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Impeachment Resolution


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No, they absolutely want payback. If the thought they had a chance in hell of proving ANYTHING, they'd be on this like white on rice.

Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.

I'm not fooling myself.

If they really wanted payback, they wouldn't care whether or not they could prove anything. The impeachment itself would be the goal, just as it was against Clinton.

The Democrats don't want payback. Not because they are virtuous, but because they would rather win the upcoming election, and they think that starting impeachment proceedings would probably backfire against them politically.

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I agree...I think that is the main reason many won't vote in favor of it...it would be like giving Dracula the keys to the blood-bank.

Of course if it did happen Cheney would be lving a charmed life...shot a guy in the face and became leader of the free-world...only in America!

don't forget the man he shot publicly apologized to Cheney for putting his face in front of his gun. :laugh:

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I know you hate liberals and all, but this thread is hardly a liberal circle jerk.

Hate is a strong word Predicto, and you'd be hard pressed to find where I've ever stated I hate liberals. I just find there fairy tale socialized thinking to be hazardous and damn near the border of lunacy, but thats a different topic.

Now back to my circle jerk comment, any thread that involves the following words "impeachment" and "Bush" will become a liberal circle jerk thread, history does tend to repeat itself in threads around here.

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don't forget the man he shot publicly apologized to Cheney for putting his face in front of his gun. :laugh:

I know...as Jon Stewart said, "How powerful are you? When the guy you shot in the face gets on TV and says, 'my bad,'"

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Wow 2 presidents in a row. Thats progress. Used to be 100 years between this things no one every 8-10 years...Watch out next pres!!!

This is defenitly payback for Clinton. And for those that want to impeech due to the war, does that mean we get to impeech certian senetors as well?

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Shhhhh, don't let facts get in the way of a libby circle jerk thread.

The fact is the only reason Nixon resigned was because his allies in congress told him they didn't have the votes to defeat his imprechment motion and conviction..

Thus the fact Nixxon resigned before he was impeached is historical trivia. The reason for Nixon's leaving office tie directly to watergate and the impreachment hearings. Nixxon just beat them to the punch.

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The fact is the only reason Nixon resigned was because his allies in congress told him they didn't have the votes to defeat his imprechment motion and conviction..

Thus the fact Nixxon resigned before he was impeached is historical trivia. The reason for Nixon's leaving office tie directly to watergate and the impreachment hearings. Nixxon just beat them to the punch.

Than the correct statement would be that he resigned before impeachment, not that he was impeached. It's not historical trivia, it's how it happened. Nixon's situation is actually one that irritates me to no end, only because even my college professors constantly referred to him "having been impeached" and constantly had to be reminded that he resigned before impeachment. Of course there response was similar to yours, "same thing". Not at all, especially in a history class.

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Than the correct statement would be that he resigned before impeachment, not that he was impeached. It's not historical trivia, it's how it happened. Nixon's situation is actually one that irritates me to no end, only because even my college professors constantly referred to him "having been impeached" and constantly had to be reminded that he resigned before impeachment. Of course there response was similar to yours, "same thing". Not at all, especially in a history class.

You're right, but he would have been and should have been.

Nixon was a crook, I'm not sure if you're defending him or the historical facts. I hope its not Nixon.

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You're right, but he would have been and should have been.

Nixon was a crook, I'm not sure if you're defending him or the historical facts. I hope its not Nixon.

Historical facts. Nixon actually did some good things in office, watergate however was and is a disaster of enormous proportions.

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Anyone have a link to the language of Kucinich's proposal? I'm curious as to what issues he's basing this on.

If it's Iraq, I'll join the "he's a counterproductive loon," crowd.

If it's NSA and mail-opening, he's got my full support.

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Just saw on FOX it's over Iraq and "election tampering." (Psh, yeah.)

I thought for a second that someone in Washington gave a damn about my Constitutional rights. I should have known better. :doh:

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Every time impeachment was seriously pursued, the opposing party took the White House in the next election. But I think this is a case of too little, too late. Besides, do we really want to put Cheney in charge?

Why would either Bush or Cheney deserve impeachment? They didn't sleep with a freakin' White House intern the last I checked. And don't give me the war crap. If you want to discuss that then make a separate thread and I'd be happy to join in.

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Just saw on FOX it's over Iraq and "election tampering." (Psh, yeah.)

I thought for a second that someone in Washington gave a damn about my Constitutional rights. I should have known better. :doh:

Election tampering?

Is this about 2000?

Jeez, let it go Dennis.

Oh and what the hell were you thinking H_H, we don't have rights anymore.

That is, if you're white :D

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Why would either Bush or Cheney deserve impeachment? They didn't sleep with a freakin' White House intern the last I checked. And don't give me the war crap. If you want to discuss that then make a separate thread and I'd be happy to join in.

Clinton's impeachment was about perjury, and Bush has arguably done much worse.

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