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Impeachment Resolution


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Not to accuse you of being a conservative, but wasn't the impeachment of other presidents also stupid and counterproductive?

Sounds to me like the Democrats want payback.

Yes it was stupid and cuonterproductive last time too.

And the Democrats do not actually want payback, or Pelosi would support this.

Kucinich wants to grandstand, plain and simple.

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Dennis Kucinich, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi.....no, we're not gonna vote to drill for more oil, and we're certainly not gonna build any new oil refineries! It's much more beneficial to get paid off by lobbyists who represent environmental kooks instead.....let the people eat cake if gas goes to $5 a gallon!

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Dennis Kucinich, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi.....no, we're not gonna vote to drill for more oil, and we're certainly not gonna build any new oil refineries! It's much more beneficial to get paid off by lobbyists who represent environmental kooks instead.....let the people eat cake if gas goes to $5 a gallon!

Curious what this has to do with the original post.

The original post specifically said that Pelosi refuses to consider impeachment proceedings.

Did you even read it? Or did you just have an unrelated rant that you needed to get off your chest?

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And the Democrats do not actually want payback, or Pelosi would support this.

No, they absolutely want payback. If the thought they had a chance in hell of proving ANYTHING, they'd be on this like white on rice.

Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.

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It seems very probable that Bush has done a number of things worthy of investigation. He has certainly at the minimum done a tightwire act with the Constitution. However, at this point, the Summer of his last year in office. It's pointless and counterproductive. By the time an impeachment investigation and trial really got going, the next guy would be sworn in.

Edit: On the payback side, I think that there are some who are honestly disgusted and frustrated with the way this Administration has acted. I think there are some who want payback. I think the motivation for payback has ebbed somewhat though as he became a lame duck. Electionwise, Bush is an advantage to the Democrats right now, but in general I agree, there's been way too much gamesmanship over actual stewardship done by government over the last 16 years.

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Curious what this has to do with the original post.

The original post specifically said that Pelosi refuses to consider impeachment proceedings.

Did you even read it? Or did you just have an unrelated rant that you needed to get off your chest?

No, he means the Dems have been in power now for two years and have done squat, except try to get us to retreat from Iraq,start impreachment proceedings and investigate steroids in baseball

Meanwhile gas keeps going up beause Dems won't peal back some laws and let us drill.

You know those evil oil men, Bush and Cheney, would be all over drilling, were it allowed by the Dems

And yet there they sit..................

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On C-Span being introduced by Dennis Kucinich


Doubt it gets anywhere really...but lately all the political talk has been either McCain or Obama....figured this was a change of pace.

I doubt many liberal democrates will vote to impreach Bush... I mean Dick Cheney is the Vice President after all.

Mr. 4th branch of government!!!

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I doubt many liberal democrates will vote to impreach Bush... I mean Dick Cheney is the Vice President after all.

Mr. 4th branch of government!!!

I agree...I think that is the main reason many won't vote in favor of it...it would be like giving Dracula the keys to the blood-bank.

Of course if it did happen Cheney would be lving a charmed life...shot a guy in the face and became leader of the free-world...only in America!

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