse things in this world than Iraq, supporting your country even if you don't support the war, and following through on your promise.

I have the ability to pursue my dreams in life because a veteran put his life on the line for my freedoms.

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It amazing that you could be so brave and tough to serve, than on the other hand so weak and fragile to let a post by a random person get you so upset. Sad....really sad. If a veterans putting me down Ill do the same. So once again, get off your ****ing high horse.

And just because I actually did well in school and didnt have to resort to joining service doesn't make me ***** thats scared to do what you did.

Oh, and so then you edit and add more.

And that pissed me off. I'm not in the military, but am in law enforcement and people make the same judgement calls there as well. And I have several family members that were in the military. And there weren't any brighter people that I've met.

So I hope there is never a time when you need someone to come to your aid. Because you and your pompous *** don't deserve help or respect whatsoever.

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